Baby Cradle and Bassinet Dealers in Gandhidham

(1 products available)
  • Rolli Cradle

    Rolli Cradle

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    • Material: Metal
    • Application: Construction Use
    • Load Capacity: 100-200Kg
    • Feature: Comfortable, Easy To Use
    • Finshing: Non Polished
    • Folding Style: Foldable

    The line of Rolli Cradles are engineered and designed to assist in both line travel operations, and a dependable, quick and efficient means of the lowering of pipeline.   Ability to handle 6" to 60" pipe   Standard Features: The cradle design provides quick disassembly for transit and storage Multiple PVDF  / polyurethane rollers spaced to support the pipe and distribute load evenly which prevents an "egging" problem Rollers ride easily over weld seams and do not hang up over the seams. Easily used as a lowering-in or lifting out cradle. Various cradle assemblies for pipe sizes 6" (168 mm) through 60" (1524 mm) are available along with replaceable rollers. Safe handling can be easily performed because of ample space.   Load Testing : Load testing of the Rolli cradles is being carried out in the lab of the agency approved by Govt. of India and also live by cranes. Testing is being done at twice the load carrying capacity of the equipment.   Cradle: Special cradle made to carry load from 6 to 50 tons to be used on different sizes of pipelines. Rollers: Special rollers are made to protect PE coated or any other type of coating during lowering which absorb the heat created by friction as well as protection has been given to rollers to protect it from dust not to enter inside the bearings. Bearings: The rollers are fitted with the Heavy duty bearings to carry the weight of the pipeline. Pins: High carbon steel is being used in the pins to stand with the thrust of pipeline during lowering.

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