Direct Shear Test Apparatus
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Marshall Stability Test Apparatus
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We are engaged in designing Marshall Stability Test Apparatus since 8 years and have established our name among the leading Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters of Marshall Stability Test Apparatus from Delhi, India. Marshall Stability Test Apparatus is extensively used for measuring the resistance to plastic flow of cylindrical specimen of bituminous pouring mixture loaded on the lateral surface. Our offered apparatus is highly robust and is suitable for handling hot mixture containing tar or asphalt. The Apparatus Consists of : A loading unit motorized capacity 50 KN with two telescopic pillars and an adjustable cross head. Limit switches are fitted inside to control upward or downward movement of the pillars. On-off reversing switch and indicator lamps are on the front side while a hand wheel to manually move the pillars is on the right. The load frame has fixed speed of 50.8 mm per minute. Operated on 230 Volts A.C. Compaction pedestal with specimen mould holder- 1 No. Compaction Rammers, 4.5 kg weight and free fall 45.7 cm.- 2 Nos. Breaking head assembly with provision to fix flow meter.- 1 No Specimen mould 10.16cm ID x 7.6 cm high with base plate and extension collar- 3 Nos 6Kit for specimen extraction, consists of one each load transfer bar, steel ball, specimen extracting Plate- 1 No
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Consolidation Test Apparatus
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Loading Unit, maximum capacity 20 kg/cm2 consisting of a loading yoke connected to a lever arm with a counter- balancing adjustment and having a lever ratio of 1:10, the whole assembly being mounted on a steel frame stand. · Consolidation cell assembly, fixed ring type for testing 60 mm dia x 20 mm thick specimens comprising: · Fixed ring for specimens 60 mm dia x 20 mm thick with a guide ring. · Top porous stone for 60 mm dia specimen. · Bottom porous stone for 60 mm dia specimen. · Pressure pad, perforated · Channeled base with water inlet. · Gasket. · Flanged water jacket, · Set of weights to give a pressure of 10 kg/cm2 on 60 mm specimen. Comprising: 7 off 0.05 kg/cm2, 5 off 0.1 kg/cm2, 6 off 0.2 kg/cm2, 6 off 0.5 kg/cm2, and 5 off 1.0 kg/cm2. · Water reservoir with plastic tube, T-connection and pinch cock. · Dial gauge, 0.01 mm x 25 mm travel
Ductility Testing Apparatus
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We manufacturer, Supplier & Exporter of Asphalt Ductility Testing Apparatus. In flexible pavement construction, bitumen binders are used. It is important that bituminous material forms ductile thin film around the aggregates, which serves as a binder. The binder material not of sufficient ductility renderspervious pavement surface and leads to development of cracks. Therefore it is important to carry out the ductility tests on bitumenous material.
Concrete Testing Slump Cone
1,050 Per Piece
Hydrodynamic Sieve Test Apparatus
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Soil reinforcement is a recent and fast developing technique to improve soil behaviour for a variety of civil engineering works; e.g. earth retaining structures, slope stability, land slides protection works, pavement, etc.In order to utilise fully the strength of reinforcement material while transferring load and forces via soil or aggregate to the reinforcement, a correct assessment of the soil/reinforcement frictional relationship is essential. The frictional properties can be assessed by means of a shear box which is modified either to conduct a 'Modified Shear Test' or 'Pullout Test'. In the former test, reinforcement material is placed and clamped in the plane of shear with soil above the fabric, whereas in the later test, the fabric placed between the top and bottom shear boxes is covered on both sides with soil and is then pulled out to evaluate the frictional resistance. This interface friction measurement apparatus has been specially designed to evaluate both 'frictional' as well as 'pull out resistance' of soil reinforcing materials at a shear rate and drainage condition desired by the designer.The percentage passing of different fractions determines the porometry of the geotextile investigated. In the Hydrodynamic Sieving Method, the geotextile specimen, loaded with a certain quantity of glass bead fraction, is continuously rotated in a water trough, forcing the glass beads to pass through the geotextile openings. The apparatus consists of two test drums of 14 cm dia and 7 cm effective length with 16 nos. of 4 mm dia rods provided circumferentially at equal spacing to hold the geotextile specimen in position. Two troughs to contain the test drums are supported onhorizontal axis, facilitating free rotation and capable of being filled with distilled water to a level of 20 mm below the drum axis. The clearance between the trough and the geotextile could be maintained at about 40 mm.The apparatus is provided with a motor drive and a change gear assembly to enable rotation of the drums at a speed of 5 rpm to 30 rpm.For conducting the test, the geotextile specimen is cut and stitched to get a shape of 14 cm dia and 10 cm length to insert over the drum tightly, after immersing the specimen in distilled water for one hour, and secured by rubber 'O’ rings. After placing 50g of smallest size glass beads inside the drum, the lid is secured and the drum with the geotextile placed in distilled water to the desired level and rotated at 20 rpm for 1,500 cycles. In order to get the optimum filtration opening size, the drum is rotated at a speed of 5 rmp to 30 rpm for 250 to 2,500 revolutions. The percentage of beads passed through the geotextile by dry weight is determined. The test is repeated with increasing size of glass beads till less than 5% of the beads by weight pass through the geotextile.Details : Product Code: EKE 243 EKE 24201 Rounded Beads, made of glass, size 0.85 mm (passing 1 mm and retained at 0.85 mm) EKE 24202 Rounded Beads, made of glass, size 0.425 mm (passing 0.85 mm and retained at 0.425 mm) EKE 24203 Rounded Beads, made of glass, size 0.25 mm (passing 0.425 mm and retained at 0.25 mm) EKE 24204 Rounded Beads, made of glass, size 0.18 mm (passing 0.25 mm and retained at 0.18 mm) EKE 24205 Rounded Beads, made of glass, size 0.15 mm (passing 0.18 mm and retained at 0.15 mm) EKE 24206 Rounded Beads, made of glass, size 0.075 mm (passing 0.15 mm and retained at 0.075 mm) Accessory EKE 24301 Spare Drum
Blaine Air Permeability Apparatus
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Slump Test Apparatus
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Brazilian Test Apparatus
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Standrad: IS:10082 EKE 20701 Loading Frame, fitted with hand operated Hydraulic Loading Jack of 200 kN (20,000 kgf) capacity provided with self retracting Piston, pair of Plane PlatensEKE 20702 Pair of Semi-Circular Jaws, for 50 mm dia samplesEKE 20703 Load Gauge, 0-200 kN (20,000 kgf) x 1 kN (100 kgf) capacity, provided with maximum Load Indicator Optional ExtrasEKE 20704 Pair of Jaws, for 60 mm dia samplesEKE 20705 Pair of Jaws, for 70 mm dia samplesEKE 20706 Pair of Jaws, for 80 mm dia samplesEKE 20707 Pair of Jaws, for 90 mm dia samplesEKE 20708 Pair of Jaws, for 100 mm dia samples The instrument is designed to test specimens from 50 mm dia to 100 mm dia having thickness equal to half the diameter. A pair of loading jaws, designed so as to contact a disc shaped sample at diametrically opposed surfaces over an arc of contact of about 10 degrees at failure, is supplied. The set of jaws supplied with the equipment is designed for 50 mm dia specimen and therefore it is essential to order jaws for respective sizes, if other diameter samples are to be tested. A set of plain platens are provided with the jack which enable testing of cube and circular specimens upto 50 mm size for compressive strength.
Marshall Stability Test Apparatus
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The firm is known for building efficient apparatus for carrying out the Marshall Stability Test. The Marshall Stability Test Apparatus is applicable to hot mix designs by availing bitumen and aggregates. In this procedure, the resistance to plastic deformation of cylindrical specimen of bituminous mixture is calculated when the same is loaded at periphery at 5 cm per min. The two prime features of the Marshall method of designing mixes are Density : Voids AnalysisStability : Flow Tests This test method is used in the design and evaluation of bituminous paving mixes. The test method is widely used in routine test programmers for paving works. Specifications A loading unit motorized, capacity 5000kgf with two telescopic pillars and an adjustable cross head. The Limit switches are attached inside to regulate the upward or downward movement of the pillars. On off reversing switch and indicator lamps are on the front side while a hand wheel to manually displace the pillars is on the right side. The load frame has fixed speed of 5.80cm per minute, which is operated on 230 volts AC3 Specimen mold 10.16cm I.D. x 7.6cm high with base plate and extension collarOne Kit for specimen extraction that consists of one each load transfer bar, steel ball and specimen extracting plateOne number compaction pedal with specimen mold holder1 Breaking head assembly with provision to fix flow meterThe Marshal Stability of mix can be defined as a maximum load carried by a compacted specimen at a standard test temperature of 60oC
Plate Bearing Test Apparatus
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This is for estimating the bearing capacity of shallow foundations in situ and for the design of flexible pavement. In the test procedure a steel plate is subjected to gradually increasing load and settlements of the plates recorded 50 tonne hydraulic jack with separate pumping unit fixed to it a 0 - 500KN x 0.5KN. 1No. Pressure gauge and flexible metal pipe 5 mtr. long 1No.Special ball and socket arrangement between the jack and the bearing plate 1 No.Extension rod 12mm dia x 25 cm long for taking dial gauge readings 16 Nos.Magnetic base with female thread on top for holding extension rod 4 Nos.Top end plate, 50mm, dia with male thread for fitting onto the extension rods and positioning the dial gauge plunger 4 Nos.Column 15cm dia x 25cm long with flanges complete with four bolts and nuts 2 Nos.Column 15cm dia x 50cm long with flanges complete with four bolts and nuts 1 No.Bridge support of welded steel angle construction, 5 mtr. Span and stands approximately 30 cm. High. Fitted with two quick release clamps a for positioning and holding the dial bracket 2 Nos.Plane M.S. plate 60cms x 60cm .Square x 60 cms. Square x 25mm thick.Plane M.S. plate 45cm x 45cm x square x 25mm thick.Plane M.S. plate 30 cms x 30 cms x 25mmthick. Dial Gauge 0.01mm x 25mm - 4 Nos. Accessories: Plane M.S. 75mm x 25mm thick Plane M.S. 50cm x 25mm thick Grooved M.S. plate 60cms x 60cms x 25mm thick Grooved M.S. plate 45cms x 45cms x 25mm thick Grooved M.S. plate 30cms x 30cms x 25mm thick Grooved M.S. plate 75cms x 75cms x 25mm thick
Bitumen Testing Machine
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KEWIL Ring and Ball Apparatus Ring and ball apparatus is meant for determining soft point of bitumen. Using various scientific principles it is also used in petroleum industry, construction projects, paint industry etc. The ring & ball apparatus is used to determine the temperature at which a sample of bituminous material loaded by a steel ball of 9.5 mm diameter, drops a specified distance when heated under specified conditions. It is used to determine softening point of bitumen.
Smoke Density Test Apparatus
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The apparatus is designed to measure the smoke density from the burning or decomposition of plastics as per the requirement of the ASTM D 2843 standard. The apparatus consists of smoke chamber and control console. The white background will permit observations of the flame, smoke and burning characteristics of the material. The viewing of the exit sign help to correlate the visibility and measured values. The specimen is supported on a 64 m.m. base and is equidistant from all sides of the chamber. The screen will lie on a stainless steel bezel supported by a rod through the right side of the chamber. From the same rod a similar bezel located. This rod supports a square of asbestos paper which cactus any material that drip from the specimen during the test. By rotation of the specimen holder rod, the burning specimen is quenched in a shallow pan of water positioned below the specimen holder. At the above location and out side the chamber tubular boxes containing the light source with necessary lens and mirror on one side and a special photocell with a set of baffles to prevent stray light, on the other side are provided. The light source is fitted inside the tubular box on the left hand side of the chamber. The source consists of a lamp with a regulated power supply fitted with a reflector mirror, and a converging lens. The reflector lens arrangements make the light beam on the photocell housed in the right hand side box. The percentage of light absorbed will be displayed through a linear amplifier digital electronic photometer with 0% to 100% absorbency scale with auto calibration system.
Thermal Stability Test Apparatus
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SIGMA Thermal Stability Test Apparatus is used to measure check Thermal stability of PVC insulation & sheath of Electric cables as per IS:5831. Measures Thermal stability time in minutes required to change the pH value of 5 to 3 of a universal indicating pH paper placed in a glass tube containing sample and heated in a PID controlled heating chamber at specified temp. of 200°C ±0.5°C.
bitumen testing equipment
150,000 Per Piece
Bitumen Testing Apparatus
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Unique design of ventilation keeps the surface of the instruments from being Burnt even when the instruments i.e. Oven Temperature maintained at 200°C, Kanthal A-1 Super quality coil shaped & Air heater tubular model wound on sideon the back of the Oven for better accuracy, Toughened Glass view window to observe Test the material without disturbing the Temperature condition of the chamber.
Flammability Test Apparatus
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We are offering flammability test apparatus. The flame-retardant characteristics of electric cables depends upon, raw material used during manufacture, design & external circumstances.several tests have been designed to determine the flammability of the material used in cable or even the fire properties of bunch of cables.
Salt Spray Chamber, Corrosion Test Apparatus
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Backed by a team of expert professional associates, who are having years of experience in the domain, we are rendering salt spray chamber or corrosion test apparatus. The offered product-line finds it used in different industrial applications and are widely acclaimed for its reliability and durability. Apart from this, the offered range is offered at the most market-leading price. features: digital indicators cum controller/indicator digital timer (999 hours) humidity meter with sensor mist dispersion automizer drainage system heating system hanging provision/rack provision air regulator air filter fog collection unit
Bitumen Testing Machine
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Bitumen Testing Machine, Soil Testing Equipment, Concrete Testing Equipment
leak test apparatus
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industrial electric ovens, Ultrasonic Bath, hplc column oven, Bod Monitor
Salt Spray Test Apparatus
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We are leading supplier of huge range of Salt Spray Test Apparatus.
Thermal Stability Test Apparatus
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Thermal Stability Test Apparatus, Sigma Digital Earth Resistance Tester
bitumen testing equipment
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bitumen testing equipment, automatic soil compactor