TS Series Concrete Batching Twin Shaft Mixing Plant
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the tts series concrete batching & twin shaft mixing plant is a revolutionary designed model, in which we have used the design concept of very big capacity plants (like 120m3hr above). The belt conveying system of our ats series concrete batching & twin shaft mixing plant saves the time, reduces the maintenance, and increases the output. Well-known twin shaft mixing technology provides optimum output along with the belt conveying system. technical features : to1 : plc operated completely automatic control panel to2 : blade mixing technology with planetary gear-boxes to3 : electronic weighing system for better accuracy in design mix to4 : separate weighing system for cement and fly-ash to5 : italian screw feeder, to pour cement speedily (wam make) to6 : password locking facility to7 : water and ad-mix pour by weight to8 : guides platform with inclined belt conveyor to9 : pneumatically operated gate for aggregate & sand to10 : italian vibrators to11 : tabulated print our system for each batch to12 : no pit required only nominal civil work to13 : heat proof control cabin to14 : cement with vertical screw feeder (optional) (wam make) to15 : hydraulic discharge system
RD Series Fully Automatic Concrete Batching Plant
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We manufacture the RD Series Fully Automatic Concrete Batching Plant to meet the practical needs of the industry. It is highly flexible and comes with separate weighing system and display for different components. The control is PLC operated and is fully automated. It has been manufactured using the latest Italian vibrators. The cabin is heatproof and the whole system can be password protected. It also comes with a tabulated printout system for every batch. Technical Features - PLC operated completely automatic control panel. Reversible drum mixer Electronic weighing system iorbetteraccuracyindesign- mix. Separate weighing system for cement and fly»ash. Italian screw feederto pourcement speedily. Passwordlockingfacilit/. Waterand ad-mix pour byweight. Boom scrapperto make you wom easier Pneumaticallyoperateogateforaggregate &sand. ltalian vibrators. Tabulated print out system foreach batch. No pit required, only nominal civil wom. Heatproofcontrol cabin. Cement silo with vertical screwieeder (Optional). Inbuilt rnemoryfordata storage upto B GB Pen drive supportavailable
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