Oil Fired Thermic Fluid Heater
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Description · Multistart concentric coil (pressure part) Fabricated out of seamless pipe to ASTM 304 sch-40 forming three passes in close circuit design.· outlet Shell of carbon steels enclosing the pressure part, complete the shells facilities. · Double stage Pressure automatic burner· One motorized fuel oil pump· One oil filter · Oil piping from filter to burner· Sequence Controller-LOA-24, Fuel Pump or another Thermic Fluid Pump- Ksb or other,Motor-Cromption, Contractors-L & T or equipment, or equipment, Coil-Tata or Jindal Seamless MOUNTING, INSTUMENTS, CONTROLS AND SAFETIES · One fuel oil pressure indicator at burner inlet.· Two pressure indicator complete with isolating needle valves on each at the inlet and outlet of thermic fluid heater.· One temperature indicator cum controller to indicate and control the burner at return the thermic fluid line.· One temperature indicator cum controller at the outlet of the heater for safety cut of the burner.· Light dependent resistor (photocell) to monitor the flame ignition transformer.· Audio-alarms for abnormal operating conditions.· Power coated, dust proof, prewired control panel housing electric isolator switch, contactor, sequence controller, temperature controllers, indicating lamps, , fuses . BATTREY LIMITS · Inlet and outlet flanges of the main unit.· Inlet and outlet flanges of thermic fluid pump.· Inlet of oil filter.· Flue gas outlet flange on thermic fluid heater.· Electrical terminal connecting on our control panel, circulating pump motor.
Wood Fired Thermic Fluid Heater
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Fluidtherm is the most reliable and efficient fluid heating system, desirable for high process temperatures operating at low temperatures. Thermic fluid heaters offer higher efficiency, lower operational and maintenance costs. It can improve process consistency and reduce downtime leading to further increase in profitability.
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