Long Code Sms Service
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Long Code SMS service is a versatile communication tool that enables businesses to send and receive text messages using a standard, full-length phone number. With SpaceEdge Technology, you can enjoy the benefits of direct communication with your audience while staying within your budget constraints. Choose us as your trusted partner and unlock the most affordable Long Code SMS service. .
long code services
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Long code also called virtual phone number, is a gathering system used by sme's and e-commerce platforms for lead generation or receiving feedback from customers as a sms messages and voice calls.
Looking for Long Code Services Providers
long code services
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We Provides long code service that lets two-way communications through SMS. With long-code services, organizations have two-way messaging /SMS capabilities while using the familiar 10 digit mobile number. We are going to use Long Code for Mobile Recharge System, Information associated with a Product, Short Code is quite use full for individuals. We will give you status report so that you can easily Measure the effectiveness of your all marketing campaigns.As a result of high mobile penetration mobile marketing works solution & channel of choice for countless consumers.
Long Code SMS Services
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Long code is often a dedicated phone number or long number used by business to receive SMS messages and voice calls. Long Codes are 10 Digit Virtual Mobile Number (sometimes also called as SMS Virtual Number) to which a user can send a text message to interact with applications and get the desired response.
long code services
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Long code is ideal to communicate 1-on-1 with a customer. Long code lets business keep their number consistent across all channels, which is the cornerstone of any great SMS campaign. Long code can support a maximum of 5000 messages per day. You may be able to receive replies if your country is not listed by using a long number with international coverage.
SMS Long Code Service
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We provide service of SMS long code.
long code service
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Another name for long codes is two way numbers, because they allow people to reply to your SMS messages. But what is the difference between a short code and a long code?
Long Code Sms Service
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We provides special dedicated long code numbers to organizations as per their requirement and offers superior network connectivity due which overseas messages are delivered in a jiffy.
Long Code SMS Services
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Long Code SMS is a ten digits virtual mobile variety that is operated by at mobile service supplier.
Long Code SMS Services
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a virtual phone number is the type of contact number. you can get this number when you purchase the services of a virtual telephone system. vpn are not allotted to any particular device, computer or telephone. instead, they are hosted by a service provider and can be forwarded to any telephone or extension in any home or business across the nation. this is exciting news for business owners because it allows them to take their business numbers with them wherever they go.
Long Code SMS Services
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Long codes are 10 digits as mobile numbers which are globally accessible sms solutions which delivers two-way communication and helps in product promotion by delivering the service of messaging. Long codes are cost effective marketing solutions which are being replied at a low cost so everyone can easily reply to the keyword with a low budget. These Long Codes are wireless 10 digit numbers which are used to deliver messaging. Using this wireless subscribers interact with groups of other people, businesses, and organizations for a whole host of applications by calling and texting a 10 digit Long Code number and even shows their interest in the offer. These numbers work 24X7 with any application programming.
SMS Long Code Service
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Our SMS Long Code Services are meant for lead generation or to get feedback from clients. We provide a keyword specific to your company. These keywords form the basis of recognition of the messages of your company and once received, messages are sent to the respective companies. Our SMS Long Code Services are known for their cost effectiveness and perfection. Advantages of Our SMS Long Code Service Unlimited Sub KeywordsChange auto replies as many times you wantLong Code is Use to GlobalOne free SMS for every incoming SMS (as an auto reply)Complete Reporting Of Sending SMS and Receiving SMSOne free SMS for every incoming SMS (as an auto reply)URL Forwarding to receive incoming SMS on your applicationUnmatched Services in industryInstant response and real time reporting To Your SMSTwo Way messaging ServicesShared 2 Way SMS by Long CodeDedicated 2 Way SMS by Long codeResponse can be forwarded to your URL and EmailVery Nominal Cost for Long Code
Long Code SMS Services
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Short Codes and Long codes are two way messaging services, in which customer sends a message on your keyword and gets a pre-defined response for the same immediately. This service is mostly used for voting or for some contest.
long code services
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Long codes are a 10 Digit Global Virtual Number which are operated by cellular providers and can receive a text message to interact with applications and get the desired response.
Shared Long Code SMS Service
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An economical way for Startups and Small Businesses to add SMS channel for interacting with their customers. Get Hi-Tech and make an impression on your customers by integrating SMS Services to your existing system. Your customers can use this to get Order/Payment Status, Delivery Status, Price List etc. on their mobile phones by just Sending an SMS to a mobile number.
Long Code SMS Gateway Service
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SMS Long Code numbers, also know as Long Codes are special eight digit fancy numbers starting with 5, shorter than a full telephone number SMS Long Code numbers are being globally accessible, this provides an opportunity for enterprises to have their own unique Longcode number. Longcode Service is a perfect fit for enterprises who don’t want their customers or employees to pay premium sms charges for sending a query.
SMS Long Code Services
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Long code service will create virtual numbers for unique identity & superior network all over in india. They are easy to adopt & has low cost & easy to maintain.
SMS Long Code Services
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We provide service of SMS long Code.
Long Code SMS Services
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Long code is often a dedicated phone number or long number used by business to receive SMS messages and voice calls. Long Codes are 10 Digit Virtual Mobile Number (sometimes also called as SMS Virtual Number) to which a user can send a text message to interact with applications and get the desired response. Typical services that can be deployed using a virtual mobile number can be a Request-Response application, Information-on-Demand, Activation of service, etc.
long code services
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A long code message service is usually a phone number that principally targeted at a mass of potential customers or clients. In today’s times, it’s not about how good your products are, it’s about what more changes a customer wants to be added or subtracted from the product’s line to make it more amiable for the masses; long code service just serves this fact with optimum result. It is inarguably the best choice for 2-way conversation, customers’ feedbacks, and reviews. This variant of Bulk SMS is an instant hit with the business firms as the same number can be used for calling and texting messages whereas the number becomes functional in a matter of a few hours. The set-up time required for the long code service is a matter of a few hours. Nowadays, firms are more affirmative about marketing strategies to combat cut-throat competition in the business markets. Some of the most vital uses of long code service programs are-targeting audience, providing relevant data to the customer, alert notifications, banking alerts, shipping alerts, airline alerts, troubleshooting products or service platforms. Long codes services are the greatest podium of serving businesses and customers on 2-way communication. Moreover, GNEC Media guarantees a customer is a person, not a bot, from where businesses can segregate further relevant information about the customer in a detailed manner.