mix berry juice
130 Per Bottle
100 Bottle (MOQ)
They can treat various conditions such as: Parkinson’s disease Alzheimer’s disease Cataracts and glaucoma Sore throat Ulcers Hypertension Varicose veins Additional Information: Production Capacity: 1000 Delivery Time: 5 TO 7 DAYS Packaging Details: GOOD
mix berry juice
150 Per Bottle
100 Bottle (MOQ)
Berries have high levels of antioxidants. This helps to not only detoxify and cleanse the body but also fight against free radicals that are the cause of cancer. Diabetes is a medical condition where the body cannot produce enough insulin in order to convert glucose into energy. Goji berries grown in China are traditionally known to help stabilizing blood sugar levels. Regular intake of strawberries has also been proved to harmonize blood sugar levels. Berry juice is beneficial for people with gout, which is a form of arthritis. Various kinds of berry juice such as black cherry juice and blackberry juice can help to ease gout symptoms. Black cherry juice is known to reduce uric acid levels in the body. Blackberry has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce pain associated with gout. Of the various berries, the acai berry that is grown in South America is known for its weight loss properties. It has a high level of antioxidants and promoters that help to increase metabolism. However, research is yet to prove this attribute. Cranberry juice is a type of berry juice that is useful in eliminating bad breath. It helps to reduce bacteria in the mouth that cause decay and also odor. More on health benefits of cranberry juice There has been differing opinions on the effect of berry juice on kidney stones. Cranberry juice can help reduce certain kidney stones but are not good for other kinds. Research has shown that cranberry juice can actually raise the likelihood of recurrence with the most common stones formed by calcium. However, it can help to prevent a rare type of kidney stone called Brushite. It is best to consult your doctor of the suitability of berry juice and the amount to be consumed before trying it out. Goji berry can help to improve eyesight. It has been used traditionally by Chinese healers and is also being validated by modern research. Blueberry and cranberry juice can help to eliminate urinary infections as they inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria within the bladder. Hawthorn berry is an edible berry that also has many health benefits. Research has shown that drinking hawthorn berry juice can reduce the chances of heart trouble. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is also known to help with healing stomach ulcers
Best Deals from Goji Berry Juice
mix berry juice
78 - 197 Per Bottle
200 Bottle (MOQ)
Description. Mix berries Juice are rich in several nutrients, including antioxidants, fiber, healthy fats, vitamins (such as vitamin C and vitamin A), and minerals (such as calcium and potassium). Mix berries are believed to have more antioxidant content than cranberry, raspberry, blackberry, strawberry, or blueberry.Description. Mix berries Juice are rich in several nutrients, including antioxidants, fiber, healthy fats, vitamins (such as vitamin C and vitamin A), and minerals (such as calcium and potassium). Mix berries are believed to have more antioxidant content than cranberry, raspberry, blackberry, strawberry, or blueberry.
mix berry juice
2,199 - 2,499 Per Bottle
50 Box (MOQ)
शरीर को डिटॉक्स करें- अगर हर रोज सुबह एक गिलास मिक्स फ्रूट जूस पीया जाए तो इससे शरीर को डिटॉक्सीफिकेशन में मदद मिलती है। लेकिन जूस हमेशा ताजे फलों का ही पीना चाहिए और हमेशा बाजार का डिब्बाबंद जूस पीने से बचें। वजन घटाने के लिए- लोग अक्सर बहार का खाना ज्यादे खाते हैं, जिसकी वजह से उसका वजन बढ़ने लगता है और कई परेशानी भी झेलनी पड़ती है। अनहेल्दी खाने की वजह से बढ़ा वजन कम करने के लिए मिक्स फ्रूट जूस मदद कर सकता है। इसके सेवन से इम्यून सिस्टम भी मजबूत बनता है और व्यक्ति का डायजेशन सही रहता है। क्रेविंग कंट्रोल करने में मदद- अगर किसी का मन कुछ बहार का खाने का कर रहा है, जो सेहत के लिए अनहेल्दी है तो ऐसे में आप एक गिलास मिक्स फ्रूट जूस का पीएं। ये आपको हाई-कैलोरी फूड खाने की इच्छा को कम करता है और आपका पेट भी भरा रहेगा। शरीर को ताकत मिले- फलों का जूस पीने से शरीर को ताकत मिलती है, लेकिन अगर आप जूस नहीं पीना चाहते तो इसकी जगह फल का सेवन भी कर सकते हैं। इससे आप कई बीमारियों से भी दूर रह सकते हैं। जियो नेचुरल सुपर बेरी मैक्स जूस कॉन्सेंट्रेट के बारे में जियो सुपर बेरी मैक्स 14 बेरीज के शक्तिशाली 100% अलौकिक मिश्रण से बना है- अत्यधिक उच्च स्वास्थ्य लाभ के साथ ग्रह पर स्वास्थ्यप्रद खाद्य पदार्थों में से एक। जियो सुपर बेरी मैक्स फाइबर एंटीऑक्सिडेंट, पोषक तत्वों, खनिजों और विटामिन के महान स्रोतों से भरा हुआ है। जामुन पीना शरीर को पोषण प्रदान करने का एक सुखद तरीका है। जामुन का भरपूर आहार शरीर के स्वस्थ कामकाज में लाभ देता है और समग्र स्वास्थ्य लाभों को अधिकतम करने के लिए रोग की रोकथाम के लिए अच्छा है। जामुन फाइबर, फाइटोन्यूट्रिएंट्स, विटामिन और ट्रेस मिनरल्स का भी एक स्वादिष्ट स्रोत हैं। जियो नेचुरल बेरी मैक्स कैलोरी में कम लेकिन पोषक तत्वों में उच्च है। जियो नेचुरल सुपर बेरी मैक्स जूस कॉन्सेंट्रेट के लाभ प्रतिरक्षा बूस्टर पूर्ण और संतुलित पोषण प्रदान करें एंटीऑक्सीडेंट से भरपूर और अपने मूड को बूस्ट और अपलिफ्ट करें। जियो नेचुरल सुपर बेरी मैक्स जूस कॉन्सेंट्रेट की सामग्री Açai berry ब्लैकबेरी एल्डरबेरी गोजी बेर रसभरी स्ट्रॉबेरी क्रैनबेरी ब्लूबेरी काला करंट लाल किशमिश करौंदा चेरी तायबेरी शहतूत एलोविरा मधु जियो नेचुरल सुपर बेरी मैक्स जूस कॉन्सेंट्रेट की खुराक 25 एमएल डेली नीट का सेवन करें या फिर आप इसे ठंडे दूध या पानी से पतला भी कर सकते हैं। यह एक सांद्रित रस है, इसे दोगुने आकार के गर्म पानी में मिलाकर भी पी सकते हैं। जियो नेचुरल सुपर बेरी मैक्स जूस कॉन्सेंट्रेट की सावधानियां इस दवा की स्व-दवा की सलाह नहीं दी जाती है। अधिक खुराक प्रतिकूल प्रभाव पैदा कर सकता है। इस दवा को डॉक्टर की सलाह के अनुसार ही लें। बच्चों की पहुंच से दूर रखें। गर्भवती और स्तनपान कराने वाली माताओं को इस दवा को लेने से पहले परामर्श लेना चाहिए।
mix berry juice
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10 Bottle (MOQ)
goji berry juice
150 - 1,500 Per Piece
200 Piece (MOQ)
Hawaiian herbal goji juice
999 Per Box
10 Piece(s) (MOQ)
Goji juice is 100% natural product comprised of pure pulp from premium organically grown goji fruit extracted by latest extraction technology under most hygienic conditions. Hawaiian goji juice is one of the unique product that has been launched by siddhidatri multi trade enterprisers,first time in india. This hawaiian goji juice is a halal & kosher certified product which has been produced under international gmp regulations. Hawaiian goji juice has been useful for kidney ,liver, eye and skin problems.goji juice is also useful for major problems such as: diabetes, high blood pressure, fever, and age-related eye problems,tuberculosis,anixty,and insomnia; lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels with the help of these berries for centuries. This has been considered to be a “magical longevity herb and super food since the dawn of asian civilization. Nutritional facts per 100 ml (approx) calories(energy) 39.09 kcal sugar 0 saturated fat 0 cholesterol 0 total carbohydrate 8.85m 3.06% dietary fiber 2.02gm 7.68% protein 0.421gm 1.28% sodium 26.01 gm 1.16 % calcium 49mg 4.87% iron 0.76mg 4.18% vitamin a 22.2 iu 0.44% vitamin c 26.12mg 40% vitamin b1 1.47 iu 94.4% vitamin b2 0.98 iu 56.80% hawaiian goji berry juice is also so much effective for such as: calmness, athletic performance, happiness, quality of sleep, and feelings of good health. Hawaiian goji juice is one of the perfect supplements for human beings. This juice works efficiency that strengthens metabolism. Hawaiian goji juice has all nutrients which is required by healthy human being. Hawaiian goji berry juice is widely appreciated by our customers. Its very unique formulation with guaranteed results. It has also 100% satisfaction guarantee. Other major benefits of hawaiian goji juice: strengthens the heart and reduces heart problems. Contains polysaccharides which control the pituitary glands that produce hgh (human growth hormone) which is a powerful anti-aging hormone.
mix berry juice
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Enriched Goji Berry Juice
599 Per Bottle
1000 Bottle(s) (MOQ)
goji berry juice
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Anti-aging Effects Goji juice in its pure form may help to stimulate the release of human growth hormone, or HGH, which is released from the pituitary gland. According to Duncan, HGH has numerous health benefits, including improved memory; accelerated healing; a restored libido; and healthier skin, hair and nails, which can lead to an overall more youthful appearance. Goji juice is also packed with antioxidants, which help the body rid itself of free radicals, which Duncan explains are a constant threat to the ten trillion cells in your body required for optimal functioning. According to ExtremeHealthUSA.com, the Goji fruit has the ability to raise antioxidant levels in the blood by 10 to 25 percent. Supports Organ Function Used by the Chinese for more than 3,000 years, Goji juice has been referred to by this culture as a kidney super tonic, promoting optimal kidney health and function by removing toxins and free radicals, and is also valued for its benefits to the heart. Goji fruit contains cyperone, a class of chemical compounds that can help to reduce inflammation in the body and improves the cellular structure of the smooth muscle inblood vessels, which improves heart function, reduces blood pressure and helps to maintain the strength and function of the coronary arteries. Aids in Insulin Response Goji fruit contains 18 amino acids, including the eight essential amino acids needed to live. The Goji fruit also contains 13 percent more protein than wheat in its natural, pure form according to ExtremeHealthUSA.com. This added dose of protein to the diet can help to control the body’s response to insulin, especially if drunk before a meal, which can aid in optimal body composition and the reduction of excess body fat. Highest Rated ORAC Food The oxygen radical absorbency scale, or ORAC, is a measure of a food’s antioxidant capacity to absorb free radicals in the body. Goji fruit scored the highest ORAC value, according to the ORAC Chart of Fruits, Vegetables and Essential Oils. According to this chart, the Goji fruit has 500 times more vitamin C than oranges or any other comparable fruit. High antioxidant values such as keep the body’s immune system stimulated and healthy, and because of the unique polysaccharide profile this fruit demonstrates, it allows this fruit to effectively control and balance all classes of immune cells in the body, according to Dr. Duncan.
goji berry juice
240 Per Bottle
100 Bottle (MOQ)
mix berry juice
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mix berry juice
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