Queue Management System
20,000 - 30,000 Per Piece
1 Piece (MOQ)
hospital queue management system
100 - 5,000 Per Piece
1 Piece (MOQ)
Supreme Waiting Hall Display Unit from Supreme International is an effective queuing solution for Hospital OPDs. It helps in handling a large number of patients to be attended by different Doctors. OPD’s in the hospital have many receptions counters & different chambers for different Doctors. With the help of this unit, different doctors can call their patients one by one in the sequence of the token number provided to them at the time of booking their appointment. The patient comfortably sit in the waiting hall will come to know about the ongoing token numbers of the doctor he wishes to consult; from the common large display provided in the form of 40-inch LED TV, thus helping in reducing a chaotic situation outside individual doctor's chamber. FEATURES: Remote- hand-held/ wall-mounted. (Battery operated) Display unit along with motherboard LED TV with size of 40 inch or more. Display’s room number and patient's serial number for different rooms on one screen. Display visible from 10-meter distance. Use any number of remotes for the same display unit e.g., 2 remotes can be integrated into 1 display unit. Ease of installation - Plug and play system, does not require any specific expertise.
Best Deals from Electronic Queue Management System
electronic queue management system
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1 Unit (MOQ)
electronic queue management system
12,000 - 16,000 Per Piece
we offers token display systems. 1)works over long distance up to 1000 meter 2)4 inch 5 digit clear red counter display 3)clear audible alertvoice for next token call 4)simple single rj12 cabling system for both data and power 5)it can works with token display server software.
electronic queue management system
7,500 - 10,000 Per piece
1 piece (MOQ)
Sleek , elegant looking Displays to match your interior.Displays last four Token numbers along with Counter number Announcement Languages Options 1)English, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Punjabi, Bengali and Bell 2) English, Hindi, Tamil, Telegu, Malayalam, Kannada and BellAnnouncement option in other languages provided as per requirement.Additional feature of announcement in two languages at a time available.Connectivity Cat5/ Cat6 Cable
Advanced Queue Management System
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Advanced Queue Management System offered by us, is specially designed to meet the requirement of various banks, hotels, etc. The Advanced Queue Management System helps in reducing real & apparent waiting time, speeds up service delivery, and improves service quality. We offer this Advanced Queue Management System at affordable price.
Queue Management System
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1 Piece(s) (MOQ)
Queue Management Kiosk System
95,000 Per Piece
Queue Management System
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We are offering queue management system. applications: · banks, chit-fund & finance companies · hospitals & clinics · insurance agencies · immigrations & embassies · fees collection counters at universities & colleges
Automatic Queue Management System
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1 Set(s) (MOQ)
We offer Automatic Queue Management System. A fully automatic Queue Management System for Hospitals, Banks, Public Offices, or any place where customers have to wait in lines to get service offerings. Comes with token and information display boards, token printer, software, keypads, and accessories. Two Years Warranty!!
Queue Management System
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Specifications Queue Management System Q-Management System (Wireless) Installation:Ticket Dispense: Fixed on a Wall or kept on a table Counter Keypad: Fixed at each counterCounter Display: Fixed at each counter How it works: On a press of button on Ticket Dispenser, the customer gets a printed ticket with three digits “Waiting Number”. Whenever “staff” at any counter is free & presses “Next” button on Counter Keypad, the next in waiting is displayed on the Counter Display with the bell Sound, in this way, the “Staff” when free can call for the next customer in waiting. The system is available in both Wired & wireless versions.The wireless version is available in different range:- EC for total operating area of 20-22 feet DX for total operating area of 150 feet
Queue Management System
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provide solution for electrnic queue manangment system. this is customised solution can be configured on lan / wired / wify / software etc
MQM Machine Queue Management
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There is a strong need among textile manufacturers for a tool supporting the plant manager to schedule and launch the operations and to react to sudden changes. However, the complexity of the textile production scenario has so far made it difficult to fulfill this need. Datatex is filling the gap between “needs” and “solutions” with its new module: MQM - Machine Queue Management.
Electronic Wueue Management System
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Decrease customer wait times, improve your service efficiency, and increase your revenues with Databyte’s Advanced Queue Management System (AQMS): Designed with the end customer in mind. Simple and yet technologically advanced. Extremely easy to operate. It is designed to help customers rather than confuse them with technical complexity. Supports both standalone as well as PC-based operation.
Queue Management System
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Manage and minimize queues to improve efficiency and customer experience in the banks, stores, hospitals and other public institutions by bringing our streamline Queue Management Systems. Being the prime Importer and Supplier of these Queue Management Systems in India, we source the quality tested technology that provides operational excellence to the buyers. Also we quote the best market prices and our deliveries are swift.
electronic queue management system
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Waiting in a queue, standing for your turn is no one’s favorite activity. If you have poor service quality, and frustrated customers, you can change the situation by implementing quality experience through planned service design.
electronic queue management system
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Qmatic Queue Management System is all about managing your flow from the point customer enter and until finishing their transaction. We can make a real difference in the way your customers wait and ensure about to improve your customer service & business productivity. The level of service and efficiency has increased with the use of Qmatic Queue Management System, resulting in an increased customer satisfaction. The Qmatic Queue Management system solution priority for all service oriented organizations in ensuring the first class services to their valuable and respectable customers. We will help you to increase your sales, productivity, and reduce costing. CFMS will assure for customers to reach on right desk to serve by right staff.
Queue Management System
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Intelligent Queue Management System
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We are offering intelligent queue management system. Organized waiting area enhanced customer experience micro-controller based system effective solution for hospital opds stand alone embedded system helps in organizing waiting area reduced manpower requirement cost effective introduction iqms from bps is effective queuing solution for hospital’s opds. It helps in handling large number of patients to be attended by a number of doctors in an opd. iqms is stand alone system. It does not required any computer. It have its own cup, memory chips and hardware. its communication system is based on muti-tape bus wiring - new technology for secure communication and reduced wires. All control and display units are designed in house for utmost reliability. the system in totality is designed keeping in mind its demand for reliability. read more functional description opd’s in the hospital have number of reception counter & number of chambers for doctor’s. Each chamber may be offered to different doctor at different time slots. patient willing to consult any doctor can book his her appointment at any reception counter. Attendant at reception counter inserts particular doctor’s chamber number & slot no. And commands for taken printout. each reception counter is wired to a master controller which stores all information and allots token no on every new booking. Master controller also up-dates each chamber of latest booking thus keeping doctor’s informed of waiting patients. doctor’s chamber have display cum key unit. For call in next patent, he presses one key and the next token no. Is displayed out-sed the chamber or at common waiting area having central display unit. components - functions and selection depending on no of chambers and daily flow of patient, no of reception counter is to be decided. Each counter will have one reception counter terminal and one printer. reception counter terminals (rct) are table mounting type. They have heavy duty key board with 12 keys (10 keys for numbers and two function keys), lcd display with 16 char. 2 line display, parallel port output suitable for dot-matrix thermal printer. terminal bq-rct3 is suitable for printing 3" width paper. Bq-rct2 is for printing 2" width paper. Printer with thermal printing or dot-matrix printing can be connected with these terminals. bq-rct2p is built in printer of 2" width thermal paper. format of the token can be customized incorporating the name address, telephone number and other details of the hospital, chamber no. And slot no. Of the doctor, date of booking, sl. No. Of booking, etc. advantage to hospitals • reduced man power requirement & thus save on operating cost. • effective time management for doctors as instant display of issue of current token • ensures smooth sequential flow of patient & thus transparent queuing •easy ticket printing, flexible system to customize as requitement • creates a good environment & enhances the goodwill of the hospital. opdqsoft queue management system software for organized opd experience bps offers new software based queue management system- opdqsoft. It is a service toolkit for managing and continuously improving service delivery forlargenumber of patients at hospital opds. the automated system tracks each customer's movement from initial point of entry to the final point of service delivery; giving managers have the ability to identify key events such service time and wait time exceptions, peak traffic,queue lengths, best performing staff members and many more statistics. in addition, the opdqsoft reporting system and mis reports provide top management with a real time view of service performance as it happens from any business location. doctors chamber key board with lcd display each chamber will have terminal unit with key board & 16 char. 2 line lcd display. It is connected with the master controller. It displays last no. Of token issued, current slot no, & current token no. On issuing of any new token, for the chamber and slot no, the display is up-dated. The key board has a master button for calling in the next number. there are three type of units available. Bqdwm is wall mountable with membranes switches. Bqdtm is table mountable with heavy duty keys. Bqdtm-1 has only one heavy push button for calling in the next patient. this helps the doctor in managing his time effectively and ensuring all the booked patients are consulted. central display unit if the waiting area for the patients are common to all chambers, central display units are to queue1 be installed. This is connected with master controller and displays token no. Against each chamber no. Bqmdb-4 displays information for 4 chambers, bqmdb-6 is for 6 chambers. Token no. With 3 digits are display. Bqmdbs-4 & 6 are display board with display of token no. And slot no. If there are more number of chambers, multiple of such boards can be cascaded. master controller master controller is the central processing unit. It receives request from all the reception counter. It generate token number for each chamber. It also instructs the printer of reception counter for printing the token with all the details. It also up dates doctor chamber display board on issue of any new number. the unit has power supply unit built in and it powers all the terminals and doctors chambers. For power supply, it is to be connected with mains socket. The unit is wall mounting type, small in size. token display board at doctors chambers token display board is provide out side the chamber or on the wall in the waiting room space. when the doctor intend to call in the next patient, the called number is displayed at this board. There are 3 digits of 7 segment bright led. bqlds2 has two side display- 3 digits for token no. And 1 digit for slat no. Bqlds1 has single side display- 3 digits for token no. And 1 digit for slat no. Bqld1 has one side display- 3 digits for token no. item description model no quantity required. Receiption counter terminal key board table mounting type heavy duty key board, with 12 keys 16 char. 2 line lcd display,parallel port output suitable for dot-matrix thermal printer of 3" width paper bq-rct3 each counter = 1 with printer bq-rcpd3 or bq-rctd3 table mounting type heavy duty key board, with 12 keys 16 char.2 line lcddisplay,parallel port output suitable for dot-matrixthermal printer of 2" width paper bq-rct2 each counter = 1 with printer bq-rcpd2 or bq-rcpt2 table mounting type heavy duty key board, with12 keys16 char. 2 line lcddisplay,built in thermal printer for 2" width paper bq-rct2p each counter = 1 printer dot-matrix printer for 3" width paper with serial port input, bq-rcpd3 with bq-rct3 dot-matrix printer for 2" width paper with serial port input bq-rcpd2 with bq-rct2 thermal printer for 3" width paper with serial port input bq-rcpt3 with bq-rct3 thermal printer for 2" width paper with serial port input bq-rcpt2 with bq-rct2 doctor's chamber in chamber display & key board wall mounting display board with 16 char. 2 line lcd display &12 no. Of membrane switches for calling in patient bq-dwm each chamber = 1 table mountable display board with 16 char. 2 line lcd display &12 no. Of heavy duty switches for calling in patient bq-dtm each chamber = 1 table mountable display board with 16 char. 2 line lcd display &1 no. Of heavy duty push for calling in patient bq-dtm-1 each chamber = 1 waiting area token no. Display double side two inch height seven segment led display-3 digit token no. 1digit slot no. bq-lds2 each chamber = 1 single side two inch height seven segment led display-3 digit token no. 1digit slot no. bq-lds1 each chamber = 1 single side two inch height seven segment led display-3 digit token no. 1digit slot no. bq-ld1 each chamber = 1 master controller micro-controller based central processing unit sutable for up to 6 reception counter & up to 32 doctors chambers bqmp2w4c each station = 1 central display unit common waiting area (optional) wall mounting type central token no. Display unit for up to 4 chambers with 3 digit token no.display bq-mdb-4 up to 4 chamber = 1 wall mounting type central token no. Display unit for up to 6 chambers with 3 digit token no.display bq-mdb-6 up to 6 chamber = 1 wall mounting type central token no. Display unit for up to 4 chambers with 3 digit token no.& 1 digit slot no. Display bq-mdbs-4 up to 4 chamber = 1 wall mounting type central token no. Display unit for up to 6 chambers with 3 digit token no.& 1 digit slot no. Display bq-mdbs-6 up to 6 chamber = 1 junction box for connecting between reception counter master controller doctors chamber key board and token display board bqmst4-2 no. Of doctor's chambers + 1 cables & accessories cat 6 wire of 1 2 meter with both side terminals cat 6 wire for connecting to each chamber with master controller as per site installation
Digital Queue Management System
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Queue Management System helps to organize waiting lines by providing visitors with an easy ordering method – based on “first in first out”, pre-scheduled appointments, or more sophisticated methods.The system provides easy audio-visual means for directing customers, friendly user interface for agents to manage lines and call customers forward, and useful tools for managers to control the level of service and get performance stats.
queue management
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Our Advanced Queue Management System (AQMS-16) is specially designed to bring about order, efficiency and comfort in places such as banks, railway stations, public utility offices, health care and other places where people have to wait in line to get a service. AQMS reduces real & apparent waiting time, speeds up service delivery, improves service quality & increases customer satisfactio For customers, AQMS offers freedom to move about in lobby, read advertising brochures or simply take a seat, while waiting for their turn to be served For employees we offer good working conditions - where they can be efficient yet relaxed without being intimated by the queue of overlooking people awaiting service For manager, we offer Daily Efficiency Reports that allow him to optimize resource allocation, respond to staff workloads and provide better service to his customers.
Queue Management System
32,000 Per Piece
2 Piece (MOQ)
electronic queue management system
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electronic queue management system, token printer, Token Dispenser
Queue Management System
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Queue Management System, banking kiosks, Visitor Management System
electronic queue management system
2,000 - 4,000 Per Month
6 Months (MOQ)
electronic queue management system, hmis software
electronic queue management system
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An elegant touch screen based pedestal token slip dispensing machine with India's most trusted, implemented and a comprehensive queue managment system software. Widely used by banks, hospitals, service centres, civic bodies, passport office, Immigiration bureau
Queue Management System
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We offer queue management system. . The qms kiosk is a self service station that the customer interacts with. An lcd display on it displays the different service classes offered by the customer service. Based on hisher objective of visit, the customer touches the option on the screen. A queue receipt with the queue number along with date, time and organization details is printed out. The kiosk uses a very fast thermal printer with a guillotine cutter.
Queue Management System
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Queue Management System, Display Synchronised Token Dispenser System
Queue Management System
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Queue Management System, Home Automation, Sanitary Napkin Packing Machine
Queue Management System
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Queue Management System, CCTV Surveillance, access control system for doors