WiFi data logger
WiFi data logger using Arduino, ESP8266 WiFi module and DHT22 temperature humidity sensor. Arduino is reading temperature and humidity sensed by DHT22 and sending it to an internet server using the ESP8266 WiFi module.
...moreWater Level Indicator
The Water Level Sensing Section senses the level of water in the tank and sends it (wireless) to the Receiver Section. Receiver Section is connected to the Controlling Section, which process the received information and produces visual, sound indications and controls the operation of the motor whenever required.
Voltmeter and Ammeter can be easily made using PIC Microcontroller having ADC (Analog to Digital Converter). I am using PIC16F877A and the result is displayed on an LCD Display. PIC16F877A is enough if you do this project only for testing purposes.
USB based ICSP (In Circuit Serial Programming) programmer. Since it is a first release, Microchip published all the resources of PICKit2 public, which includes hardware schematics and all source code of softwares used.
...moreUltrasonic Distance Sensor
Ultrasonic Distance Sensor is a popular and low cost solution for non-contact distance measurement function. It is able to measure distances from 2cm to 400cm with an accuracy of about 3mm.
...moreTransformerLess Low Cost DC Power
DC Power Supply that converts mains AC voltage to a lower DC voltage. Usually we use a step down transformer to reduce mains AC voltage to desired low voltage AC and then convert it to DC or we use Switched Mode Power Supplies.
...moreTemperature Controlled Fan
DHT22 sensor is used to sense the room temperature and then we adjust speed of a DC fanmotor accordingly using PWM (Pulse Width Modulation). Arduino Uno is the heart of this project and a L293D driver IC is used to drive the DC fanmotor.
...moreTemperature Data
In this project, we are going to make a temperature and relative humidity data logger. Arduino is the brain of this project. DHT22 sensor is used for sensing temperature and relative humidity. Arduino Uno is programmed to read temperature, humidity values from DHT22 sensor and save it to a file in an SD Card.
...moresolar tracker system
Solar Panels are stationary devices which is fixed at a position. The produced electrical energy can be increased if we move the solar panel as the movement of the Sun.
...moresiren generator
C UM3561 is a CMOS LSI IC commonly used in alarm and toy applications. It is able to generate Police Siren, Ambulance Siren, Fire Engine Siren and Machine Gun Sound just by changing simple connections.
...moreSimple Electronic Piano
A simple electronic toy piano can be easily constructed using the popular 555 timer IC. 555 Timer can be easily wired as Astable, Monostable or Bistable multivibrator. We all know that Sound is a Mechanical Wave as it is produced by to and fro movement of particles of the medium.
...moreRain Alarm
This circuit can be used as rain sensor, water overflow sensor or as a water level sensor. This circuit make use the principle that normal water can conduct some amount of electricity
...moreMobile Phone Detector Circuit
This is a very interesting hobby project which can detect active mobile phone or GSM communication in its proximity. Active mobile phone means there is some live communication is going on like calls, sms sending or receiving etc. This circuit can be used to prevent unauthorized use of mobile phones in examination halls, conference rooms etc.
...moreMelody Generator Electronics Hobbyists
UM66 UM66 is a melody generating IC commonly used in calling bell, phone, toys, musical bell in doors, home security alarm systems, burglar alarms etc. It is a three pin IC looks like a transistor
...moreLow Power Square Wave Inverter
Inverter is a electrical device that converts DC Power to AC. We usually use the word Inverter for the device used in our households for mains power back up. It stores electrical energy in a battery and discharges it when need.
...moreLED chaser hobby circuit
LED chaser hobby circuit can be made using 555 timer and CD4017 counter IC. You can use this circuit for decorative purposes. By modifying the circuit in a proper way, you can even use this to control lights working on AC mains.
...moreIR Remote Control for Home Appliances
IR Remote Control for controlling home appliances can be easily made using Decade Counter CD4017, 555 Timer and TSOP1738 infrared receiver. By using this circuit you can easily control your home appliances using your TV, DVD Player remote control or using a remote control circuit described here.
...moreInterfacing Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
Ultrasonic Distance Sensors are the best sensor which provides stable, accurate, precise, non-contact distance measurements from 2cm to 4m. Ultrasonic Sensors can be used to measure distance between moving or stationary objects. Being very accurate and stable, these devices find large number of applications in robotics fields
...moreDigital Thermometer
We will use DS18B20 temperature sensor to sense the temperature and Nokia 5110 LCD to display it. DS18B20 is a 1-Wire digital temperature sensor manufactured by Maxim Integrated and is capable of reporting degree celsius with 9 ~ 12 bit precision. Components Required Arduino Uno DS18B20 Temperature Sensor Nokia 5110 LCD 1KΩ Potentiometer 10KΩ Resistors – 4 4.7KΩ Resistor 1KΩ Resistor 330Ω Resistor Connecting Wires Breadboard Circuit Diagram Digital
...moreDigital Door Lock using Arduino
As thefts are increasing day by day security is becoming a major concern nowadays. In this project we will make a digital door lock system with keypad using Arduino Uno. It will open your door only when the right password is entered and it will start beeping when a wrong password is entered.
...moreDancing Light
A dancing light can be easily constructed using a 555 timer wired in astable mode. Please read the article Astable Multivibrator using 555 Timer before continuing. This circuit blinks two LEDs alternatively with some delay and it can be easily modified to include more LEDs or for controlling incandescent lamps.
...moreControlling DC Motors IR Remote
In this project we will learn how to decode IR remote signals with Arduino and to control DC motors depending on the button pressed. For demonstrating the working we are using five buttons on the remote. When the next button on the remote is pressed, motors will rotate in clockwise direction.
...moreCapacitor Dropper Power
Capacitor power supplies are simple, low cost and light weight solution for providing dc supplies to circuits which require low currents. It is low cost and light weight since there is no bulky transformers. Circuit Diagram Transformerless Capacitor Power Supply 12V 40mA
...moreAutomation System
Using this we will be able to control lights, electric fan and other home appliances through a web browser using your PC or mobile. These AC mains appliances will be connected to relays which are controlled by the Arduino.
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