Azolla Cultivation Bed
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5 Piece (MOQ)
300 - 500 Per Kilogram
5 Kilogram (MOQ)
Azolla seed available for sale Delivery all over the india Azolla pinnata Azolla Carolina Azolla mexicana
Best Deals from Azolla
Azolla Bed
1,065 - 1,065 Per pc
500 pcs (MOQ)
Azolla Bed hdpe fabric woven water proog leakage proof
20 - 40 Per Kilogram
2500 Kilogram (MOQ)
Azolla used for fish as a feed and also supplement for cows, chickens,goat etc
Azedra Tablets
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100 Pack (MOQ)
60 - 75 Per kilogram
50 Kilogram (MOQ)
Azolla is a floating fern which is established as an amazing feed supplement to cattle, chicken and fishes. Azolla is rich in proteins, fibre, minerals and vitamins. regular feeding on Azolla improves milk yield, fat content in cattle and egg laying capacity in fowls. Azolla is in fact best nitrogen fixer which can be used as sours
100 - 120 Per kg
1 Kilogram (MOQ)
We are the main supplier of this product. Wholesale and retail
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1 Pack(s) (MOQ)
We offer azolla. Azolla is a protein rich floating fern which is grown on water which is fed to cows ,buffaloes,sheep,goats,and chicken to get higher milk yield and higher fat in milk.the production cost of azolla is very low i.e 0.65 paise per kilogram. By feeding azolla to cows 20% milk yield and 20% fat percentage has been increased in milk. To grow azolla fresh live azolla is required which is available with us.
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50 Kilogram (MOQ)
Dear sir / madam, Sub: Azolla (fern) – introduction letter. We are taking this time to introduce our self as VGR BIOS, located in Chirala, Prakasam district, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA. We are manufacturer and supplying of AZOLLA in various forms. 1) Wet Azolla (Up to 96% water content) 2) Azolla in dry from (moisture content not more than 10%) 3) Azolla in powder form (moisture NMT 10%) Variety 2nd and 3rd having long period self life. AZOLLA: We are supplying azolla with specification guaranteed. The nutritional value in Azolla is Rich in proteins, essential amino acids, vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin B12 and Beta- Carotene), growth promoter intermediaries and minerals like calcium, phosphorous, potassium, ferrous, copper and magnesium. Dry weight basis, azolla contains 25 - 35 percent protein, 10 - 18 percent minerals and 7 - 10 percent of amino acids, bio-active substances and bio-polymers. We can supply free of pathogenic bacteria in azolla powder. Here we are mentioning our azolla product specification (proximate analysis results): Proximate analysis / specification of Azolla Constituent % DM Moisture : 10% (Max) Crude protein : 25% to 35% Crude fiber : 15% (Max) Ether extract : 3.5% (Max) Total ash : 18% (Max) Acid insoluble ash : 6% (Max) Nitrogen free extract : 31.1% (Min) Please see the attached file for more details. We are seeking your valuable order based on your requirement. If any clarifications please feel free to contact us For VGR BIOS
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We are offering azolla. we have developed huge quantities of azolla in wet & dry form near hyderabad. interested parties may contact for business deals. nine nine six six six two eight zero four four nine five zero two nine zero one eight five five we can take daily orders for wet azolla upto 2.5 tonnes/day. ravinder reddy.
200 Per Kilogram
5 Kilogram (MOQ)
We are offering Azolla
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We want to sell azolla. we can give it in green form and drie form also.
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Azolla, Earthworm, Vermi Beds, Plant Grow Bag
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Azolla, Murrel fish seed, katala rohu common carp fish seed
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Azolla, Goat Milk, Goat, Goat, Azolla, Goat Milk, Azolla
fresh azolla
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fresh azolla, azolla dry powder, azolla granules, Cakes
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