Zinc Edta Micro Nutrient Fertilizer
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10 Ton (MOQ)
Advantages Promotes Growth Hormones And Helps In Starch Formation. Helps To Promote Seed Production. Activates Formation Of Chlorophyll And Several Enzymes. Regulates Photosynthesis And Nitrogen Metabolism. Promotes Fruit Set. Promotes Growth Rate, Dry Matter Accumulation And Increases Yields. Completely Soluble In Water And Can Also Be Used In Fertigation. Use Soil Application Mix 500 Gm With 50 Kg Soil / Carrier / Manure And Apply In One Acre. Drip Irrigation 500 Gm. Dissolve In 150-200 Ml Of Water And Use It In One Acre. Use On Leaves In Crops 1 Litre. Use 1-2 Litres In Water.
11:11:08 Fortified With Zinc And Boron Nano NPK Liquid Fertilizer
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600 Litre (MOQ)
Best Deals from Zinc Fertilizers
Zinc Sulphate Granules Fertilizer
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1 Ton (MOQ)
zinc sulphate fertilizer
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500 Kilogram (MOQ)
Grow Line Up Zinc Solubilizing Bio Fertilizer
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Grow Line up is a good alternative for Zinc supplements. It is potential plant growth promoting Rhizobacteria.Zinc is an essential micronutrient for microorganisms and plants. It is facultative thermophilic iron oxidizers solubilise Zinc from Sulphide ore i.e Sphalerite. Naturally thiobacilli are obligate. Therefore, Thiobacillus thiooxidans/Ferrooxidans, contribute towards sustaining plant – microbe interaction. Method Of Application Foliar Application - Mix 3-4 ml/gm of Grow Line up with one litre of water and spray it during the evening. Soil Application - Take 1.5-2.0 L /kg solution and mix it with 100 kg well-decomposed FYM and incubate if needed. Finally, broadcast it over one acre land before last ploughing, first irrigation or during moderate moisture level in the cultivated area.
250gm Zinc Solubilizing Bio Fertilizer
900 Per Pack
40 Kilogram (MOQ)
Amrit Zinc Chelated Fertilizer
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50 Pack (MOQ)
Amrit Zinc is highly soluble in stable water and is quickly taken in by plants since it requires low energy to absorb the nutrient. It starts working right away. It holds onto trace elements thus preventing precipitation with other components. This ensures adequate absorption by leaves, roots, and plants tissue with a broad compatibility. In case of Zinc Sulphate, Zinc may accumulate in the soil when reacting with phosphate in the soil or in the plant. Chelated Zinc therefore does not get locked in the soil.
High Zinc Micronutrient Fertilizer
38 Per Kilogram
100 Kilogram (MOQ)
Jeevnat-Zn Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria Fertilizer
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200 Litre (MOQ)
chelated zinc fertilizer
135 - 200 Per Kilogram
50 Kilogram (MOQ)
Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria Bio Fertilizer
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CFU: 5 x 107/ g Dosage & Method of Application Soil Treatment Mix 4 kgs / acre with 50 kgs of soil / FYM / vermicompost / acre and after 2 or 3 days maintaining adequate moisture and broadcast. Seed Treatment Mix the inoculants uniformly with the seeds gently with the minimum amount of water taking care to avoid damage to seed coat. Dry the inoculated seeds under shade over clean paper or gunny bag and sow immediately. Treatment of the plant material (sett, seedling and rhizomes) Dissolve 1 kg in 20 -30 liters of water and dip the seedlings for 30 minutes before planting. Soil Drenching Mix 250 g / 200 liters of water and apply near the root zone per acre area of cropped area. Mode of Action Pseudomonas aeruginosa oxidizes and produces organic acid which helps to solublize the unsoluble zinc In to soluble form and makes it available to the plants. Recommended Crops Jowar, Bajra, Wheat, Maize, Paddy, Cotton, Sugarcane, Oilseeds (sunflower, groundnut, mustard, coconut, and soybean) Vegetables, Grass, Fruit trees and Ornamental plants. Key Aids Mobilization and fixation of Zn. Recovers alkaline oils into soil. Results in higher yields.
Zinc 33% Micronutrient Fertilizer
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500 Kilogram (MOQ)
Zinc High Fertilizer
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zinc sulphate fertilizer
70 - 120 Per Kilogram
10 Ton (MOQ)
Agro businesses come with varying issues that needs to be taken care of timely to reap maximum benefits. Ensuring a good harvest requires lots of tending to the crop with proper care to guarantee maximum profitability. Micro Nutrients Fertilizer is among the vital fertilizers require in small portions by farmers to aid with crop development and growth. These bio-grade fertilizers have become the need of the hour for higher crop production. These fertilizers are among the vital components to ensure that farmers can replenish their soil content easily. Our company, Green Diamond Agro Private Limited, understands the needs of our farmers and offers high-quality fertilizers. Our MicroNutrients Fertilizers are available under the brand name of Trai Diamond at competitive rates. We offer a packaging size of our fertilizers from 5kg to 50 kg as per our client's business needs and demands. Our products are acknowledge for their purity and composition for maximum value addition by our customers. We deliver our products within 15 days of the order placed by our clients. As a promising micronutrient fertilizer supplier in Uttar Pradesh, we follow transparent business policies to ensure maximum customer satisfaction. For more information about our agro products and prices, visit our company website.
Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria Bio Fertilizer
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Zinc solubilizing bacteria (zn.s.b) Improves zinc intake in plantspacking 1 kg pouch
zinc sulphate fertilizer
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100 Ton (MOQ)
Tag Nano Zinc Fertilizer
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Tag Nano Zinc is an innovative, first of its kind product that combines gluconated fertilizers and Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) '4G' Nano nutrient technologies. Tag Nano Zinc is a unique proteino-lacto-gluconate formulation, formulated with organic and chelated Zinc, vitamins and probiotics. For transplanted rice best result can be obtained when sprayed at 40 to 45 days after transplanting. However, usage window varies from state to state and also based on crop duration.Available in both Liquid and Granular forms.Benefits of Tag Nano Zinc : Improves flower formation, fruit set and overall growth and yield of the crops. Reduces the intensity of Zinc chlorosis and reduces withering in patches. Provides disease tolerance. Improves chlorophyll production. Enhances the efficacy of fungicides, when sprayed along with fungicides. Compatible with chemical pesticides and fertilizers. Significantly reduces the dependency on chemical fertilizer. Eco-friendly and certified organic product. Dose and Method of Application : Application in transplanted rice crop is done at 40 – 45 days after transplanting to correct zinc deficiency. Application time may vary from region to region and also based on crop duration. For direct sown rice crop, apply @ 35 days after sowing. Recommended on all the crops.
Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria Technical Bio Fertilizer
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Zinc Sulphate Heptahydrate Fertilizer
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Zinc Sulfate Monohydrate Fertilizer
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We are well-known Wholesale Supplier of Zinc Sulfate Monohydrate Fertilizer. The Zinc Sulfate Monohydrate Fertilizer, offered by us, contains Zic suphate 33 % monohydrates. The Zinc Sulfate Monohydrate Fertilizer can be used on all crops in soil application as well as foliar spray and Drip irrigation. We offer the Zinc Sulfate Monohydrate Fertilizer as per customers’ requirements at reasonable prices.Nutri Zinc : It contains Zinc EDTA 12 % .It Can be used in all crops.