Thermic Fluid Heaters
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Thermal fluid heating is a type of indirect heating in which a liquid phase heat transfer medium is heated and circulated to one or more heat energy users within a closed loop system. Thermal oil, glycol, and water are common heat transfer mediums for these systems. Standard and custom thermal fluid heaters, complete comprehensive systems and a full range of parts and support services are available to meet your process needs. SALIENT FEATURES: Fully automatic Easy operation & failsafe systems. Outside the purview of IBR packaged Models. Record efficiency JOSN is an oil/gas/wood fired thermicfluid heater in vertoical/horizontal design having fouur heat transfer to ensure optimum efficiency. It ensures that maximum of its heating surace is exposed to radiant heat thereby ensuring excellent thermal efficiency. Efficient combustion, forced circulation, liberal heat transfer ares & large furnance volume ensures overall efficiency of 88%±1% o N.C.V. JSON is available in wide range of capacities from 50,000 Kcals/hr to 15,00,000 Kcals/he at maximum operating tem. of 300c
Thermic Fluid Heater
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With the aim of boosting our reputation in the market, we are engaged in offering Thermic Fluid Heater to our clients. We carry out our operations from Uttar Pradesh, India. This offered heater is widely used for the purpose of heating various types of fluids in a closed vessel. We thoroughly examine it on the basis of various quality parameters before forwarding it in the market. We are capable of delivering it in bulk quantities. Features : Compact design Easy installation Reliability Excellent performance Hassle-free operations Long working life Low maintenance Specifications : Range : 0.1 M Kcal/hr to 10 M Kcal/hr Max. Temp : 300oC to 400oC Fuel : Oil & Gas Applications : Food processing industries, chemical industry, pharmaceuticals industry, Sugar & jaggery industry, regmar & plastic printing industry, and other heating purposes.
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Thermic Fluid Heater
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Coal Thermic Fluid Heater
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Thermic Fluid Heater
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Thermic Fluid Heater
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We are proud to introduce ourselves as one of the master manufacturers and suppliers of a wide range of Thermic Fluid Heaters (Coal/ Agro Waste). Designed in accordance to international industrial standards, our Anutherm Thermic Fluid Heaters are admired for high efficiency and cost effectiveness. Some of the salient features of these Thermal Fluid Heaters are efficiency of heat transfer, corrosion free, no scale problems, prospect of high temperature, no boiler regulation and long thermal fluid life.
Thermic Fluid Heater
275,000 Per Piece
Thermic Fluid Heaters
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fluidtherm or commonly known as thermic fluid heater is the most efficient and highly effective in process heating equipmentwhich uses high viscous oil as a heating medium. these are generally used in a system where the pressure is not desired in a process and temperature requirement is higher and using the boiler for high-temperature services may increase the cost of a project. it can improve process consistency and reduce downtime leading to further increase in profitability. thermodyne engineering systemsmanufacture thermic fluid heaters that can be used to heat various fluids such as thermal oil, petroleum oil, therminol, and even water. application of thermic fluid heater: they can be used in various process industries such as:- food processing industries rubber and plastics industries publishing and print industries metal fabrication and finishing plants paper industries textile industries natural gas processing plants crude oil extraction and processing industries. chemical industries plywood and laminates confectionery working and construction of fluidtherm: the thermic fluid heater consists of a specially designed high pressure and temperaturethermic fluid pump which circulates thermic fluid into the coil. it consists of two concentric coils in which inner coil acts as a radiation zone and outer coil act as convection zone. Flue gas velocity is generally higher between the 2 coils and between the coil and the outer shell, so higher the velocity higher will be the convective heat transfer between the flue gas and fluid. it can be made either 3 pass or 4 pass depending on the design of thermic fluid heater and the type of fuels to be burnt. The efficiency of the heater increases with increase in the number of passes. the maximum temperature of 350℃ of thermal fluid can be achieved in a fluidtherm although the higher temperature of the thermal fluid can be achieved provided the temperature of fluid does not exceed the autoignition temperature. thermodyne, fluidtherm – thermic fluid heater also consists of deaerator and expansion tank. The density of fluid decreases with increase in the temperature of fluid so a tank is generally installed in a process to help accommodate the extra volume of fluid which is increased due to increase in the fluid temperature. For every 100℃ rise in the fluid temperature, the volume of fluid increases by 7% so expansion tank is added to take care of that extra volume. deaerator tank is combined with the expansion tank and is generally used to vent out air from the fluid which acts as resistance in transferring heat to the fluid. thermodyne, fluidtherm can be used to burn the different type of fuels such as:- solid fuels – wood, coal, petcoke, rice husk, etc. liquid fuels – light diesel oils, heavy oils, etc. gaseous fuels – natural gas, liquified petroleum gas, etc. advantages high capacity heating system fully automatic unit – maintains the desired temperature of the thermic fluid high system efficiency – reduced operating cost. best applicable for high-temperature heating can attain temperatures upto 300 o c minimum site work and ease of installation can operate on the variety of fuels as per local availability failsafe design and dependable safety instruments rugged design and superior construction high flow rate ensures the higher life of thermic fluid and heater coil backed by prompt and efficient after sales service deaerator/expansion tank integral arrangement type capacity fluidtherm is available in capacities from 1 lac kcal/hr to 25 lac kcal/hr
Wood Fired Thermic Fluid Heater
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Fluidtherm is the most reliable and efficient fluid heating system, desirable for high process temperatures operating at low temperatures. Thermic fluid heaters offer higher efficiency, lower operational and maintenance costs. It can improve process consistency and reduce downtime leading to further increase in profitability.
Thermic Fluid Heaters
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This is one of the most trusted names among Thermic Fluid Heaters and is synonymous with high reliability, high efficiency, longer equipment life and lower operational & maintenance costs. Construction The hot thermic fluid is circulated in a closed circuit by a high temperature circulating pump and the heat is transferred to the process through an appropriate heat exchanger at user's end. A combined de-aerator cum expansion tank eliminates any liberated gases and absorbs the thermic fluid expansion during the heating process. Various options of fuels are available like oil, gas, wood, coal, rice husk & other agrowaste fuels, thereby providing full flexibility and low operational energy costs Advantages Fully automatic unit High system efficiency Most suitable for high temperature heating Can attain temperatures upto 300oC Minimum site work and ease of installation Can operate on variety of fuels as per local availability Capacity Range Thermic fluid heater is available in capacities from 1 Lac Kcal/hr to 25 Lac Kcal/hr.
solar thermic fluid heaters
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solar thermic fluid heaters, 30W AC Street Light Lens, 80W Solar Street Light
Thermic Fluid Finned Air Heater
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Thermic Fluid Finned Air Heater, Hot Water Boiler, Thermic Fluid Oil