Tissue Culture Microscope
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Buy Tissue Culture Microscope made using top-grade raw materials at competitive prices form us. We are among the best Suppliers in town. We make use of the finest grade raw material that reflects in the finished products. Also, we make sure that it is procured from the trusted places only.
Tissue Culture Microscope
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Best Deals from Tissue Culture Microscope
Binocular Inverted Tissue Culture Microscope
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Binocular Inverted Tissue Culture Microscope that we manufacture and supply is extensively in demand owing to its accuracy. Our Binocular Inverted Tissue Culture Microscopes Vision Plus - 6000 BTCM is specifically designed in conformation with the scientific standards. Our microscope is thoroughly checked against various quality parameters before making the final dispatch. We make available our Binocular Inverted Tissue Culture Microscope at very affordable rates.
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Inverted binocular Microscope for tissue culture examination having coarse and fline adjustment, incident lamp with variable light control arrangement, straight tube for photomicrography, with long working distance objectives and binocular head, complete with following optics in box. LWD Objectives (5x, 10x 20x 40x) Wide Field Eye pieces (10 x (Paired))
Inverted Tissue Culture Microscope
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Binocular Inverted Tissue Culture Microscope with quadruple revolving nosepiece, equipped with Binocular Observation Head and best quality optical components having full prismatic optical path, large co-axial mechanical stage of size 165mm x 180mm, co-axial coarse & fine focussing knobs with adjustable tension control ring, variable intensity controlled built in base solid-state transformer, fitted with 6V 20 watts halogen bulb and illumination based on Keohler's system. Supplied with following optical combination in a storing box.
Tissue Culture Microscope
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Working with live cells involves providing some sort of medium to facilitate the growth of these cells. Whether this involves petri dishes or some other vessels, this necessitates a live cell microscope (tissue culture cell microscope) that will accommodate them. It also requires microscope objective lenses with longer working distances to be able to focus on the live cells through the bottom of these vessels.The WEIBER tissue culture microscopes can provide any combination of modalities for live cell work including brightfield, phase contrast, and fluorescence, or any combination of these modalities.
Tissue Culture Microscope
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Tissue Culture Microscope, Hardness Software, Digital Polishing Machine