Calender Variable Crown Calender
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CIPL has now manufactured, modified and commissioned a no. of variable crown machines for various light grammage varieties of printable paper grades. The design has fixed drive top chilled C.I. Roll and Bottom positioned variable crown Roll. The concept, of path breaking technology that revolutionized the paper Industry the world over with elimination of face length and speed barriers for paper machines is now gradually taking footholds in small/medium scale paper mills, helping them towards better productivity and quality and hence gain a competitive edge over contemporaries. It provides the paper maker maximum versatility for producing wide range of products through single machine.Salient Features Of Our Calenders : Capacity to finish all paper grade. Consume less power and occupy less space. Sturdy, robust and time tested designs. Easy operation and maintenance. Pneumatically loaded rolls and doctors. Compact pneum. control panel with access. Osc. doctors for better surface preservation. Compact hydraulic power unit & control desk.
Paper Machine Calender Section
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being a well reckoned manufacturer of finishing machine, we have paper machine (calender section) widely used in paper industry. It consists of calender stacks with a winding mechanism for gathering the paper web. This machine is used for smoothing and enhancing quality of paper. Paper machine (calender section) is manufactured using quality material ensuring its quality and durability.
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calender machines
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calendar machine
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calendar machine