liposuction instruments
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THE MECHANICAL WAVES opens up the fibrotic fat structure, causing separation of fat cell into individual units.the exposed fat cell are more responsive to treatment . High-frequency energy causes targeted deep thermal heating, metabolic activity and Lipolysis of the fat in the targeted area is accelerated. fat cell volume is decreased and fat layer is reduced.
liposuction instruments
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liposuction is the commonly performed surgical procedure. Lasting removal of fat cells using a suction device can be performed through this procedure. The procedure is safe and can be done in a minimum time. The surgical procedure has been subjected to some controversies. This has been due to performance of the surgery by untrained personnel.Those claims that assure the removal of 10 to 12 kg of fat are false. The standard amount of fat that can be removed should be about 3 to 5% of the total body weight.
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There is an infection by an organism known as “rapid growing atypical mycobacteria” that has been associated with attempts to sterilize surgical instruments by soaking them in bacteriocidal chemical solutions. Because rapid growing atypical mycobacteria are resistant to bacteriocidal chemical solutions, all liposuction instruments should either be sterilized in a steam-autoclave, or be single-use disposable items. Another type of potentially fatal infection is known as necrotizing fascitis which has been associated with 1) a penetration wound to the intestines with a delayed diagnosis due to the use of general anesthesia, or 2) the use of Reston foam applied to the skin after liposuction to reduce bruising. The manufacturer of Reston foam has warned against its use with liposuction. Infections associated with liposuction are extremely rare. This patient was infected by atypical mycrobacteria as a result of inadequately sterilized instruments.
liposuction instruments
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VASER is the acronym of Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance. As the name suggests, sound energy is utilized for liquefying the fat globules. After the fat is liquefied, it is then aspirated using liposuction. The procedure is done in a gradual but uniform manner. Compared to the conventional tumescent liposuction procedure, the procedure is more satisfying and comfortable. The advantages of the VASER technique are multifold. The method is gentler on tissues and fat can be suctioned even from areas that are difficult to access. The VASER technique is nowadays used mainly for obesity management. Mega-liposuctions can be performed more safely using this method. The technique used nowadays is a day-care procedure where the individual can go back on the same day of surgery. The patients can get to work after 3-7 days of procedure. Revision surgeries can also be done using VASER. In this procedure, more reduction in cellulite can be attained due to a more uniform fat removal.