Refined Palm Oil
200 - 500 Per Litre
Palm oil has a balanced fatty acid composition in which the level of saturated fatty acids is almost equal to that of the unsaturated fatty acids. Palmitic acid (44%-45%) and oleic acid (39%-40%) are the major component acids, with linoleic acid (10%-11%) and only a trace amount of linolenic acid. The low level of linoleic acid and virtual absence of linolenic acid make the oil relatively stable to oxidative deterioration. Several surveys conducted by MPOB have showed that the Malaysian palm oil has a narrow compositional range. The specifications for the palm oil are given in Malaysian Standard MS814:2007 (Table 2). Palm oil is unique among vegetable oils because it has a significant amount of saturated acids (10%-15%) at the two-position of its triglycerides. The appreciable amounts of disaturated (POP and PPO) and monounsaturated (POO, OPO and PLO) allow it to be easily separated into two products; palm olein and palm stearin. A wide range of fractions with different properties to suit requirements of the food industry is made available through dry fractionation.
Palm Oil
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Palm Oil is used for cooking several types of dishes and enhances their taste and aroma. Palm Oil is obtained from the tree of palms. We are a famous Importer and Supplier of Palm Oil and we only deal with the reputed vendors of the industry. Our Palm Oil is light as well as easy to digest. Attributes Contains carotenoidsHigh nutritional value Light Easy to digest
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