Tricyclazole 75% WP
1000 Kilogram (MOQ)
TRIPLE ( Tricyclazole 75% WP ) - The Best Blasticide available in Market . Triple ( Tricyclazole 75% WP ) is strongly recommended for the contol of Blast Disease of Rice Crop . It is very stable Systemic Fungicide which is not easily destroyed by Sunlight and Moisture . It’s systemically translocation in Plant Tissues during absorption , protects the entire plant from Disease Infection . It improves Grain Yield & results in Superior Grain Quality,which are Heavier, Shiny and upon milling gives Highest recovery of FULL SIZE grains .
...moreTriazophos 35% + Deltamethrin 1% EC
1000 Kilogram (MOQ)
ANACONDA PLUS (Triazophos 35% + Deltamethrin 1% EC) is a Combination of Synthetic & Organo phosphate insecticide. Broad spectrum insecticide having contact & stomach action .
...moreTriacontanol GR 0.05 % Min / EC 0.05% Min
1000 Kilogram (MOQ)
TRICULAN (Triacontanol .05% Min ) is a Compound that increases Photosynthesis, Plant growth, and Reproduction.It is a naturally occurring Plant Growth Promoter that increases Cell Division Rates leading to production of Larger Root and Shoot Mass.This is a PGR with effective Matabolic Activator . Our company provides it in Both GR & EC formulations .
...moreThiophanate-methyl 70% WP
1000 Kilogram (MOQ)
Trust ( Thiophanate-methyl 70% WP ) is a preventive and systemic fungicide with contact action, formulated as a white-gray homogeneous fine wettable powder with specific odor. It is absorbed through the plant’s leaves and roots and provides a very good protective and curative effect against a wide range of fungal pathogens responsible of surface plant infection as eyespot, powdery mildew, blight or gray mold apple scab and other diseases of cereals, vegetables, fruit, leaf spot diseases and many diseases in floriculture.
...moreTebuconazole 25.9 % EC / 25 % WG / 2% DS
1 Metric Ton (MOQ)
TEBUCURE( Tebuconazole 25.9 % ec ) is a broad spectrum systemic triazole fungicide with protective, curative and eradicative mode of action . effective against brown rust, leaf blotch, net blotch, septoria leaf spot & yellow rust of cereals; soybean-asian rust, brown spot/septoria leaf spot, powdery mildew; rice-dirty panicle & grain discoloration. formulations available = 25.9% ec, 25 % wg and 2 % ds .
Brand Name : TEBUCURE
...moreTebuconazole 2 %DS
1 Metric Ton (MOQ)
TEBUCURE - DS (Tebuconazole 2 % DS ) contains Tebuconazole as an ACTIVE Ingredient which has Systemic Properties . It is a Triazole based Fungicide which controls Seed Borne Diseases in Wheat and Groundnut and acts as a Demethylation Inhibitor (DMI) of Fungal Sterol Biosynthesis.
...moreSulphur 80% WDG / 80 % WP
1 Metric Ton (MOQ)
SOLAR-DF (Sulphur 80% WDG ) is a Broad Spectrum Systemic Fungicides and Miticide for use on Citrus, Field, Fruit, Nut, Ornamental, Turf and Vegetable applications . "It provides sulphur deficiency to plant. It increases protein in plant, so increase yield. · For use in aerial, chemigation, home and garden, and ground applications · Registered for use in a wide range of fungal diseases, insects and nutrient deficiencies
Brand Name : SOLAR-DF
...moreQuinalphos 25 % E.C
1000 Kilogram (MOQ)
GOLDLUX (Quinalphos 25 % E.C) is a highly effective insecticide with contact and stomach action. Crop : Cotton, groundnut, mustard, paddy, sugarcane, tobacco, vegetables and other field orchard, Plantabon and garden crops. Common name of Insects : bollworms, Caterpillers borers, leafinners, Leaf roller, Leaf hopper, Stem Weevill, Semi looper, Saw Fly, Aphids, fruit borer, fruit fly, wooly aphid, green bug, Mealy bug, pod borer, shoot borer, ash weevil
...morePropineb 70% WP
1 Metric Ton (MOQ)
PINEB (Propineb 70% WP) is Contact & Preventive Fungicide with Broad Spectrum Activity against various diseases of Rice, Chilli, Grapes, Potato and other Vegetables and Fruits . It is used as Foliar Spray for the control of Fungal Diseases in different Vegetable & Fruit Crops.
...morePropiconazole 25% EC
1000 Kilogram (MOQ)
COMPASS ( Propiconazole 25% EC ) is a broad-spectrum systemic foliar fungicide for the control of a wide range of leaf and stem diseases in cereals like wheat, barley rye oats, rice, maize, grass, turf, pecan, sugarcane, beets, stone fruits, peanuts and ornamentals . It is a fungicide with protection & curation action with translocation acropetally in the Xylem. It ensures a curative and preventive control against rusts and leaf spot diseases.
...morePropiconazole 13.9% Difenoconazole 13.9% EC
1 Metric Ton (MOQ)
TASK (Propiconazole 13.9% + Difenoconazole 13.9% EC ) is a mixture of Triazole Fungicides recommended for the control of Sheath Blight and Dirty Panicle Disease in Paddy. Dose- 100 ML / ACRE
...morePropargite 57% EC
1000 Kilogram (MOQ)
OCEAN (Propargite 57% EC) is a Systemic And Contact Insecticide . A miticide (Acaricide) of sulfite ester group, which gives effective control of mites through its contact and fumigant action. It gives immediate protection to crops, because feeding activity of mites ceases immediately after application.
...moreProfenofos 50% EC / 72 % EC
1,000 Per Litre
1000 Kilogram (MOQ)
NUCRON (Profenofos 50% EC ) is an Organophosphate insecticide. Odourless amber liquid.Soluble in all organic solvents.A Neurotoxin acting as a cholonesterase inhibitor in insect nervous system.Controls a range of chewing and sucking insects .
...morePretilachlor 50 % E.C / 30.7 % EC
1000 Kilogram (MOQ)
PRETILA (Pretilachlor 50 % E.C ) is a Pre-emergence Herbicide (Containing Pretilachlor) for control of Grasses, Sedges and some Broad Leaf Weeds in Transplanted Rice . It is a selective systemic herbicide, absorbed primarily by the germinating shoots, and secondarily by the roots, with trans-location throughout the plant, giving higer concentrations in vegetative parts than in reproductive parts. TARGET WEEDS : Echinochloa crusgalli, cyperus difformis Echinochloa colonum, Cyperus iria, Fimbristylis miliacea, Eclipta alba, Ludwigia Pulviflora, Leptochloa chinensis, Monochorea vaginalis, Panicum repens. TARGET CROPS : Transplanted Rice. Recommended Dose/ha: Dissolve 1000-1500 ml in 500 Litre of water and spray on plants.
Brand Name : PRETILA
...morePretilachlor 37% EW
1000 Kilogram (MOQ)
PRETILA PLUS ( Pretilachlor 37% EW ) is Pre- emergence Selective Herbicide for Transplanted Rice. It controls Grass, Broad Leaf and Sedge Weeds. Application time – between 0-3 Days after transplanting. Dose/acre – 600 ml /acre. It is a Pre- emergence Selective Herbicide for Transplanted Rice. It controls Grass, Broad Leaf and Sedge Weeds. It dissolves and spreads Fast and has an Effective Action. It is convenient to use and safe for the Crop and Environment.
...morePermethrin 25% EC
1000 Kilogram (MOQ)
PROUD ( Permethrin 25% EC ) is Non-Systemic Insecticide with contact and stomach action. This formulation is effective for Cotton, Fruit, Tobacco, Vines, Chillies and other Vegetables.It helps to control Boll Worms,Mites, Leaf and Fruit-Eating Lepidoptera and Coleoptera. We provide various packings as per requirement in competitive pricing.
...morePendimethalin 30 % EC / 38.7 % CS
1000 Kilogram (MOQ)
PENDIN ( Pendimethalin 30 % EC ) is a Dinitroaniline based Herbicide. It is a Pre-emergent Herbicide, destroys 51 types of Annual Grasses and Broad-Leaved Weeds, thus protecting crops in the early and critical days of their growth. It is a Selective Herbicide to be used before Emergence of Weeds and Crops It belongs to Dinitroaniline group and controls both, Narrow and Broad Leaf Weeds.
...moreParaquat Dichloride 24 % SL / 20 % SL
1 Metric Ton (MOQ)
· GRAMEX (Paraquat Dichloride 24 % SL) is Broad Spectrum, Non Selective & Contact Herbicide containing 24% Paraquat dichloride A.I which effectively controls Broad Leaved Weeds in Tea, Row Crops ,Non-Crop Areas & Grasses. · It is absorbed by Foliage with some Translocation in Xylem. · An ideal Herbicide for Conservation and no-till system (only controls the foliage parts of weeds) thus Promoting Intact Roots and preventing Soil Erosion. · It is used as Post Emergence directed application & Pre-Plant application in many Crops. · It damages Cell Membranes & Cytoplasm during Photosynthesis by producing Superoxide.
Type : Herbicide
Brand Name : GRAMEX
...moreOxyflourfen 23.5 % EC
1000 Kilogram (MOQ)
OXYFLOW (Oxyflourfen 23.5 % EC) is a Herbicide of the Diphenyl-Ether Group used for Selective Weed Control in a wide range of Fruit Trees, Vegetables, Field Crops, Ornamentals, Forestry, Sugarcane and Non-Crop Areas. Its Broad spectrum activity - Continue to be Effective & Prolong action in soil. Excellent control of both Broadleaf. Complete eradication of select weeds. It has prolonged Residual activity and shows negligible leaching. Minimal rain or Irrigation is necessary to activate the Residual Effect.
Brand Name : OXYFLOW
...moreMetsulfuron Methyl 20 % WP
1000 Kilogram (MOQ)
Non-Stop (Metsulfuron Methyl 20% Wp ) is a Selective Post-Emergence Herbicide of Triazinyl-sulfonylurea group, which effectively controls the broad leaf weeds in the standing crop of Wheat, Paddy & Sugarcane .KG · It is absorbed through roots and foliage and translocate to Apex of the plants. · It is safe for neighboring Broad Leaved and other crops. · It also controls very effectively the weeds like Wild Onion, Rumex sp.
Brand Name : NON STOP
...moreMetribuzin 70% Wp Powder
1 Metric Ton (MOQ)
Senate( Metribuzin 70% WP ) is a Selective, Systemic and Contact Herbicide of Triazinone Group, which inhibits the Photosynthesis at Photo-system II. It effectively controls weeds in Wheat, Potato, Soybean, Tomato and Sugarcane. It can be used as Pre-Emergence as well as Post-Emergence Herbicide. It has Broad Spectrum control of both Grasses and Broad-Leaf weeds. It acts through both Leaf and Root System, with translocation in the Xylem & inhibits Photosynthesis.
...moreLambda Cyhalothrin 5 % EC / 2.5 % EC
1000 Kilogram (MOQ)
Kataar ( Lambda Cyhalothrin 5 % EC ) is a pyrethroid insecticide that acts by contact and stomach action. The product controls sucking and lepidopteron pests in various crops. Pests controlled include aphids, Colorado beetles and butterfly larvae, Jassids, Thrips, Stem Borer, Fruit borer, Leaf folder, Green Leaf hopper, Gall midge, Hispa, Brown plant Hopper and White Backed Plant hopper, Whril Maggot etc.. Crops on which it may be applied include cotton, cereals, hops, ornamentals, potatoes, vegetables, Rice, Egg-plants, and, others. It is an excellent cost-effective crop protection insecticide which can be used in both preventative and curative control strategies as well as in Integrated Pest Management.
...moreLambda Cyhalothrin 4.9% CS
1000 Kilogram (MOQ)
Mantra (Lambda Cyhalothrin 4.9% CS ) is a New Generation Synthetic Pyrethroid Insecticide which has Stomach and Contact Action on Insect Pests.
...moreImidacloprid 70 % WG / 70% WS
1000 Kilogram (MOQ)
NOBLE(Imidacloprid 70 % wg ) is a neonicotinoid insecticide with contact and stomach action. a systemic insecticide which contains 70%w/w imidaclorpid as active ingradient used as foilar spray for the control of sucking insects, including plant hopper, aphids, thrips ,white flies brown plant hopper ,white backed plant hopper . .
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