liquid milk processing plant
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Milk is an ideal food not only for the young ones but also for the aged ones and convalescents alike. It is rich in carbohydrate primarily lactose, protein mainlycaseinand fat. Further minerals like calcium, phosphorous, sodium, potassium and magnesium are present in appreciable quantities. FBE design, supply, install and commission liquid milk processing plant on turn key basis. The capacity of plant vary from 5,000 lit/day to 10,00,000
The other milk products like Butter, Ghee, SMP/WMP/ Dairy whitener, Sweetened condensed/Evaporated milk plant, Dahi/Lassi/Yoghurt/Shrikhand, Paneer, Khoa, Ice cream, Casein/WPC/DM whey powder/ Lactose, Cheese are also manufactured with milk polypack.
Process description
Raw/Chilled milk from chilling center is received in a dump tank. It is then chilled in a PHE type chiller upto 4 deg C. The chilled milk is then stored to chilled milk storage tank, from where it is pumped to pasteurizer and through pasteurizer it goes to cream separator. Cream is separated through milk and skim milk is obtained. Milk/ skim milk is standardized with cream, butter oil, SMP to make Full cream milk, standardized milk, toned milk, double toned milk and skim milk. The milk is packed in ½ kg and 1 kg plastic pouches. The separated cream is processed to manufacture butter, butter oil and ghee. Cream from cream storage tank goes to butter churn, then ghee boiler, ghee settling tank, ghee prestratification tank, ghee clarifier to manufacture ghee. Ghee is packed either in tin or poly pouches.