Temperature Indicator
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WLC AC3A Water Level Controller
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Best Deals from Process Control Equipment
motion control
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AC power controller is a motion control device that controls motor speed. We provide complete motion control system solution as well as individual system components for the industrial motion control market with our range of products. It helps in facilitating the state of art motion control to match with today's trends to make the process which is optimized to requirements, reliable, user-friendly, compatible with the international standards, environment friendly and which can result in efficient production at mass scale at optimum cost with minimum dependence on manual operations. Amtech Provides state of art motion control system, which helps in increasing productivity, quality and reliability of customers process and in some applications like pumps, fan and blowers, it helps in energy conservation. PRODUCTS Variable Frequency Drive AXPERT-EAZY VFD AXPERT-VT240S VFD AXPERT-EAZY HF VFD Soft Starter AXPERT - OPTI - Torque Medium Voltage Drive AXPERT-HIVERT MV Drive Engineered System Battery Backup System
Automatic Level Controller
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We are offering automatic level controller. did you forget to turn off the tap? is the washing machine leaking? will the aquarium level fall too low? has the rain water tank overflowed? do you have water in the cellar? just a minor mishap or a disaster! you can avoid all this by installing the liquid level controller in the right way and in the right place. ⷠlevel indicator: two led's are used to indicate �low level� and �high level�. ⷠlevel controller: the relay automatically switches a pump and/or valve on and off to keep the level between �low� and �high�. ⷠmotor status: when motor turn on, at that time led will glow and when motor will turn of led will automatically turn off. ⷠpower supply: led indicates that the device gets the power supply properly. ⷠmanual switch: this switch is used to turn on /turn off the motor during the level between low & high.
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The Moment Compensated Redundant load cell (MRW), was specifically designed for load limitation on telescoping booms. It ensures precise, reliable and safe load monitoring of up to 1.000 kg.
Solar Pump Controller
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Solar Pump Controller, Ac Vfd, Medium Voltage Drive, Control And Power Panel