7018 Mild Steel Welding Electrodes
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100 Box (MOQ)
- Material: Mild Steel
- Color: Grey
- Condition: New
- Length: 350 Mm To 400 Mm
- Type: Mild Steel Welding Rods
- Thickness: 2.50 To 5 Mm
- Country of Origin: India
Virat Superior Welding Electrodes Grade 7018 is a heavy coated Low Hydrogen Iron Powder Type Electrode which can easily operate on AC as well as DC (+). The electrode is suitable for welding in all positions & is specially designed to give mechanically sound welds subjected to dynamic loading. The weld metal has good impact strength at room as well as at sub-zero temperature.
Virat Superior Welding Electrodes Grade 7018 has number of application for welding mild steel, unknown steels, carbon steels, high tensile and alloy steels, heavily restrained joints, ship building, boilers, pressure vessels, pipe lines, railway wagons & coaches, heavy machineries, cranes, tanks, vessels, blast furnace steel work, atomic reactor shell & pipe work, castings, etc.
Steady and smooth arc with easy striking and re- striking.
Low spatter fine rippled bead & easily removable slag.
The weld metal is of radiographic quality.