World wide beverages Co Nangloi, Delhi

  • Stella Artois Bottles 12 x 330ml

    Stella Artois Bottles 12 x 330ml

    743 Per

    Stella artois is one of the world’s best-selling beers and is enjoyed in more than 80 countries. Its full, characteristic flavour and high quality is assured through a superior brewing process and by using the finest ingredients available.

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  • Red Bull Cans 24 x 250ml

    Red Bull Cans 24 x 250ml

    824 Per

    Stock up for a party with this tray of red bull. Red bull energy drink - especially developed for periods of increased mental and physical exertion: beneficial effects per can: improves performance. Increases concentration and reaction speed. Improves vigilance. Stimulates metabolism. Red bull's effects are appreciated throughout the world by top athletes, busy professionals, active students and drivers on long journeys

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  • Heineken Bottles 24 x 330ml

    Heineken Bottles 24 x 330ml

    732 Per

    Heineken was created by a group of dedicated people pursuing the highest quality and craftsmanship in brewing. The heineken the world drinks today is still brewed using the original, unrivalled recipe invented three generations ago by the heineken family.

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Contact Information

World Wide Beverages Co

  • Bipul Yadav
  • C-182 chandan vihar nihal vihar nangloi New Delhi 110041