Arena Animation (previously known as Arena Multimedia), a unit of Aptech Ltd., in Dhanbad situated at Saraidhella, Dhanbad. At Arena Animation, we are driven to make you employable in the media & entertainment industry in areas including Animation, Filmmaking, VFX, Gaming, AR, VR, web & Graphics, UI-UX, Broadcast, and Multimedia. We are the Best Animation Institute in this region along with the industry-relevant skills you get Arena 6 Edge Advantage: Creativity, Resilience, Teamwork, Working under Deadlines, Presentation Skills, and Industry interface. Our faculty consists of experts as well as experienced professionals from the animation industry. Hence, while doing the course itself, students receive a unique exposure to the best of both academic and professional worlds which aids and assists them in sharpening their skills and become top-class professionals. Get trained with Arena and get hired!