Fresh Cuttlefish
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1 x 20 Feet Container (MOQ)
Frozen Baby Cuttlefish Cleaned
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24 Ton (MOQ)
description : cleaned baby cuttlefish raw iqf , origin : indian ocean.
Best Deals from Cuttlefish
Frozen Cuttle Fish
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2 Container (MOQ)
Explorе thе pristinе flavors of Thalassophilе's Whitе Frozеn Cuttlе Fish, a tеstamеnt to our unwavеring commitmеnt to quality. As a lеading namе in thе industry, we bring you a frozеn cuttlеfish that not only maintains its natural tastе but also еlеvatеs your culinary еxpеriеncе to nеw hеights. Snow-Whitе Elеgancе from thе Sеa: Thalassophilе's Whitе Frozеn Cuttlе Fish is a culinary mastеrpiеcе, sourcеd from thе crystal-clеar watеrs to еnsurе a purе and unblеmishеd product. Thе dеlicatе whitе huе of our cuttlеfish rеflеcts its natural bеauty and frеshnеss, making it a visually stunning addition to any dish. Vеrsatilе Culinary Companion: With Thalassophilе's Whitе Frozеn Cuttlе Fish, vеrsatility mееts еxcеllеncе. From grillеd dеlicaciеs to savory stеws, our cuttlеfish adapts to various culinary stylеs, еnhancing еvеry rеcipе with its tеndеr tеxturе and rich flavor. Elеvatе your culinary crеations with thе prеmium quality of Thalassophilе's frozеn cuttlеfish. Thalassophilе: Your Trustеd Sourcе for Frozеn Cuttlе Fish: Choosе Thalassophilе as your prеfеrrеd suppliеr for Whitе Frozеn Cuttlе Fish. Our unwavеring dеdication to quality еnsurеs that you rеcеivе a product that not only mееts but еxcееds your еxpеctations. Divе into thе world of culinary еxcеllеncе with Thalassophilе's Whitе Frozеn Cuttlе Fish.
Frozen Cuttlefish
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14 Ton (MOQ)
Frozen Cuttlefish
300 - 400 Per Kilogram
20 Ton (MOQ)
Cuttle Fish
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We are offering cuttle fish. Description : most common cuttlefish in india and the species grow to large sizes of about 50 cm of mantle length. Its cooked meat is white with a sweet flavor and is tender in texture. They are sold in whole, cleaned, fillet forms.
Frozen Cuttle Fish
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2 Metric Ton (MOQ)
Mangur Fish
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500 Kilogram (MOQ)
Cutel Fish
200 - 400 Per kg
200 Kilogram (MOQ)
Frozen Cuttlefish
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1 Container 40FCL (MOQ)
Frozen Cuttlefish - Whole Cleaned
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We are offering frozen cuttlefish - whole cleaned. we are counted amidst the prominent frozen cuttlefish whole cleaned exporters and suppliers, based in india. The frozen cuttlefish whole cleaned, we provide, is procured from the well-known sources to ensure its higher grade. Our frozen cuttlefish whole cleaned is very reasonably priced.
Fresh Cuttle Fish
400 Per Kilogram
5 Ton (MOQ)
Frozen Cuttle Fish
300 - 700 Per Kilogram
20 Ton (MOQ)
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We are engaged in providing Cuttlefish which is considered as one of the tastiest seafood. Cuttlefish has firm scaling, yet it has tender flesh which is relished very much. The Cuttlefish can be availed at pocket friendly prices from us. Moreover, our Cuttlefish is odor free.
Frozen Cuttlefish
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14 Ton (MOQ)
Frozen Cuttlefish
500 Per Kilogram
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20 Ft. Container (MOQ)
Frozen Cuttlefish
200 Per Kilogram
18 Ton (MOQ)
Frozen Cuttle Fish
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200 Kilogram (MOQ)
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