electrochemical analyzer
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The Model 600E series is designed for general purpose electrochemical measurements. The figure below shows the block diagram of the instrument. The system contains a fast digital function generator, a direct digital synthesizer for high frequency ac waveforms, high speed dual-channel data acquisition circuitry, a potentiostat, and a galvanostat (available only in select models). The potential control range is ±10 V and the current range is ±250 mA. The instrument is capable of measuring current down to picoamperes. With the CHI200B Picoamp Booster and Faraday Cage (fully automatic and compatible with the 600E series), currents at sub-picoamperes can be measured. The instrument is very fast. The function generator can update at a 10 MHz rate. Two high speed and high resolution data acquisition channels allow both current and potential (or an external voltage signal) to be sampled simultaneously at a rate of 1 MHz, with 16-bit resolution. The instrument offers a very wide dynamic range of experimental time scales. For instance, the scan rate in cyclic voltammetry can be up to 1000 Vs with a 0.1 mV potential increment or 5000 Vs with a 1 mV potential increment. The potentiostat galvanostat uses a 4-electrode configuration, allowing it to be used for liquidliquid interface measurements, and eliminating the effect of the contact resistance of connectors and relays for high current measurements. The data acquisition systems also allow an external input signal (such as spectroscopic) to be recorded simultaneously during an electrochemical measurement.