Infrared Sauna
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far infrared saunas
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Fir sauna is very unique product it burns 600 calories in 20 minutes. many health benefits using fir sauna detoxification imrove blood circulation weight loss pain relief and improve skin.
Best Deals from Infrared Sauna
83,440 Per Piece
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physical therapy dome provides photon + fir + anion therapy to whole body simultaneously. Our whole body gets far infra red rays giving deep heat penetration therapy. With growing age and bad eating habits our body tend to store harmful chemicals and fats which are not excreted with normal lifestyle. Physical therapy dome with its inherited features helps to excrete those unwanted chemical and stubborn fat from our body. Increses metabolism, blood circulation, remove all body stiffness. sauna dome consists of control box, base mat, dome, stand. Control box controls the temperature of the dome and base mat. Base mat consists of tourm-anion stones with carbon nano heating. Stand is provided with lock at legs for easy mobility and stand off facility. Side tilt 2 piece dome to easy entry and exit from the dome.
Conventional Sauna System
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Conventional saunas use steam to heat the sauna to high temperatures and do indeed feel much hotter than an infrared sauna, although, the heat does not penetrate into the body as much as an infrared sauna.There are many benefits to purchasing and regularly using a conventional sauna, not only will they help you relax and help ease any aches, pain and stiffness, they are highly advantageous from a health perspective.Brief Specifications And Features Wood from Fibrous FPS family which include Canadian Hemlock, Western Red Cedar, Australian/Canadian Pine, Abachi All Switchgears UL/CE listed Heaters and Heaters Enclosures as per International Safety Standards. Imported UL listed Heaters and controls including high temperature alarms on demand Latest Hi Tech Time and Temperature Controls, soft touch keys interface, LCD/TFT/OLED Displays, RS 485 Communication Port Rock Walls can be added to enhance Safety as well as Aesthetics Well thought Lighting Automatic Aroma Dosing and sprinkler on demand All Sauna accessories with elegant Buckets & Laddles, Thermometers & Hygrometers; Sand timers Heat Proof Sauna Room Spakers for relaxing music; on demand PHENIL has been building quality conventional saunas. Manufactured by expertise experienced engineers using the finest materials available, our saunas are carefully tested and inspected at the factory to ensure the utmost in quality. All PHENIL products are safety and dependable performance.With PHENIL, you can count on exceptional service both before and after the sale.
Far Infrared Sauna
175,000 Per Piece
Far Infrared Sauna
150,000 Per Units
Far Infrared Detox Foot Sauna
38,000 Per Piece
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Royale Infrared Sauna
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We are offering royale infrared sauna. Far infrared sauna has numerous health benefits such as controlling weight, improving blood circulation, reduces pain, diabetes control and skin beautification. Just 20 minutes of royale sauna can help you burn 600 calories making royale sauna your lazy way to perfect health. A lower operating temperature and low maintenance makes it comfortable and yet more effective compared to a conventional sauna.
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he brightness of the glass characterize this sauna. Soft lines which appraise a sense of the embrace and lightness with a correct equilibrium between eco-treated wood and glass of high quality. Heat is essential part of sauna, Sauna Vita® technology has developed a maximum efficiency system formed by a heater of three typologies (with different caloric power according to the cubic volume of the sauna), a digital control panel, a damp and the temperature level sensor.
Infrared Sauna
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IR Technology originally developed by NASA combined with Chinese and Japanese researches, Sun Health Solutions provides all the healthful benefits of FAR INFRARED ENERGY in one COMPACT, PORTABLE, user friendly Thermal System.
Kumbh Infrared Beauty Cabin
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We offer Kumbh Infrared Beauty Cabin.
Infrared Body Sauna
59,990 Per unit
far infrared saunas FIR
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far infrared saunas FIR, Steam sauna baths, Fitness Equipment
Far Infrared Sauna
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Far Infrared Sauna
Infrared Sauna
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Infrared Sauna, blood circulator, Leg massager, Massage Chairs
Infrared Sauna
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Infrared Sauna, banana snacks, Dal, GRAINS, peanuts, Spices, Hose Reel
Infrared Sauna
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Far infrared saunas are a modern adaptation of the time-tested method of using heat for health, cleansing and purification purposes. This type of sauna is very cost efficient and easy to maintain, making it an excellent choice for both residential and commercial applications.
Infrared Sauna
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We are offering all types of Infrared Sauna that are available from us at very nominal prices.
Foot Infrared Sauna
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Foot Infrared Sauna, Shower Enclosure Sliding IBT Series
Far Infrared Sauna
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Far Infrared Sauna, Spa Tub Filters, Residential Steam Generators