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The Sarpagandha (Rauwolfia serpentina) is a small woody perennial from Indian and the East Indies. Roots of Sarpagandha yield the alkaloid reserpine. The Sarpagandha was the first major tranquilizer, especially for the treatment of paranoia and schizophrenia, as well as a substance that lowers blood pressure and controls hypertension. Interestingly, Sarpagandha was long used in India for treating mental illness and snake bites, known to medicine men and peasants as the "insanity herb," snakeroot, and chandra (moon disease or lunacy). The alkaloid of our Sarpagandha is effective for snake bites and scorpion stings.
Rauvolfia Serpentina
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Belonging to Apocynaceae family, Rauvolfia serpentina is considered highly effective for controlling high blood pressure and treating insomnia.
Best Deals from Sarpagandha
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Deep-rooted in Bhopal(India), we are a promising name presenting wide array of products. With our capacious storage facility, urgent and voluminous requirements of the buyers are easily furnished by us.
Sarpagandha Extract Powder
1,500 - 3,500 Per Kilogram
25 Kg (MOQ)
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Hygienically extracted and packed, our presented Sarpagandha is an ideal Medicinal Herb used to treat various immune and digestion based diseases. We are associated with traditional collectors and vendors in market owing to which our offered Sarpagandha (Rauvolfia Serpentina) are widely demanded all across markets of the Indian Subcontinent. We are a reckoned name in industry actively engaged in trading of Sarpagandha based in Kanchrapara (West Bengal). Log in to our contact us page now and drop your queries to sign a profitable deal with us.
rauwolfia serpentina
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With us, clients can stay rest assured for the security of the payment. For the convenience of the clients, we accept cash payments along with bank transfers. Our warehouse is installed with advanced machines and all required amenities ensuring safe storage of diverse kinds of products requiring different storage temperatures and conditions.
Indian Snakeroot
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Features 100% Natural. No added color, Taste, Odor Chemicals and preservatives. High medicinal properties and longer shelf life. Export quality. Medicinal use product. Uses : The whole plant, roots, seeds, and ashes of the plant are extensively used in traditional system of medicine for various ailments. Wilkins and Judson have administered Rauwolfia serpentina to over 100 patients for periods of a month to a year. They reported that it is useful in lowering high blood pressure levels. Many studies are concluding that rauwolfia extracts or its pure alkaloid reserpine is a good agent in the treatment of hypertension.
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1 Kilogram (MOQ)
360 Per Bottle
1 Bottle (MOQ)
Sarpgandha Powder
160 - 170 Per Piece
1 Piece (MOQ)
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Commonly known as sarpagandha in hindi and rauwolfia, this herb is very erect with a smooth stem. The drug consists of the dried roots with their bark intact, preferably collected in autumn from three or four year old plants. The roots of this herb contain several alkaloids, the more important being two chemical classes known as the Ajmaline and the serpentine group. . The roots also contain a lot of resin and starch and when incinerated, leave an ash consisting mainly of potassium carbonate, phosphate, silicate and traces of iron and manganese. SPECIFICATION Scientific name: Rauvolfia serpentina Rank: Species Higher classification: Rauvolfia Latin name: Rauwolfia Serpentina Family: Apocyanaceae Common name: Sarpgandha English name: Rauwolfia Indian Names : Arachoritita, Chandrabhaga, Chota-chand, Sanochado, Sarpagandha, Chandrika, Patalguruda Parts used: Root Pharmacological action: sedative, depressant, febrifuge, and tonic. Actions and uses in ayurveda: kaphvatashamak, nidrajannan, raktbharshamak, jvaraghna. Sarpagandha is used for the treatment of paranoia, schizophrenia, and hypertension. In serpant bite, the powder of Sarpagandha roots is given orally, as well as, applied on the site of bite It relieves itching in Urticaria Specially in snake bite, it is extensively used as antidote The Rauvolfia herb is the best remedy for high blood pressure and it has been adapted by medical fraternity in most countries It relieves tension, anxiety and worry and fat people especially find it effective. Whenever a patient is extremely irritable and is behaving in an unruly manner, Sarpagandha has been found effective. However, it should be used with great care in the case of the debilitated, or those habitually depressed.
Rauvolfia Serpentina
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We offer Sarpagandha. English name : serpentina. Botanical name : rauwolfia serpentina uses : hypertension, insanity, epilepsy, dismennorrhagia, insomnia, emmenogogue, snake poisoning, fever, worms in festation, wound healing, uterine contraction (ebolic).
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Sarpagandha Vati is an Ayurvedic medicine, used in the treatment of high BP and lack of sleep. It should only be used under strict medical supervision. Sarpgandha formulations are used in the management of essential hypertension and in certain neuropsychiatric disorders. For Hypertension, Heart diseases, Insomnia, Epilepsy, the root powder is taken in dose of half gram, twice a day. Antihypertensive medicine Antipsychotic medicine
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We are offering sarpgandha {rauwolfia serpentina} RAUWOLFIA TETRA FOLA. As we can provide you all the two types of roots. One is original which is broken by mouth and the second one is bit strong.
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We are offering sarpagandha, serpentina & rauwolfia serpentina.
Rauwolfia Serpentina (Sarpagandha)
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Sarpagandha is mainly antihypertensive, sedative, antianxiety, antipsychotic and hypnotic. In addition to these properties, it is also known for anti-proliferative, anti-diuretic, antifungal, antimicrobial, anthelmintic and anti-inflammatory activities.
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We are offering (rauvolfia serpentina roots) seed & plants in bulk
Rauvolfia Serpentina
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With our domain expertise, we are engaged in supplying Sarpagandha in the market. The botanical name of Sarpagandha is Rauwolfia serpentine. Due to the medicinal properties, the Sarpagandha is widely used by the practitioners of modern medicine. The clients can avail the Sarpagandha from us at reasonable price. Product Information English Name : Serpentina,Rauvolfia rootBotanical Name : Rauvolfia SerpentinaIndian Names : Arachoritita, Chandrabhaga, Chota-chand, Sanochado, Sarpagandha, Chandrika, PatalgurudaFamily : ApocynaceaeHabitat : Moist forests shady places near rain-forestUseful Parts : Roots and leaves Uses It is widely used in treatment of High Blood PressureThe juice of the leaves of Sarpagandha cures opacity of the corneaThe Sarpagandha have great medicinal valueIt is beneficial in the treatment of hypertension, feverPsychological disorders and worm infestationsIn serpant bite, the powder of Sarpagandha roots is given orally, as well as, applied on the site of biteIt relieves itching in UrticariaSpecially in snake bite, it is extensively used as antidoteThe Rauvolfia herb is the best remedy for high blood pressure and it has been adapted by medical fraternity in most countries