ShahiGems Mohan Nagar, Durg, Chhattisgarh

  • Zircon Stone

    Zircon Stone

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    Zircon Stone: It is an emblem of courage and it is an old belief that is stops bleeding. It safe guard from deception. It colour green with red spots.

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  • Turquoise Stone

    Turquoise Stone

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    It is a talismanic stone. It helps to protect the wearer from misfortune or danger. It confers longevity and the wearer does not require an accident insurance. It confers sexual power, gives fertility and ability, to memories mantras its colour forewarns the wearer by various ways. person becomes immune to poisons and accidents.

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  • Red Cosmic Ray

    Red Cosmic Ray

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    Idiots and imbeciles have very well improved by it. It cures ulcers, the rheumatism and all types of heart and bone troubles. It helps to create and maintain friendship and to banish grief. It is an amulet against plague, position, sadness and sensuality. It also prevents nose-bleeding and tooth decay. It confers its wearer rise in status, will make him bold and courageous, it is helpful in cased of leprosy. It become dim to forewarn against any danger or disloyalty by partners. It is a gem of Sun and is a hot gem Good for Heart Problems.

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  • Coral Ring

    Coral Ring

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    It is a red stone but gives yellow cosmic rays. It is useful for diseases of stomach, liver trouble, diabetes (White Coral and pukhraj) blindpiles, eczema, nervous exhaustion, jaundice, mumps, impotency, measles and contagious diseases. It protects women form untimely widowhood. It has power to restore broken conjugal relationship, it protects children form evil eyes. It safeguards the teenager during the highly emotional period.

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  • Blue Topaz Stone

    Blue Topaz Stone

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    The planet connected with Sapphire is the mighty Saturn, the dispenser of misery and the breaker of pride. It cures nervous and mental disorders, neurosis neuralgia, sciatica, diseases of the scalp, epilepsy cerebro spinal meningitis, cramp, kidney and bladder weaknesses. It cleans veins blood is useful in arthritis rheumatic, gastric ulcers and baldness. It brings health wealth name, frame stamina and longevity. Its use can improve fertility to barren woman. It prevents blindness etc. It chases away evil thoughts by having established a healthy state of mind Combined use of Blue Sapphire and Emerald cures drunkenness and is very useful for the student world.

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  • ShahiGems
  • Arya Nagar, P.O. Mohan Nagar Durg ( C.G. )., Chhattisgarh