Regent Bags has been established in Erode since 1996. We are supplying and manufacturing the high quality bags around Tamil Nadu. We had a own designing team for designing the stylish bags like School Bags, College Bags, Lunch Bags, Back Bags, Stylish Hand Bags, Travel Bags, Executive Bags, Laptop Bags, Kids Bags and Trekking Bags. If any repairs in any kind of our bags we are giving free service. Customer satisfaction is our biggest strength. Our bags are having unique designs and strong in quality and it is working in your life time. We are designing each bag from customer point of you. In 24 years of our successful journey in Erode. Regent bags had a strongest stitching and guarantee. Day by day we are improving our designs by knowing the youngsters mind set and we are designing the bags kids mind set and design their bags like comics, cartoons, etc. We are giving more importance to designs number of bags. NOTE: We give one year warranty for every purchasing bags. In after a year we do free repair for small damages in our bags.