Bhringraj Herb
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Bhringraj-(botanical Name-eclipta Prostrata)- It is a Wonder Herb, It is Belongs to Sunflower Family. It is Known as "false Daisy"in English. Form : Dry Plant Benefits : It is Useful for Weak Eyesight. It is Pacifise for Vata and Cough. Useful for Rejuvenate the Body. Bhringraj Oil and Paste Promote to Hair Growth.
Green Bhringraj Whole Plant
535 - 935 Per Kilogram
1 Ton (MOQ)
Wedelolectone 1% to 3% By Gravimetr
Best Deals from Bhringraj Herb
35 Per Kilogram
50 Kilogram (MOQ)
Eclipta Alba
4 - 9 Per kg
50 Kilogram (MOQ)
Bhringraj Herb
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100 - 180 Per Kilogram
500 Kilogram (MOQ)
It is recommended to be very useful in enlarged liver, spleen, and dropsy. Eclipta alba is mainly found to contain various oleanane triterpene glycosides and its major active constituents include Wedelolactone and Nor-wedelolactone. The herb is also used as hair tonic – the oil removes graying, balding, makes the hair darker. (Make hair oil by boiling leaf juice in coconut oil).
Bhringraj Herb
80 - 150 Per Kilogram
Bhringraj Herb
35 - 40 Per Kilogram
Treats dandruff and dry scalp. Bhringraj oil is dense and has a higher specific gravity as compared to other oils Treats baldness and helps in hair growth Prevents hair fall Promotes hair growth Prevents graying of hair Makes hair lustrous
Dry Bhringraj
480 Per kg
Bhringraj Herb Roots
50 Per Kilogram
200 Kilogram (MOQ)
Dried Bhringraj
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500 Kilogram (MOQ)
Eclipta prostrata
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Procured from the trustworthy farmers, we are engaged in offering a commendable range of Eclipta Prostrata. Being bitter, hot, sharp, dry in taste, Eclipta Prostrata is widely used in various Ayurvedic medicines. The False Daisy, offered by us, is offered to the buyers in neat and clean form. Buyers can purchase it from us in small as well as bulk quantities and at the most acceptable prices!
Bhringraj Extract
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Recommended for growing long, silky and strong hair.
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We are manufacturer and exporter of herbal raw materials like eclipta , dry leaves and powder and oil and we are cultivating more herbals for our clients requirements on contract basis.
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We have developed a large storage facility that is equipped with modern facilities for loading and unloading goods. Also, it assist us in meeting bulk requirements at a time. Purchasers across Indore(India) and other market places can get in touch with us for buying our product as per requirement.
Eclipta Alba
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Bhringraj Herb
40 - 45 Per Kilogram
500 Kilogram (MOQ)
Bhringraj Herb Botanical Name:Eclipta Alba | Purity:100% | Grade:Medical Grade | Packaging Type:Jute Bag | Form:Leaves | Packaging Size:30-50 Kg
bhringraj leaves
45 Per Kilogram
Common Name : Bhringraj Powder |100% Natural Bhringraj Powder |Bhringraj Powder Organic | Eclipta Alba (L.) Hassk Botanical Name : Eclipta Alba (L.) Hassk. Products : Bhringraj Powder Form Available : Powder / Churan Ingredient Used : Root Country Of Origen : India Trade : Wholesale Speciality : Made From Pure, Authentic And Original Herbs. Domestic Courier Partners : Delivery Blue Dart, TCI Freight, DTDC. Bhringraj may prevent hair loss, dandruff, and graying, though more human studies are needed. It also may be helpful in reversing liver damage; fighting memory loss, headaches, and snake bite toxicity; and promoting feelings of relaxation. Bhringraj is an Ayurvedic herb found throughout India. Bhringraj is best known for hair loss, Premature greying of hair. It treats the hairs follicle and May help reducing hair fall and thus promoting hair growth. It also helps to make hair strong.
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English name : trailling ecliptabotanical name : eclipta alba hassk. (linn).uses : jaundice, ulcer, wounds, healing of fracture, anti-leprotic, cancer, chronic fever, elephantitis, leucodema, blackening of hairs, useful in digestion, liver troubles, anaemia, cough, asthma, hypertension, strangury.
Bhringraj (Eclipta Alba)
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Bhringraj Herb
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We are supported by an advanced packaging system and make use of only high quality packing materials for ensuring complete safety during handling, warehousing and transit. We make sure that our payment procedure is safe and simple. We offer our clients methods like online payment gateway, electronic funds transfer, cash, bank deposits and various others. Eclipta Alba is most commonly used for the treatment of various hair and skin ailments.
Eclipta Alba
1,300 Per Kilogram
Good quality powder
Eclipta Alba Herbs
80 - 120 Per Kilogram
Bhringraj Herb
40 Per Kilogram
50 Kilogram (MOQ)
Different Names : Common name: False Daisy, Trailing eclipta Hindi: Bhringaraj, Kesharaj Manipuri: Uchi-sumbal Tamil: Karisilanganni, Kavanthakara Malayalam: Kannunni Telugu: Galagara Kannada: Ajagara, Kaadige garige, Garuga, Garugalu Garungu Keshavardhana Oriya: Kesarda Sanskrit: Bhringaraj Nepali: Bhringaraaj, Bhangeree Jhaar, Aalee Jhaar
Eclipta Alba (Bhringraj)
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In ayurvedic medicine, the leaf extract is considered a powerful liver tonic, rejuvenative, and especially good for the hair. Eclipta alba also has traditional external uses, like athlete foot, eczema and dermatitis, on the scalp to address hair loss and the leaves have been used in the treatment of scorpion stings. In india, Oil made with mixture of bhringraj’s juice helps hair growth and prevents premature greying.
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we offer Bhringraj. Botanical name: Eclipta Alba English name: False Daisy
Eclipta prostrata
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Eclipta Prostrata is widely used in almost all classical Ayurvedic formulations for hair care. We are unsurpassed Supplier and Exporter of Eclipta Prostrata from Haryana.The offered Eclipta Prostrata has excellent properties for restoring hair, its natural health through revitalizing hair follicles by stimulating blood circulation. Owing to the excellent hair restoring properties of Eclipta Prostrata, it is the prime ingredient in hair rejuvenating formulations. It is also has traditional external uses, like athlete foot, eczema and dermatitis, on the scalp to address hair loss in the treatment of scorpion stings and snake bites.
Bhringraj Herb
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100 Kilogram (MOQ)
Organic Bhringraj (Organic Eclipta Alba)
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Details : Common Name : Bhringraj Other Name : Kehrja Botanical Name : Eclipta Alba Eclipta Alba known as ‘Bhringraj’ in sanskrit/hindi and ‘kehraj‘ in Assamese and karisalankanni in Tamil. It grows commonly in moist places as a weed all over the world. It is widely distributed throughout India, China, Thailand, and Brazil. In the Ayurvedic System, Eclipta Alba, as with all other herbs, is classified according to its qualities, taste, physiological effects, etc. Ayurveda states that it is: Taste – Katu (Bitter), Tikta (Pungent) Quality – Rooksha (Dry), Laghu (light to digest) Energy - Ushna (Hot) Post Digestive Effect - Pungent, i.e. undergoes a pungent taste conversion after digestion. According to Ayurveda, these qualities characterize the medicinal effects of Eclipta Alba on the body, and are expressed in Ayurvedic terms as balancing for Kapha, i.e. balancing for the moist and unctuous tissues and anabolic systems of the body such as fats and fluids, and balancing for Vata, i.e. the nervous system and catabolic functions.The leaf extract is considered a powerful liver tonic, rejuvenative, and especially good for the hair. A black dye obtained from Eclipta alba is used for dyeing hair and tattooing. Eclipta alba also has traditional external uses, like athlete foot, eczema and dermatitis, on the scalp to address hair loss and the leaves have been used in the treatment of scorpion stings. Bhringraj helps to improve hair growth and colour. Infact eclipta alba extracts are known to grow hair faster than minoxidil. Oil made with mixture of bhringraj’s juice helps hair growth and prevents premature greying.