Kansya Thali Acupressure Foot Massage Machine
23,000 - 24,000 Per
Best' Quality kansa foot massage machine manufacturer
Acupressure Stimulator
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We are engaged in exporting and supplying highly effective Acupressure Stimulator. Acupressure Stimulator that we provide is appreciated for reducing the pains and stimulating the muscles. The Acupressure Stimulator is used by patients, as well as by physiotherapists for relieving the pain. Avail Acupressure Stimulator from us at very reasonable prices.
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Categories: Concrete Floor Tile mould, Concrete Floor Tile Rubber mould, Designer Floor Tile Plastic mould, Designer Floor Tile PVC mould, Designer Floor Tile Rubber mould, Floor Tile Plastic Mould DESCRIPTION ACUPRESSURE FLOOR TILES RUBBER MOULD. Acupressure floor tiles Rubber mould and concrete pavers machine. that concrete floor tile Rubber mould design for smooth finishing. its good for feet massage. its also good for your health. High Quality Rubber Moulds for Concrete tiles. We also provide All kinds of concrete pavers machines. RELATED Hexagon Rubber Paver Moulds November 22, 2015 Similar post Biscuit Concrete Tile Rubber Mould June 5, 2015 Similar post Half Strips Concrete Floor Tiles Rubber Mould 250X250X25mm May 16, 2017 Similar post RELATED PRODUCTS Flower with Round dots Floor tile Rubber mould QUICK VIEW FLOWER WITH ROUND DOTS FLOOR TILE RUBBER MOULD 36 Round Circle Checkered Tile With Matt Finish 36-Round-Circle-Checkered-Tile-With-Matt-Finish QUICK VIEW 36 ROUND CIRCLE CHECKERED TILE WITH MATT FINISH Placeholder QUICK VIEW 324 SQUARE BOX FLOOR TILE RUBBER MOULD Placeholder QUICK VIEW 36 SQUARE BOX FLOOR TILE RUBBER MOULD PRODUCT CATEGORIES ANTI CORROSIVE PAINT (1) BOILER WATER TREATMENT CHEMICALS (1) CEMENT TILES HARDENER (2) CEMENT TILES MAKING MACHINE (1) CHEMICAL ADMIXTURES FOR CONCRETE (3) CHEQUERED TILES RUBBER MOULDS (6)
Acupressure Stimulator
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The T.N.S. (Transcutaneous Nerve Stimulator) is a marvelous and efficient medical treatment, which has been popularised all over the world for many years and is widely prevailed to day, with amazing success by reputed physicians all over the world.The Stimulator Electro impulse (E.I.) can used both as TNS and Trigger Points stimulation.The points shown for treatment are ACU points, which are also suitable for T.N.S., Trigger and Ear Points stimulation. When ACU needles are inserted these points, Needles are connected to the machines with the ACU stimulator cord provided but over these points when electrodes covered with gel, taped and then attached to the machine and stimulated, they will work properly as Transcutaneous Nerve Stimulator (Special cord provided for Trigger Points stimulation).The Points shown for TNS treatment are collected from various text books of pain and from are authentic ACU texts. These are grouped as per author long practical experience. Some times these may require a change of points due to various factors of resistance etc, the user may then consult various text books on the subject.Introduction : The design of the Stimulator (E.I.) Electro Pain Killer is based upon the latest knowledge and experience within the field of pain relief and muscle rehabilitation. (Transcutaneous Nerve Stimulator) generate pulses and are specially suitable for TNS treatment. Normally pain relief occurs after a treatment period of few minutes. The Stimulator/E.I. is easy and simple to operate, even by unskilled person/persons.The Stimulator/E.I. consists of two galvanic independent and separate channels. Each channel is individual intensity controlled. The power source of this instrument is an A.C., adaptor of 6/9 Volt or four pencil Battery. Which can last for more then 6 months by daily use of 5-10 minutes. No danger of Electric shock convenient, handy and easy to use at any time and at any place, no pain is felt during application How to Use : Apply the conductive electrode equally matched on both sides of the body to the Tender spot or point marked. Adjusting the intensity. The electrodes should be flat contact to the skin must be maintained. When the Electrodes come in contact with the exact tender spot / area, you will feel comfortable continuous jerks of the nerves and muscles which assure you of the effectiveness of this instrument working. Apply the instrument for 10-20 minutes treatment 2 to 3 times a day.After four days use of TNS you will feel the improvement. Caution : This instrument should not be used with other electronic medical instrument at the same time. To those who are using heart pace maker, hearing aid and the application of this instrument is prohibited. This instrument better if avoided on pregnant woman. Effects and Benefits : Head, Neck, Shoulder lumber, Wrist, Knee and Foot Continuous and adequate pain relief Massage to relax the muscle ache. Improving local blood circulation, Activating the peripheral nervous system. No side effect. Small and simple. Easy to use Economical and safe. Suitable for : Home Use Professional Use Health Club. Obesity centres Beauty parlours Body Clinics Indication : Chronic musculo skeletal pain. Peripheral Nerve injury. Arthritis. Carcinoma Pain. Post herpetic neuralgia. Sciatica. Ch, Pancreatitic Pain. Acute pain of - Strains, Sprains, Fractures and Incisional Pain. Not Useful in : Paychopgenic Pain. Pain of Central origin. Severe neuralgias. Goal of Therapy : 50% increases in pain relief, 50% increase in function and 50% decrease in pain medication. In TNS usually alternating current (AC) is used. It has 2 phases. Dominant Phase - The current flows from the Negative Phase to positive phase. Balancing Phase - Current flows from positive to the Negative electrode. Non-disposable electrodes are made of carbonized silicon rubber. Gel must be applied over the whole of electrodes including border. Technical Specification : Stimulation Modes - Galvanic Frequencies - 80-1500 per Min. Pulse wave form - Biphasic. Power supply - 6/9 Volt Adaptor/four pencil Battery Electrodes are Placed On : Over the area of pain (Usually Trigger Point). Within dermatomes where pain is located Over superficial peripheral nerves. Acupuncture points. Motor points (Where nerve enters the muscle). Optimal Stimulation Site : At least two of the above exists at the same location.Area of Pain : Electrodes are placed over on or surrounding area of pain. The sites often lie within a dermatome of over a peripheral Nerve. The positive and negative electrodes can be placed ipsilaterally or in criss cross fashion in Para vertebral pain. For Incisional Pain : Electrodes are placed parallel to the incision within 1-6 Cun of it, crossing over the incision or criss crossing it.Dermatome Placement : Electrodes are placed on the area of pain going proximally along the dermatome to the spinal column.Superficial Peripheral Nerve Placement : Distal leg and foot - Electrodes placed over common peroneal nerve as it cross just below thereplacement head of fibula. Facial pains - Electrodes placed over Supra orbital and infra orbital nerve. Headache - Electrodes placed unilaterally over Supra orbital and superior occipital nerve Nerve injury - Electrodes placed proximal to nerve injury. Acupuncture Points and Motor Points : Electrodes placed over it. Other areas for electrode placement Bilateral stimulation is extremely beneficial, even if it is for unilateral pain. If electrode can not be put over the painful site, contra lateral electrode placement is essential Avoid the areas for placing electrodes : In sensitive areas Hyper aesthesia Bony prominence Hair covered areas Conventional Tns Mode (low Intensity) : Most frequently used, it has a wide range of effectiveness for acute and chronic pain. It has high Rate (>10 PPS, usually 80-100 PPS) and low width (<100 Sec) Amplitude Comfortable for patient. To Obtain Best Results : The electrode placement should produce a tingling sensation through out most of the pain distribution.High Width, Low rate (Acupuncture like) TNS mode : Very effective for deep, aching chronic pain, High width with low rate (less than<10PPS, usually 2-4 PPS) Amplitude is adjusted to the point where muscle contraction is seen.
acupressure machine
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Lifestyle disorders like blood pressure, diabetes, cholestrol, strokes, arthiritis have grown at an exponential rate in this modern world, as people now fight to remain healthy. Modern day science has observed the root cause of these problems to be poor blood and oxygen circulation in our bodies. The JSB HF12 Oxygen Blood Circulation Machine is a combination of traditional acupressure and modern science and the outcome is a massager which not only helps increase blood circulation but also helps in resolving many health problems like muscle stiffness, joint pain, varicose veins, constipation and other lifestyle disorders.
Acupressure Tens Machine
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We are offering acupressure tens machine 2 channel.
Palm Acupressure Machine
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Palm Acupressure Machine The Appoints present in hands are directly connected to the vital organs of the human body. Regular treatment of AcuPalm ensures positive energy flow in the body and keeps various health ailments at bay by improving the immune system. A 10-minute session can give you the energy boost that would last for a day! The machine is also equipped with UV bulb for sterilization and deodorization. Acupressure through C|Max AcuPalm addresses and treats acupoints present in the hands and remove the block from the positive energy channels rendering optimum health of all the body organs. Benefits Relieves the stiffness of palms/hands/fingers FEATURE Improves flexibility of the fingers Promotes blood circulation Helps in relieving general pains and sprains Alleviates signs and symptoms of Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI) Helps in relieving shoulder pain Reduces unspecified arm pains Deep cleansing of tissues makes hands beautiful Features Less therapy time for daylong healing User friendly & easy to operate Compact design Minimal energy consumption UV sanitization and deodorization for better hand health and hygiene Portable- Can be moved easily to any place.
acupressure machine
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Acupressure machine is a portable thermal massager that combines Ceragem Pressure™ with Far Infrared heated that is emitted through jade (moxibustion effect).Acupressure machine is specially designed to relieve the negative effects of everyday stress on your body, and restore your overall sense of well-being by applying thermal and heat therapy
acupressure machine
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acupressure machine
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acupressure machine, 5 Mukhi Rudraksha