Rockwool Mattress
295 Per Square Meter
100 Square Meter (MOQ)
Lrb Rockwool Mattress
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Best Deals from Rockwool Mattress
LRB Rockwool Insulation Mattress
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50 Meter (MOQ)
Lrb Rockwool Mattress
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Lrb Rockwool Mattress
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100 Piece (MOQ)
Rockwool Mattress
300 - 2,000 Per sqmtr
Lrb Rockwool Mattress
228 Per Square Feet
100 Square Feet (MOQ)
Lightly Bonded Mattresses (LRB) consists of dust like fibres spun from designated rocks melted at a high temperature and bonded with a thermoset resin. They are then felted in a planned material place pattern and are baked to form preformed mattresses of pre observed density and thickness with uniform material distribution. Mattresses are then stitched, slit and chopped to given dimensions. LRB mattresses has excellent unchangeability and has no chicken feathering which pollutes the atmosphere during application. Applications LRB mattresses are used for both hot and algid Insulation to conserve energy, maintain impact temperature, wage personnel protection, prevent condensation and reduce noise level. LRB mattresses are used for thermal Insulation of pipe, tanks, equipments, boilers, electrostatic precipitators, flues and word ducts, ovens, furnaces, kilns and blast Insulation of blast doors.
Rockwool Mattress
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Rock wool Lightly Resin Bonded mattresses are made of fine fibers spun from selected rocks melted at high temperature and bonded with a thermosetting resin. The uniform distribution of fibers, the fine diameter of fiber and flexibility are the unique characteristics of Rock wool Lightly Resin Bonded Mattresses. The properties are controlled to form mattresses of predetermined density and thickness. 'Poly bond' Rock wool Mattress conforms to IS:8183, ASTM C 592 available with or without facings. These mattresses can be faced on one side or both sides to form a firm and flexible multipurpose insulating media. The facings may be Aluminium Foil or Galvanised wire mesh or Stainless Steel wire mesh of different specifications. Lightly Resin Bonded mattresses provide excellent stability, due to uniform thickness and density, resulting in prevention of heat losses.
Rock Wool Mattress
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LRB rock wool mattress are made out of molten rocks (Basalt) transformed into fibres and then bonded with thermosetting binder forming mattress and then it is stitched with one side or both sides GI or SS hexagonal wire netting. LRB rock wool mattress are exceptionally suitable for wrapping large curve surface or cutting to fit over irregular surfaces like Boilers, Equipments, E.S.P, Ducts, Ovens, Furnaces, Tanks, Pipe Lines, Chimney Walls etc.
Bonded Rockwool Mattresses
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Rockwool Mattress
100 Per Square Feet
Rock wool lightly resin bonded mattresses (LRB) consists of fine fibers spun from selected rocks melted at high temperature and bonded with a thermosetting resin. They are Machine laid fiber lay pattern and are baked to form mattresses of predetermined density and thickness.Mattresses are then slit and stitched to specified dimensions . It has controlled thickness and density resulting in predictable heat losses.Rockwool mattresses manufactured from selected rocks to State of the Art Specification fully conform to national and international standards such as IS : 8183 - 1993 BS : 3958 Part - 3 ASTM:C592 - 80APPLICATIONRockwool mattresses are used for Hot & Cold insulation to conserve energy It is used in the thermal insulation of large vessels, boilers, , equipment, ducts, flanges, valves and plants operating at high temperatures.SERVICE TEMPERATURE-50 to + 750 DEGREE CENTI GRADEFIRE RESISTANCENon-combustible when tested in accordance with BS - 476 part - 4 and ASTM E - 136. Class1 when tested in accordance with BS - 476 part 7, (ASTM E- 84).COROSSION RESISTANCEMattresses do not cause, initiate or promote any kind of corrosionFACINGLRB Mattresses are available with wired mesh on one or both sides in SS or GI.PACKINGLRB MATTS mattresses are packed in HDPE bags.MOISTURENon-hygroscopic, non-capillary and does not absorb any moisture from the air. Moisture has no effect on the stability of the mattresses.FLEXIBILITYMattresses are very flexible. They will essentially retain thickness while conforming to any irregular shape. Retention of fibers by wire mesh prevents cracking or breaking of mattresses. BENEFITS OF ROCKWOOL Incombustible Good Acoustic Properties Moisture Resistant Fire Retardant Neither cause nor acelerate corrosion Chemically Inert Durable and do not sag and settle Easy to handle and apply Better Insulation Properties
Lrb Rockwool Mattress
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Factory-made using resin mineral, we are one of the proud manufacturers and suppliers of LRB Rockwool Mattress from Kolkata, India. The mattresses comprise of fine fiber, as spun from various selected rocks, which are melted at high temperature and then well-bonded with thermosetting resin. These products are meant for cold and hot insulation that conserve energy. Receive top graded products from our side at affordable rates. Details : It has controlled thickness and density resulting in predictable heat losses. Dhanbad Rockwool mattresses manufactured from selected rocks to State of the Art Specification fully conform to national and international standards such as IS : 8183 - 1993 BS : 3958 Part - 3 ASTM:C592 - 80Technical Data :Application : LRB mattresses are used for Hot & Cold insulation to conserve energy It is used in the thermal insulation of large vessels, boilers, , equipment, ducts, flanges, valves and plants operating at high temperatures. Service Temperature : -50 to + 750 Degree Centi GradeAvailability Standard Dimensions : 1.640 X 1.220 M Thickness - MM : 25,40,50,60,65,75,100 Density (Kg/M3) : As per IS:8183 Thermal Conductivity : Mattress has extremely low K values for wide range of temperature. Typical thermal conductivity values for various densities and mean temperature are shown in the graph.Facing : DRW /ECOROCK LRB Mattresses are available with wired mesh on one or both sides in SS or GI.Moisture : Non-hygroscopic, non-capillary and does not absorb any moisture from the air. Moisture has no effect on the stability of the mattresses.Fire Resistance : Non-combustible when tested in accordance with BS - 476 part - 4 and ASTM E - 136. Class1 when tested in accordance with BS - 476 part 7, (ASTM E- 84).Packing : DRW/ECOROCK LRB MATTS mattresses are packed in HDPE bags.Corrosion Resistance : Mattresses do not cause, initiate or promote any kind of corrosion Flexibility : Mattresses are very flexible. They will essentially retain thickness while conforming to any irregular shape. Retention of fibers by wire mesh prevents cracking or breaking of mattresses.
Rockwool Mattress
250 - 600 Per Sq. Mtr.
1 Container (MOQ)
Rockwool Insulation mattress is lightly resin bonded mineral fibers faced one side with hexagonal galvanized or stainless steel wire netting. LRB Mattress is a flexible material having firm structure reinforced due to wire mesh. Rockwool Insulation mattress is non-combustible in nature.
LRB Matters
1,400 Per Bag
Lrb Rockwool Mattress
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Rockwool lrb rolls, slabs are used for boiler and pipe line insulations. Rockwool is basically stone wool which is fire proof.
Rockwool Mattress
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All our payment terms and conditions are as per the requisites of law. A payment agreement signed with the patrons is fulfilled by us ethically and with a high level of transparency. Be it packaging small or large consignments, light or heavy products, we use the finest material to provide cost efficient and sustainable packaging solutions. We offer a wide gamut of Rockwool Mattress available in various thicknesses ranging from 25mm to 100mm.
Lrb Rockwool Mattress
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We understand that the superior grade raw material is essential for the development of high quality products. And, for maintaining these standards, we have adopted several quality measures for ensuring the quality. We are the most demanding entity when it comes to LRB Mattress! Features : Resistance to compression Fire resistant Low thermal conductivity
Rockwool Mattress
1,450 - 1,500 Per Roll
20 Roll (MOQ)
Thermal rockwool mattress are designed for various applications in Ducts and Vessels equipment, and wherever there are irregular and uneven curved surfaces. They conform to ASTM C-553 and ASTM C-665 and come in flexible form with or without facings. To suit your requirements, we will configure them accordingly.
Mineralwool Rockwool Insulation
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We partner with leading manufacturers that provide the latest in insulation technology, ensuring your projects are at the forefront of energy savings and cost effective. Rockwool Mineralwool a lightweight mineral fibre product designed for economic and effective insulation on thermal, acoustical and fire protection of building, industrial and marine industry. It consists of long, fine fibre spun from molten natural rock bonded with thermosetting resin. Our range of Rockwool Mineralwool insulation includes Rockwool LRB mattress backed with wire mesh are recommended for use in the thermal insulation of large vessels, boilers, machinery, equipment’s, ducts, flanges, valves and plates operation at high temperatures. These mattresses are exclusively suited for wrapping curved surfaces Available in Densities: 80 to 150 kg/mᶟRockwool Slabs are used for building application like wall insulation and sound proofing of partitions and false celling’s, air-conditioning duct insulation and industrials insulation like chimney insulation, furnaces insulation, industrials ovens etc. Rockwool slabs are used in acoustic insulation work for auditorium, theatres, public place and industrial areas where noise reduction is required. Available in Densities: 40 kg/mᶟ to 150 kg/mᶟPre-formed Pipe Sections are highly recommended for industrial steam and process pipe lines in oil refineries, chemical plants and power projects. The Pipe Sections are available with facing like Aluminium Foil, Black veil or white Fibre Glass Tissue or without any facings. Available in Density from 128 kg/mᶟ to 200 kg/mᶟRockwool Mineral wool Building Rolls are developed for the insulation of roofs, walls and floors. These temperature resistant rolls are best suitable for use in pre-engineered buildings, pre-fabricated houses, poultry farms, airports, auditoriums, AC ducting, etc. These are also recommended for thermal insulation material & acoustic insulation material in false ceilings. Rockwool Building Roll is very quick and easy installation of the material which makes the building envelope or the interiors absolutely airtight. Available in Densities: 48 kg/mᶟ to 64 kg/mᶟLoose Mineral wool and Granulated Loose wool is used for general purpose insulation, expansion relief packing, cavities of brickwork in furnaces, ovens and many other industrial equipment. It is mostly suitable for applications where preformed insulation material is difficult to apply. Loose Mineral Wool is available in HDPE bags of 40 kg each and Granulated Wool is available in HDPE bags of 25 kg each.
Lrb Rockwool Mattress
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