Soil Spec Tensiometer System
200,000 Per Piece
1 Piece (MOQ)
The SOILSPEC system requires very little maintenance - It will provide years of reliable service The SOILSPEC Moisture Plot software is simple & easy to use The Tensiometer Tube - an inexpensive tube filled with water. It has a porous ceramic tip at the bottom and a rubber stopper in the top (see diagram). This tube is installed into the ground where you want to measure the soil moisture. The auge - a very accurate electronic vacuum gauge. This is used to measure the vacuum (or suction) at the top of the tubes. The Standard Gauge (Model SST101G) reads the vacuum in the tensiometer tube. You note down the readings and add this to your plots of soil moisture. The Computer Gauge (Model SST102G) stores readings along with the tube ID. time and date. This is downloaded to your PC using the Moisture Plot software, supplied with the gauge. The System - A complete system consists of several monitoring sites around the area to be irrigated. Each site needs two or three tubes of different lengths. This allows for the monitoring of soil moisture at various depths and movement of moisture through the soil during the irrigation cycle. Tensiometers results are read and recorded regularly. Graphed figures from each tube provide an accurate picture of soil moisture.
Soil Tensiometer
7,500 - 14,950 Per Piece
10 Piece (MOQ)
The Tensiometers are a simple, versatile, and inexpensive instruments that provide a direct measurement of soil water tension.
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Soil Tensiometer
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Soil Tensiometer
7,000 Per Piece
Soil Tensiometer
9,750 Per Piece
1 Piece (MOQ)
Soil tensiometers
5,000 Per Piece
1 Piece(s) (MOQ)
Soil Moisture Tensiometer
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Soil tensiometers
5,200 Per
Soil Tensiometer
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Tensiometer provide a direct measure of the tension at which water is held in soil, and therefore the suction plant roots need to exert in order to extract water. This instrument comprises a water filled tube which is sealed at one end, with a porous ceramic filter at the other end. The specifications of this filter are such that, when buried in soil, it will allow water to flow freely through it, but not air. Tensiometer is available in standard lengths of 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120 cm. General use with row, tree, and field crops. Includes reservoir, air free gauge chamber, and hermetically sealed dial type vacuum gauge with dual scale of millibars (-1000 to 0) and mmHg (-760 to 0) range.
Soil tensiometers
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