Water Ring Vacuum Pumps
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Water Ring Type Vacuum Pumpsp Unlike oil sealed ones, water - ring vacuum pumps are capable of creating vacuum up to 710mm Hg only which is far less than what can be achieved by the former . But still are preferred in chemical and pharmaceutical industries. These prove economical and require less maintenance. Water is used in place of costly oil and no hassle of frequent oil changing. Requires less energy to run and enjoys longer life. Even noise otherwise create no pollution , no fumes and produce every little nosie. Higher vacuum through them can also be achieved when made to work as backing pumps in systems. Suit all applications covered by oil sealed pumps. Rotary Vane Vacuum Pressure Pumps Self lubricated and easily maintainable for efficient and care free sustion and pressure needs. These have low oil consumption and are designed for self lubrication fo all the important points. The oil thus used does not contaminate the air, but is baffled from the exhaust, gets collected & returns to the oil chamber and serves for long. These are widely used for vacuum distillation, extraction, filtration, bottle filling, drying, glass blowing, pharmaceutical, food processing, vacuum forming and blister packing applications.
Submersible Water Pump
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350 Piece (MOQ)
Best Deals from Water Pumps
Submersible pumps
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Exporters of stainless steel submersible pumps. Contra-4 submersible pumps have special features which make them a class apart from the host of varieties available in market. Made of stainless steel body, durable range of Contra-4 pumps ensure 20 to 30 percent more output than conventional pumps.
Water Pump
1,100 Per Piece
500 Piece (MOQ)
Low Fog Machine
5,500 Per Piece
Three Phase Alternator
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Fogging Machine
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We are one of the most trusted suppliers and manufacturers of premium quality Fogging Machines. These have been manufactured from high quality materials and processed to perfection using our state of the art facilities under expert supervision. This machine is non-reactive and works using the principle of dry vapour fumigation technology. We would be delighted to cater to all your orders irrespective of your location. Details : Model No. : AM-007 Our dry fog vapor fumigation technology is extremely useful in sterile areas of healthcare, pharmaceuticals, life sciences, research labs, food processing industries. Premium Grade Non Reactive SS Tank Set Engg. Plastic Tank Set Dry vapour fumigation machine : Compatible with wide range of (H2O2 based) fogging solutions & environment disinfectants. Enables fast & safe aerial fumigation process. Generates ultra fine (sub micron sized) dry fog of non wetting aerosols disinfecting large spaces uniformly. Delivers 90% more thrust & spread than any other fogging machine. No wet surfaces, Non-wetting aerosol fog safe for equipments. Validated for bio decontamination in healthcare, pharmaceuticals, laboratories, veterinary & food sectors. Fumigation is delivered as a dry vapour allowing furniture to be also subjected to the decontamination process. Cost effective, and competitively priced.
Aerosol Disinfector
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Aerosol Disinfector, Foot Step Double, Clinical Stethoscope
Agriculture Sprayers and Pumps
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Agriculture Sprayers and Pumps, Air Compressors, Pressure Switches
construction chemical pumps
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construction chemical pumps, power chemical pumps, automatic chemical pumps
Submersible pumps
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Electrical Control System, scada energy management system
submersible water pumps
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Mono Block Pump, Gear Oil Pump, Domestic Pump
Veetec Fertilizer Sprayer
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Veetec Fertilizer Sprayer, lance assembly, Hand Sprayer, Sprayer Kit
Submersible pumps
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Submersible Pump
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Submersible Pump
Submersible pumps
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Interior Furniture Designing, bed room interior designing service
Submersible pumps
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