Nan pao resins chemical co., ltd. Was founded in taiwan in 1961 by dr. Keiun kodo, a world famous chemist and leading authority on synthetic resin adhesive. He did research on polymer chemistry in japan when he was young and subsequently he introduced nan pao to a lot of advanced technology from other developed countries. He also set up the research and development department in nan pao for developing new products and specializing in the research and manufacture of synthetic resins.
1953 (i) nan pao textile printing factory founded; (ii) production of synthetic resins’s dyes
1963 transformed as nan pao resins chemical co., ltd.
1964 production of water-proof paints “815” polyacrylate resins
1965 production of footwear’s adhesives
1968 production of graft chloroprene adhesives
1971 (i) established research and development centre; (ii) nan pao resins chemical co., ltd. Cooperated with hoechst ag, west germany, to co-found polyresins co., ltd.; (iii) production of unsaturated polyester resins polyurethane resin for synthetic leathers
1981 (i) nan pao resins chemical co., ltd. Merged with polyresins co., ltd.; (ii) production of solvent-based paints and water-based paints; (iii) became an authorized manufacturer of bayer for manufacturing silicone sealants
1982 (i) joined the nova international paint association; (ii) production of chemical sheets and hot-melt sheets
1983 became an authorized manufacturer of ripolin for manufacturing powder coating
1984 production of waterproofing membranes and waterleak-stop seals
1987 (i) 25th anniversary of incorporation; (ii) thai nan pao resins chemical co., ltd. Founded
1991 (i) p.t. Indo nan pao resins chemical co., ltd. Founded; (ii) production of polyester resins for powder coating
1992 (i) eastlion industrial limited founded (huang-jiang nan pao shoes-materials factory); (ii) fuqing nan pao resin co., ltd. Founded;(iii) production of leather reinforcement resins
1993 production of elastic paints
1994 (i) vietnam office established; (ii) production of water-based sealant
1995 (i) sgs yarsley iso9002 qualified; (ii) production of water-based pu resins for textile
1996 (i) qualified the iso9002 inspection by bciq, m.o.e.a.(bureau of commodity inspection & quarantine, ministry of economic affairs, r.o.c.); (ii) manufacture of epoxy floor paints and cement reinforcement resins
1997 (i) nan pao resins (china) co., ltd. Founded; (ii) production of water-based adhesives for footwear
1998 (i) production of flame retardant paints and (ii) toluene-free adhesives
1999 (i) nan pao resin (vietnam) co., ltd. Founded; (ii) sgs yarsley iso14001 qualified; (iii) production of water-based primers and waster-based paints for plastics
2000 promotion activities of ohsas18001
2001 production of (i) water-based rubber primer and (ii) water-based cr cement for lasting
2002 production of (i) water-based uv primer; (ii) hydrostab silver powder coating and (iii) photocatalytic paint
2003 (i) sgs yarsley iso 9001:2000 qualified; (ii) qualified the iso9001:2000 standards of bsmi (bureau of standards, metrology and inspection, m.o.e.a.); (iii) production of pu moisture curing pu for textile lamination; (iv) trans-printer powder coating; (v) electronic resist solder paint and (vi) reactive pu hot melt adhesive
2004 production of high heat resistance powder coating
2004 nan pao resins (foshan) co., ltd. Founded
2005 nan pao resin (vietnam) co., ltd. Commenced to produce of white emulsion adhesives in march、mobil phone coating starts production,nan pao coating received "chinese famous product" award.
2006 production of (i)electronic insulation varnish (ii)pvdf powder coating (iii)energy-saving and thermal insulation coating (iv)antistatic powder coating.
2006 nan pao coating received "national inspection-free product"、nan pao electronic materials corporation has founded. Nan pao resins charity foundation for society welfare has founded.、renew the trade mark and some of the packages.
2007 nan pao chemical co.,ltd has founded、nan pao resins chemical company starts production of (i) reactive hot-melt adhesive for textile lamination (ii) non-cr, water-based anti-fingerprint surface treatment agent for metal.
2008 nan pao resins(vietnam)powder coating starts production.
2009年 yuan sheng biotechnology co., ltd founded
foshan nanpao advanced materials co., ltd
nan pao applicated material co., ltd founded
2010年 biorich biotechnology co., ltd founded
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