Petrol Engine Test Rig
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Accurately dimensioned, Petrol Engine Test Rigs offered by us are appreciated for their high functionality and high performance. We make available Multi Cylinder Four Stroke Petrol Engine Test Rigs and Single Cylinder Four Stroke Petrol Engine Test Rigs under our offered range of Petrol Engine Test Rigs. Petrol Engine Test Rigs are available with us at pocket friendly prices. Specifications Load Brake Drum Made Of Ms, 200 mm Dia. With Cooling Arrangement. Load Measurement : Digital Balance 50 Kg - 1 No. and Dead Weights. AC DC Generator With Lamp Load Bank. Eddy Current Dynamometer. Coupling : Univesal Type. Air Flow Rate Measurement : Air Box- 200x200x200 mm With Digital Air Flow Meter. Fuel Flow : Glass Metering Column (Burette) With Stop Watch. Speed : A Non Contact Type Proximity Sensor With Digital Indicator( 0-9999 Rpm). Fuel Tank : Capacity 5 Liter.
Petrol Engine Test Rig
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Best Deals from Petrol Engine Test Rig
VCR Stroke Petrol Engine Test Rig
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If you are looking for a VCR stroke Petrol Engine Test Rig, Srinidhi Engineers is the best company for these products. Single Cylinder, Four-Stroke, Spark/Compression Ignition VCRE SI-CI SERIES Variable Compression Ratio Engine has been made for Carrying out far-reaching Research work in the field of Engine Technology improvement and for completing Analysis related to Alternative Fuel Development for S.I. moreover, C.I. motors. The Research motor is connected with Eddy Current Dynamometer. It has crucial instrumentation for consuming strain, wrench point, wind stream, fuel stream, temperatures and weight evaluations. Get our products in your required quantity. Contact us for more details about our services and products.
4 Stroke 4/3 Cylinder Petrol Engine Motor Driven
55,000 Per Piece
4 Stroke 4/3 Cylinder Petrol Engine Motor Driven Alpha Chem is manufactures,exporter & suppliers of 4 Stroke 4/3 Cylinder Petrol Engine Motor Driven. 4 Stroke 4/3 Cylinder Petrol Engine - Motor Driven Actual Cut Section Working Model With Valve Timing Attachment.
Petrol Engine Test Setup
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We are offering Multi/ four Cylinder Four Stroke Petrol Engine Test Setup. Td 103: multi/four cylinder four stroke petrol engine test setup description:- ic engines are widely used in automobile, domestic and industrial sector. they are classified according to cycle, number of cylinders, arrangement of cylinders, fuel used, type of ignition, valve arrangement, cooling system. Test rigs are used to find out the performance of an ic engine. it consists of an ic engine, dynamometer, fuel measuring, air intake measuring and various other arrangements. Provision for mores test is done. experiments:- • to determine specific fuel consumption. • to determine brake horse power. • to determine brake thermal efficiency. • to determine mechanical efficiency • to determine indicated thermal efficiency utilities required:- • electric supply : single phase, 220 v, 5 amp. (required only for td-103b, td-103c) • continuous water supply : 10 lpm approx. • fuel : 10 liters. • floor area : 3m x 2m • tachometer : for rpm measurement technical specification: - engine a four stroke, multi cylinder, water cooled, self start, self lubricating petrol engine provided lubrication oil filter air cleaner, ignition coil, throttle control and clutch arrangement. type of loading td-103a - rope brake dynamometer rope brake arrangement fitted with the brake drum fitted on the engine shaft and provided with cooling water arrangement dial type spring balances in kg units. td-103b - electric brake dynamometer the engine is coupled with electrical alternator with resistance loading arrangement. Digital voltmeter and digital ammeter is provided. td-103c - hydraulic brake dynamometer it consists of weighing gear, control gear, a dead weight in kg unit suitable for testing the engine at different speeds. The engine and dynamometer are directly coupled on a substantial base plate. fuel measuring system 1 fuel measuring system consists of a fuel tank, a burette and a three way cock arrangement. air intake measuring system air tank fitted with orifice and water manometer. measurement of heat carried it consist of inlet outlet piping with flow control valve, water away by cooling water meter to measure the rate of flow of cooling water and thermometers for measuring inlet & outlet water temperature. panel board arrangement panel board arrangement consisting of, ignition & starting switch, a high voltage knife switch assembly for cutting off each cylinder for morse test. optional: exhaust gas calorimeter - made of stainless steel including the body & the tubes for cooling water circulation and designed to get maximum temperature difference. The body of the calorimeter is insulated on all sides to prevent heat losses due to radiation. Thermometers are provided to measure the temperature of water and gas.
Petrol Engine Test Rig
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Engine – Automotive petrol engine. Four stroke three Cylinder Four Cylinder, water cooled, developing 15 BHP at 2500 RPM, Provided with battery and self starter.Arrangement to cut off the ignition to conduct Morse test The test rig enables to determine I.H.P.B.H.P., specific fuel consumption, Air fuel ratio Volumetric efficiency and heat balance sheet at different loads and speeds.
Petrol Engine Test Rig
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Three main components from main parts of the test rig. Welded steel base plate, complete with Mechanical Brake or A.C. Alternator or D.C. Generator or Eddy Current Dynamometer, Drive coupling and with safety guard, anti vibration mounting. Resistance loading with selector switches to the engine from no load to full load (Only for A.C. Alternator & D.C. Generator) Panel board positioned over the base plate consisting of fuel system with flow measurement by burette, air flow measurement system, temperature indicator.
Petrol Engine Test Rig
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We are a one-stop destination and the perfect place for purchasing excellence assured Petrol Engine Test Rig. Serialization is done before the final packaging and storing of the products in our capacious warehouse. We keep the products separated to ensure rapid delivery in the committed time span.
Petrol Engine Test Rigs
160,000 - 280,000 Per Piece
VCR petrol engine test rig, electrical loading.
Petrol Engine Test Rig
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Petrol Engine Test Rig
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Petrol engine test rig , We also manufacture the equipments and control systems for sugar industries mainly mill automation, boiler instrumentation, prd stations and embibition water control system.
Petrol Engine Test Rig
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IC engines are widely used in automobile, domestic and industrial sector. They are classified according to cycle, number of cylinders, arrangement of cylinders, fuel used, type of ignition, valve arrangement, cooling system. Test rigs are used to find out the performance of an IC engine. It consists of an IC Engine, dynamometer, fuel measuring, air intake measuring and various other arrangements.
Multi Cylinder Four Stroke Petrol Engine Test Rig
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We are amongst the reputed Manufacturer & Exporter of Multi Cylinder Four Stroke Petrol Engine Test Rig for Thermal Engineering Lab for Educational Training from India. Our competent professionals make use of high-grade materials and the latest technology for fabricating the Petrol Engine Test Rig. We offer the Petrol Engine Test Rig in a number of options and can also customize according to customer requirement. We are also manufacturing complete range of Engineering Educational Equipment and all Fluid Mechanics Lab, Hydraulics Lab, Structrual Lab, Civil Lab, Concrete Testing Lab, Soil Testing Lab, Transportation Lab, Experimental Stress Analysis Lab, Thermal Engineering Lab, Thermodynmaics Lab, Vibration Lab, Refridgeration and Air Conditioning Lab, Theory of Machines Lab, Tribology Lab, Heat Transfer Lab, Control Engineering Lab, Load Frame, Hydraulic Machinerys, Hydraulic Bench, Tilting Flume, Wind Tunnel, Strength of Material Lab, Material Science Lab equipments etc.
Petrol Engine Test Rig
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IEICOS Engine Test Rigs are specially designed for use in engineering and technical educational institutions for evaluation and performance studies of petrol and diesel engines. IEICOS IC Engine Test Rig is a complete setup for evaluating diesel engine performance by means of loading the engine upto and over the rated load using a eddy current type dynamometer (other dynamometer type options are also available) for loading. IEICOS Engine Test Rigs are available for various combinations of stroke, number of cylinders, cooling, fuel etc., as mentioned below. The setup includes necessary equipment and instrumentation for measurement of torque, speed, airflow, fuel flow, water flow, temperatures, crank-angle, combustion pressure etc as mentioned in the specifications. The IEIOS IC Engine test rigs are designed for study and evaluation of engine performance for various parameters such as power, efficiency, fuel consumption, torque –speed characteristics etc. The test rigs can provide information on Brake Horse Power, Frictional Horse Power, Indicated Horse Power, Thermal Efficiency, Mechanical Efficiency, AirFuel Ratio etc
4 Cylinder 4 Stroke Petrol Engine Test Rig (th-014 )
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We are offering 4 Cylinder 4 Stroke Petrol Engine Test Rig (th-014 ). The setup consists of three cylinder, four stroke, petrol engine connected to dynamometer for engine loading. The setup has stand-alone type independent panel box consisting of air box, fuel tank, manometer, fuel measuring unit. Engine jacket cooling water inlet, outlet and calorimeter temperature is displayed on temperature indicator. Flowmeters are provided for cooling water and calorimeter flow measurement. Provision is also made for conducting Morse test Experiments Study of engine performance for power, efficiencies, fuel consumption, air fuel ratio and heat balance Morse test Utilities Required Electric supply: Provide 230 +/- 10 VAC, 50 Hz, single phase electric supply with proper earthing. (Neutral – Earth voltage less than 5 VAC) Space: 3500Lx4000Wx2000H in mm, Water supply: Continuous clean and soft water @4000 LPH, Head 10 m.(min), Connection 1” BSP with tap/valve. Drain: Provide drainpipe 2� NB size. Exhaust: Provide exhaust pipe 1� NB size. Fuel, oil: Petrol: @ 10 liter, Lub. oil: @ 3.5 liter (20W40)
Multi Cylinder Petrol Engine Test Rig
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To carry out the following experiments, Experiment to be performed: Morse Test. Engine: 10HP at 1500RPM coupled with loading device on a common base plate. Different Types of Loading: Rope Brake Dynamometer Hydraulic Dynamometer Electrical Dynamometer Product Code : SAMS THR - 006
Petrol Engine Test Rig
95,000 Per Piece
Petrol Engine Test Rig
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IC engines are widely used in automobile, domestic and industrial sector. They are classified according to cycle, number of cylinders, arrangement of cylinders, fuel used, type of ignition, valve arrangement, cooling system. Test rigs are used to find out the performance of an IC engine. It consists of an IC Engine, dynamometer, fuel measuring, air intake measuring and various other arrangements.
Petrol Engine Test Rig
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Petrol engine test rig consisting of a multicylinder 4- stroke 4 cylinder petrol engine, developing about 10 H.P. at 1500 R.P.M. engine.The unit is accompanied with the following accessories :- ignition switch, a radiator, a self starter, a battery ammeter, a throttle control. Special arrangements by switches for cutting off ignition of each cylinder for morse test, all mounted on a suitable panel board, a battery for starting the engine, clutch arrangement.
Cylinder Petrol Engine Test Rig
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The engine is coupled with rope brake or electrical dynamometer as per requirements. For rope brake dynamometer rope wound on a pulley with spring balance is used. A water rheostat is used for loading electrical dynamometer. The test rig can determine air fuel ratio B.H.P., I.H.P. specific fuel consumption and efficiency at various loading and heat loss in exhaust gases. SPECIFICATIONS1. Engine – 4 stroke, air cooled vertical petrol engine, developing 3 HP at 3000 rpm.2. Dynamometer – Rope brake -rope wound a pulley alongwith spring balances.Electrical – A suitable capacity generator with water rheostat load bank and load measurement arrangement. OR Suitable Capacity of Hydraulic Dynamometer3. Fuel intake measurement arrangement.4. Air intake measurement arrangement.5. Multichannel Digital Temperature Indicator to measure the temperatures at various points.6. Exhaust gas calorimeter to study heat losses in exhaust gases.A technical manual accompanies the unit