tin plating
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Color is gray white in plated condition, had very high luster in fused condition. Soft, but is very ductile. Corrosion resistance is good. (Coated items should meet 24 hour 5% salt spray requirement.) Solder ability is excellent. Tin is not good for low temperature applications (changes structure and loses adhesion when exposed to temperatures below -40 degrees C). If a bright finish is desired to be used in lieu of fused tin, specify Bright Tin plate. Thickness can exceed that of fused tin and in deposit shows excellent corrosion resistance and solder ability.
Type I: Electrodeposited
.0001 – .00025”: Flash for solderin.0002 – .0004”: to prevent galling and seizing .0003” min: Where corrosion resistance is important.0002 – .0006”: To prevent formation of case during nit-riding.
Color is gray white in plated condition, had very high luster in fused condition. Soft, but is very ductile. Corrosion resistance is good. (Coated items should meet 24 hour 5% salt spray requirement.) Solder ability is excellent. Tin is not good for low temperature applications (changes structure and loses adhesion when exposed to temperatures below -40 degrees C). If a bright finish is desired to be used in lieu of fused tin, specify Bright Tin plate. Thickness can exceed that of fused tin and in deposit shows excellent corrosion resistance and solder ability.