Urinal Syrup Dealers

(8 products available)
  • Urinary Disorder Syrup

    Urinary Disorder Syrup

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    • Form: Liquid
    • Type: Ayurvedic
    • Dosages: 1 to 2 Teaspoonful 2 to 3 Times a day, or as directed by the physician
    • Pack Size: 100ml/200ml
    • Pack Type: Packed in Plastic Bottles
    • Storage: Cool and Dry Place
    • Purity: 100%
    • Shelf Life: 3 Years

    Uralac – Urinary disorder Uralac is specially made for urinary disorder. This drugs is generally cure good for maintaining kidney functions and very useful in the diseases of the genito-urinary system such as chronic cystitis, calculus affections.   Effective In : Disintegrates Calculi into Fine Particles and Expels Relieves painful/burning urination Dissolves urinary crystals Flushes out gravel due to diuretic properties Prevents recurrence of stones Increases the quantity of urine Corrects impaired crystalloid - colloid imbalance As an adjuvant to antibiotics in UTIs Check yellow urine with irritation

  • Urine Alkalizer Syrup

    Urine Alkalizer Syrup

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    • Packing: 100mg, 200mg
    • Indications: Acidosis (burning during Urination)
    • Dosage: 2-3 teaspoonful, mixed in half glass of water and taken three times a day or as directed by the phy
    • Purity: 99%
    • Function: Health-care
    • Precautions: Keep out of reach of children.

    The Citra and Soda Alkalizer formulation of the Urine Alkalizer Syrup has been an effective remedy against Anti Urinary Tract Infections. The Urine Alkalizer Syrup is a combination of Shewetasjika Kshar and Nimbu Sat, which makes a potent alkalizer and is internally used to make urine alkaline. The Urine Alkalizer Syrups mitigate burning sensation during urination.

  • Best Deals from Urinal Syrup

  • Urinal Syrup

    Urinal Syrup

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    We are offering urinal syrup.avail from us, urinal syrup that is formulated with herbal ingredients and is useful in curing urethritis, prostatitis ,genito, and urinary disorders. The urinal syrup offered by us, is widely prescribed due to its effective results and zero-side effects. Moreover, the urinal syrup can be availed at affordable price.

  • Urinal Syrup

    Urinal Syrup

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    Caproliv Syrup is an ideal liver tonic to treat various liver disorders and protect liver from damage from Hepato-toxins. Extremely beneficial in Alcohol induced liver damage and drug induced liver toxicity

  • Homeopathic Urinary Syrup

    Homeopathic Urinary Syrup

    100 Per Bottle

    • Packaging Type: liquid bottles
    • Brand Name: Urecal
    • Form: liquid
    • Packaging Size: 100ml, 200ml, 450ml.
    • Composition: Berb. vulg. Q, Oxalic acid 3x, Cantharis 3x, Senecio Q, Calc. renails 3x, Ocimum can. Q, Sarsaparill
    • Usage/Application: kidney stone , U T I Infection
    • Dose: * Adult- 2teaspoonful , Child- 1v teaspoonful, Taken 3/4 times a day
  • Anti Urinary Tract Infection Syrup

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    For the treatment of urinary tract disorders, our range of Anti Urinary Tract Infection Syrup is highly effective. Along with providing quick and effective cure from urinary tract disorders, our Anti Urinary Tract Infection Syrup also helps in normalizing the urinary pH, eases diuresis, provides antiseptic support, etc. We supply, package and store the Anti Urinary Tract Infection Syrup under requisite conditions to ensure that they remain effective for along time. Specialty Accurate compositionEffective treatmentProvides relief within a sort time spanNo side effectsPackaged under requisite conditions

  • Urinal Syrup

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    Urinal Syrup, Anti Asthma Drug, Disposable Surgical Device, Anti Asthma Drug

  • Anti Urinary Tract Infection Syrup

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    Anti Urinary Tract Infection Syrup, anti constipation tablets

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