Vishwa Jyotish Kendra Rajouri Garden, Delhi

  • palmistry services

    palmistry services

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    ALMISTRY The Indian (Hindu) palmistry has as its authorities Prahlada, Samudra and others. According to ancient Hindu palmistry (Samudrik Shastra) the origin and course of the major lines are: Life line (Jeevan Rekha) starts from the base of the palm from above the first bracket, circles half around the mount of Venusand ends below the mount of Jupiter and above the mount of Mars negative. The life line when read with the heart line indicates the longevity. Subsidiary lines arising from the life line towards the mounts of Mercury, Sun, Saturn or Jupiter are called the rising lines, which indicate the rises in life in the field indicated by the mount towards which these rising lines travel. There are no descending lines for the life line. There can be out cuts, breaks, crosses and stars on it, which are signs of evil. A parallel line to the line of life on the side of the mount of venus is called 'Mars line' or 'the sister life line' which augments the life line. It is complimentary to life line, if the life line is good and supplimentary to it, if the life line is afflicted. Afflications could be breaks in the line, cuts or islands. The life line may start from an island or fork, which indicates an unfortunate childhood. The life line ending with a fork is both bad and good, depending on the position of the forked line. If one line of the fork goes into the Jupiter, it is good or if one line of the fork ends in a grill diseases like paralysis, loss of memory etc. are likely, as per the supportive indications of the palm. Fate line (Dhana Rekha, Karma Rekha) This line arises from the base of the palm, ascending towards the mount of Saturn. It is in the middle of the palm under ordinary conditions. But there could be many variations to it. (a) It may merge with the life line at its starting place to some distance, (b) It may be forked with one forked line entering Jupiter, Saturn or Sun mount and the other forked line entering the Mercury mount. The fork may have trident or a dident (three divergent lines or split into two lines) crosses, chain formation, islands, cuts, stars are the indications of misfortunes. In the absence of a good life line or defective life line not supplemented by a Mars line, the fate line acts or suppliments the life line, thus enhancing its strength to give fortune. There can be no fortune without life. Living itself against odds is a fortune. Head line: It starts from the base of the mount of Jupiter and above the Mars(-), extends towards the mount of Moon. It could be curved towards the mount of Moon, end at the base of mount of Moon or, at its middle or run parallel to the heart line (rarely). The line may be crescentic or angular. A crescentic line gives good intellect, an angular line (bent at an angle) gives peverted mind,a dropping head line ending at the base of lunar indicates suicidal tendencies, mental disorders, introversion etc. depending on the other factors of the hand. A cut indicates head injury, break indicates brain disorder, cross or star indicates head injury or danger to head. A chain like line makes the person idiotic. Heart line: Starts from the percussion at the base of the mount of Mercury and from the top of the mount of Mars positive and extends across the palm to the base of mount of Jupiter. This line may end below Sun, Saturn or Jupiter independently or merging with the line of head by bending towards it, but very rarely under mount of Mercury. A line of heart which is having a chain formation gives poor health,a fork gives immorality, health problems etc. depending on the nature of fork of the way each forked line runs. A descending line is bad, crosses, cuts, stars, breaks on the line of heart are danger signs.

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  • Life Predictions services

    Life Predictions services

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    Life Predictions If you want to know about your future this site offers you lifetime predictions on the basis of your horoscope erected with the help of your date time and place of birth. Will provide you insights into all the facets of your Life events with accurate timing of its happening which includes the following: Health Education Finance and business Career Purchase of vehicle Purchase of Property Romance and marriage predictions Children, Education Foreign travel etc. This detailed life prediction report includes predictions for the future, and Remedies/Solutions, which will not only solve current problems, but also ensure future happiness & prosperity by improving your Destiny & Life in the most simple and scientific manner. This is the most exhaustive, comprehensive study and report of almost each and every aspect and period of your life, which can not only change the course of your life, but also serve as an indispensable guiding force for the rest of your life. We would be requiring some of your past events of your life along with the approximate time/ day of the events. Correct and accurate prediction depends on accuracy of the natal horoscope provided to the astrologer. Therefore, it is always prudent for an astrologer to verify the horoscope given to him for predictions. We would be matching your horoscope with the past events provided by you, and if the time is not correct the events will not match, and then we would rectify the time according to the events provided by you. The past events could be marriage, love affair, education, job, transfer, suspension, accidents, illness etc. Our Report will contain the following information: Your Birth Ascendant, Sun Sign, Moon Sign and 'Nakshatra', according to Vedic Astrology. Complete Horoscope Charts with most accurate and specific calculations, including Birth Chart, Moon Chart, 'Navamsha' & 'Bhava' Charts. Time- periods or 'Dasa periods', as the planets transit, and how they influence you because of their position and these time-periods, the effect they shall have on your life, the direction they are bound to propel you in - Predictions based on this for the whole of your life. • Planetary Strength & Status of Various Areas of Life • Significances of Planets • Strength and Weaknesses of your horoscope • Dasha wise predictions ( for whole life) Your health, education, finance and business, Career, Purchase of vehicle, Purchase of Property, romance and marriage predictions with accurate timing of its happening, children, education, foreign travel etc. as per your Horoscope. Recommendations for Your Lucky Gem Stone as per Horoscope, it's ideal Weight, Color and Metal, Detailed wearing instructions & Mantra for the same, and other necessary Instructions and Precautions in order to get maximum benefit from wearing your lucky stone. Time-tested & result-oriented Vedic Remedies, Recommendation of your personal Mantra, Yantra after detailed Horoscope Analysis, to combat negative effects and increase positive influences, and help you lead a more happy, successful, peaceful and prosperous life in the present as well as future. You can clear your doubts at no extra cost, we will answers to your specific queries. We will answer any number of queries till you are fully satisfied. We are committed to give complete satisfaction to our customers.

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  • Lal Kitab Remedies

    Lal Kitab Remedies

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    Lal Kitab Remedies Lal-Kitab was originally from Persia, published in urdu language without the element of punctuation and sounds. Lal-Kitab has announced unique remedial measures to solve chronic and critical human problems in day-to-day life. The measures suggested in Lal Kitab are electrically effective in solving all kinds of human troubles and tensions, without inflicting harm on anybody i.e. these remedies are completely self defensive against the evils created by the planets without causing injury in anyway to anyone concerned. Lal-Kitab remedies are cheap and within the reach of the common man and are infallible. Lal-Kitab has also explained the science of palmistry in such comportment that each of the 42 divisions of the human brain have been related to the different houses of a man's birth chart in such a scientific manner that the sketch of the human brain reflects accurately on the lines of the palm. After analysing the horoscope in accordance with Lal-Kitab, of an individual, suggest unique remedial measures , to solve chronic and critical human problems in day to day life. It tries to suggest instant effective remedies in solving all kinds of human troubles and tensions, without inflicting harm on anybody i.e. these remedies to be completely self defensive against the evils created by the planets without causing injury in anyway to anyone concerned.

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  • vastu shastra services

    vastu shastra services

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    Vaastu Shastra Vaastu Shastra The traditional Indian architecture and design system, which specifies the detailed methodology of designing buildings, buying land etc. in order to maximize benefits from the same for the occupier. This system relies in harmonizing any real estate development with the five elements of Indian Mythology namely air, water, earth, fire and space. In other words, Vaastu is the science of building and essentially the art of balancing nature with man-made environment and correct placement of man in such a manner so as to get the maximum benefits of the energy emanated by natural and man-made environment. Before getting into the details of Vaastu Shastra, one should understand the basics, i.e. the nature, which consists of five elements Sky, Air, fire, Earth and Water. Vaastu is affected with positive power of three elements: the earth, the water, the fire (the sun). As stated earlier, Vaastu is an art of balancing nature with man-made structures or environment; therefore, while understanding the concept of Vaastu, study of environment or nature becomes imperative. The Earth was formed about 460 million years ago and it was a fiery ball. In due course of time, the rocks melted and the surface has formed and acquired magnetism due to the magnetic particles embedded within. It has two poles, North pole and South pole. Sky is the endless space available on the universe. The universal concept of sky is beyond the imagination and reaches of human being as it is a never-ending eternal development. The Air (Atmosphere) is composed of gases like oxygen, nitrogen, carbon-di-oxide, helium, neon, krypton and vapour. Oxygen is life saving gas indispensable to living organism. The Water: Due to rainfall from clouds, water flowed into low lying area of earth's surface and oceans were formed. The eternal water cycling is mystery of nature. The Sun: Sun plays a vital role in Vaastu Shastra. Which is source of life on earth and this is the reason why Sun is worshipped as an incarnation of God or the potential source of creation on the earth. Sun has vast source of heat generation. Due to the far distance from sun to earth, the earth receives only a fraction of the heat generated by sun and the same is sufficient for existence of living organism on earth. See the voluminous power of SUN the LIVING GOD!! The Vaastu Shastra has not only devised an order pertaining to the creation of manifested space, but have also ascertained a definitive link between time cycles and the life of a person. Both the inner and the outer states of being have been taken into consideration in all aspects of human existence, be it with regard to the placing of a dwelling, an image, or the size and position of any object within the matrix of the human society. History of Vaastru Shastra The science of Vaastu is considered an integral part of the Indian home. According to modern historians Ferguson, Havell and Cunningham, this science developed during the period of 6000 BC and 3000 BC. As it is purely a technical subject, it was confined only to the architects (Sthapathis) and handed over by word of mouth or hand-written monographs. The principles of construction, architecture and sculpture, as enunciated in the treatises on temple architecture, have been incorporated in the science of Vaastu. From ancient literature, we gather that Vaastu was treated as the science of construction of temples and royal palaces. In Amarakosa, a Sanskrit dictionary written by Amara Simha and epics like Skanda Purana, Agni Purana, Garuda Purana and Vishnu Purana, the principles pertaining to the science of Vaastu had been enunciated. Apart from these works, epics like the Bruhatsamhita, Vishnu Dharmottara Purana, Viswakarma Vaastu Sastra, Samarangana Sutra Dharana and Aparajita Prutchcha, have been responsible for Vaastu taking shape as a science. In the Matsya Purana, seventeen preceptors of Vaastu have been mentioned. They are Bhrugu, Atri, Vasista, Viswakarma, Maya, Narada, Nagnajit, Visalaksha, Purandara, Brahma, Kumaraswamy, Nandisa, Sounaka, Bhargava, Vasudeva, Anirudha, Sukra and Bruhaspathi. People in ancient India evolved various codes and systems for a living, which is contained in ancient scriptures like Vedas, Upanishads etc., to ensure peace, harmony and prosperity among people. With all their wisdom, they put forth this science of Vaastu Shastra, which has constantly been evolved since then, but without any difference in the basic philosophy or fundamentals. Vastushastra has clear-cut definitions- Vastu means abode or a house & Shastra means science or technology, i.e. it is the scientific method of house construction. Vastushastra considers a house to be a living soul, having prana. And therefore, this science in a way defines the relationship between man and the cosmos. Indian civilization is considered as one of the oldest in the world & hence Vaastu Shastra, Astrology etc. are also equally old sciences As astrology remains a speculative science than result oriented subject, the Vaastu Shastra is definitely a result oriented science if laid down as per its norm would definitely give positive result.

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  • Marriage Analysis

    Marriage Analysis

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    We provide services of marriage analysis. know the highs & lows of your marital life, the best times and the unfavourable too. Have periods as predicted through your horoscope, have unique, unexaggerated , unaltered and unbiased account of what the future holds in for you. know all about your future in a relation as revealed by your horoscope and interpreted by our experts. Each and every possible question will be answered through the astro- reports. to satisfy your curiosity to know the future and solve your problems through astrology, we suggest unique remedial measures to solve chronic and critical human problems in day-to-day life. Astro lalkitab after analyzing your horoscope, tries to suggest instant effective remedies in solving all kinds of human troubles and tensions, without inflicting harm on anybody i.e. These remedies are completely self defensive against the evils created by the planets without causing injury in anyway to anyone concerned. our experts after analyzing your horoscope in depth let you know the exact positions of your planets and how can they effect your life. Our astro experts would suggest you the suitable remedies, which could be wearing of kavach(amulet) or performing regular puja of yantra or mantra chanting. If necessary we would recommend you to perform specific puja for a particular planet(which could be done by you or you can request astroshastra to perform puja on your behalf).

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  • Gem Therapy

    Gem Therapy

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    We provide services of gem therapy. following are the gemstones relating to the nine planets or navagraha ruby (manik) : this is the gemstone that belongs to the sun which is considered as ruler of all the planets. it's colour varies from light pink to mystical deep red colour. If suited it can render very good results to the native including success in professional matters, fame, reputation and overall status. Medically it increases immunity and vitality among other benefits. On the other hand it can create serious physical problems and diseases among other problems if it is not suited. It is generally worn on the ring finger or the index finger and it should be worn on sunday morning after prayers. pearl (moti) :this gemstone belongs to the moon which is considered queen or mother of all the planets. Pearls are formed in shellfish especially oysters and mussels. It varies in colour from white to a hint of pink, blue and even black. If suited it blesses the native with happiness, luxury, good mental health among other benefits. It is usually worn on the ring finger, the little finger or the index finger and it should be worn on monday morning after prayer. yellow sapphire (pukhraj) :this gemstone belongs to jupiter. It varies in colour from light yellow to deep yellow. If suited it blesses the native with wealth, prosperity, good memory among other things. It is generally worn on the index finger or the ring finger and it should be worn on thursday morning after prayers. diamond (heera) : this gemstone belongs to venus. It is usually colourless and if suited it blesses the wearer with luxuries, comforts, charming personality and happiness among other things.since diamond is a very costly gemstone, white sapphire is commonly used as a substitute gemstone for diamond. It is generally worn on the middle finger or the little finger and it should be worn on friday mornings after prayers. red coral (moonga) : red coral belongs to mars. It is made of skeletal remains of some marine animals. It varies in colour from red to vermilion to pink and sometimes even white. If suited it blesses the native with strength, courage, good friends, good houses among other is generally worn on the ring finger or the index finger and it should be worn on tuesday morning after prayers. emerald (panna) : this gemstone belongs to mercury. It varies in colour from light to dark green. If suited it blesses the native with good communication skills, business, good health and memory among other things. It is generally worn on the little finger or the middle finger and it should be worn on wednesday morning after prayers. blue sapphire ( neelam) : the most enticing, the most mysterious, the most feared, and perhaps the most effective of all the gemstones belongs to none other than saturn. So many bad things have been spread about this gemstone that common people do not even dream of wearing it. But if suited it can turn your whole life much more faster than any other gemstone. It varies in colour from light blue to deep blue. This gemstone can bless you with wealth, health, luxury and so many other good things. But it can be very destructive if not suited to a is generally worn on the middle finger or the little finger and it should be worn on saturday morning after prayers. hessonite (gomed) : this gemstone belongs to rahu (north node) and varies in colour from light honey colour to dark honey colour. If suited it can bring sudden fortunes like winning of lotteries and instant successes in stock market to the wearer. But it can be a great disaster if not suited. It can cause ulcers, tumors, cancers, madness among other things. And in my experience it is not suitable for at least 70 to 80 percent of people. So be very careful while wearing this gemstone and monitor its effects closely for some days and weeks even if it is prescribed to you by some expert astrologer, and in case you find some unusual things like sudden misfortunes, sudden diseases, extreme short temperedness and insomnia, take it off. It is generally worn on the middle finger or the little finger and it should be worn on the day prescribed by the astrologer. cat's eye (lahsuniya) : this gemstone belongs to ketu (north node) and it can vary in so many colours from green to yellow to brown. It has a moving white line across the gemstone which gives the effect of a cat's eye. This gemstone if suited usually helps in career, business, spiritualism, meditation among other things. But again, like hessonite, this gemstone is also not suitable for 70 to 80 percent of people and can be as disastrous as hessonite. So be careful wearing is generally worn on the middle finger or the little finger and it should be worn on the day prescribed by the astrologer.

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  • Jyotish


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    We are service providers of astrology (horoscope and life prediction) love marriage arranged marriage problems business (gains / losses) job education homely problems misunderstanding between husband & wife problems related to child birth lost love foreign travel relaxation from loans kaal sarap dosh manglik dosh many more....

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  • Astrological Services

    Astrological Services

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  • Vastu Consultancy

    Vastu Consultancy

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About the Company

  • Primary Business Service Provider
  • Year of Establishment 1980
  • No. of Employees Below 20
  • Annual Turnover Below Rs. 0.5 Crore Approx.
  • Ownership Type Individual (Sole proprietorship)

Opening Hours

  • SUN : Closed
  • MON : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • TUE : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • WED : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • THU : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • FRI : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • SAT : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
Reknowned Pt. Sudesh Bhai Shastri ,from Rajasthan has many years experience in astrology, it was rewarded to him as ancestral inheritance by his ancestors. Not only a Graudtuate in Sanskrit he also hold expertise in Vastushastra , Hastrekha , Janampatri , Karamkand, Numerology, Face Reading, Gemstones. In virtue of his dedicated service in the shape of Pujas,havans etc,he holds not only eminent position in the society but also in the nation. He spent many years in detailed research and study of Astronomy, Astrology, Numerology, Gem-therapy, and Mantras etc. His sole motto was to solve the problems being faced by the people in different walks of life. Specialization Pt. Sudesh Bhai Shastri has done specialization in the fields of: Astrology (Horoscope and Life Prediction) Hasth Rekha Study (Future Study) Vasstu Shastra Numerology Gem Therapy Face Reading Rudraksh Beads Study of Astronomy and many more.... Pt. Sudesh Bhai ShastriFamous Services Pt. Sudesh Bhai Shastri has given 100% solutions to the needy persons in the following fields: Love Marriage Arranged Marriage Problems Business (Gains / Losses) Job Education Homely Problems Misunderstanding between Husband & Wife Problems related to Child Birth Lost Love Foreign Travel Relaxation from Loans Kaal Sarap Dosh Manglik Dosh Many More....
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Contact Information

Vishwa Jyotish Kendra

  • Mr. Pt Sudesh Bhai Shastri
  • Gt-24/1(a),Main Market Near Sai Baba Mandir Above Sat Guru Selection ,Rajauri Garden, Rajouri Garden, Delhi

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