Cadastral Survey Services
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We are providing reconnaissance services, route survey, cadastral survey etc. reconnaissance survey:
carrying out field reconnaissance survey to identify various alternate routes available through the study of topo sheets and by verification of physical travelling using hand held gps along the identify routes.
report preparation of proposed pipeline route alignment and submission of topo sheets.
detailed engineering survey:
establishing gps stations,and carrying out closed traversing using total station.detailed engineering survey consist of alignment fixation of turning points including picking the details of ground features and spot levels along the proposed pipeline route.
closed leveling along the surveyed alignment with auto levels.
recording the readings of the longitudinal profiles of crossing like railway lines, roads, rivers, canals etc. Falling enroute and across the pipeline alignment.
cadastral survey:
arrangement of village maps from revenue authorities which is falling in the pipeline route.
plotting of turning and intermediate points and pipeline route on the village maps based on their actual field positions .
Marking of row boundaries on the village maps and digitizing the same in autocad and computation of each plot falling inside the row boundaries.
collection of field measurement book and rates of lands of various categories from the concerned authorities.