Saffron Oil Dealers in Ghaziabad

(4 products available)
  • Saffron/Zafran/Kesar Absolute Oil

    Saffron/Zafran/Kesar Absolute Oil

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    Saffron/Zafran/Kesar Absolute areone of the premium spices in the world. It is made from the dried stigmas of the saffron plant. Attar oil is aPersian name for fragrance, scent or essence. Saffron attar oil contains pure saffron which is distilled with expensive Indian sandalwood to make saffron attar.The saffron oil has the exact aroma of Saffron flowers. The smell is an aromatic composition of flotral and spicy notes with a dab of ether. Saffron oil is also known as zafran, and kesar. This oil should be used with caution and kept away from children. It should be diluted before using it on the skin. This oil can be diluted by mixing it with vegetable oils. It is called the oil of love as it promotes excitement to the emotions. USES Saffron absolute oilis used in making soaps, perfumes, shampoos and other cosmetics.. It also provides aromatherapy. It is a relaxing agent also used by saints and healers in naturopathy treatment. The continent Safarnalin saffron,when used in cream and other cosmetic products, reduces and prevents acne and wrinkles. It also fights against germs causing damage to the skin. Spas and massage centers around the world have realized its importance and now it is effectively used for body massages. It is used as a suitable ointment for healing wounds, for regulating body temperature and for aiding digestion

  • kesar oil

    kesar oil

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    • Type :: Essential oil/Natural oil
    • Part Used :: stigma of flowers
    • Colour and appearance :: Light yellow / golden, woody, spicy smell similar to that of hay
    • Brand :: Plantae Extracts Pvt. Ltd.
    • Application :: Skin Care/Body Care/Hair Care

    Also known as the Fantastic Liven, Saffron is exclusive often. Beautiful, challenging, exclusive, exclusive, sensitive and the most costly, this is a spice to be believed with and is value its bodyweight in gold! Elusive because saffron is the judgment of the saffron plant (Crocus Sativus) and each saffron plant contains only three stigmas. These stigmas or saffron discussions are chosen by seniors females from the center of the crocus plant and it requires anywhere around 70,000 to 250,000 blossoms to get one lb of saffron. Specification :KESAR ESSENTIAL OIL 100% PURE AND NATURAL EXTRACTED FROM REAL RED STIGMAWe are the maker and exporter of 100% Genuine and Organic saffron items like. Saffron Oil Saffron Oleoresin Saffron Attar (Zaffron Attar) (Sandalwood Oil Based) Saffron Attar (Mix Spices or herbs and natural herb blend) Saffron Shamama Benefit :Saffron is not only a unusual and unique spice; it is also the most costly liven on the globe. Saffron (Crocus Sativus) is known as the fantastic spice; mainly because of its reddish-golden shade and is expanded in most areas around the globe such as many Western and Areas of asia. While saffron is in requirement because of its perfume, taste, and shade, it is worth noting that this liven also has several healing advantages. These are some of the several saffron health advantages. Skin : Saffron contains anti-oxidants that secure the epidermis from toxins and this makes it very attractive anti-aging organic home remedies.Benefits of Saffron for Epidermis & Hair :Saffron plays an important role in the beauty industry. It is one of the main components in most equity lotions as it encourages equity of skin tone and removal of skin blemishes. Apart from these equity lotions, there are several herbal remedies using saffron which are more safe and efficient since they are devoid of any chemical additives found in most lotions.Rubbing experience with sweetie to which a few lengths of saffron have been included is an excellent house cure, which provides oxygen to the skin layer thus promoting blood vessels flow.Add a few lengths of saffron to dairy and let it soak for two hours. Rub this dairy all over the neck and experience and wash off after about 20 moments. Use continuously and watch the skin convert several shades lighter.A touch of saffron included to liquorice and dairy, when applied on patches on the head encourages growth of hair and prevents locks loss.Mix one tsp. of sandalwood powder, 2-3 lengths of saffron and 2 teaspoons of dairy. Apply this insert on to a clean and freshly washed, wet experience and massage thoroughly using small round movements with the tips of your fingers. Allow to dry on your experience for about 20 moments and wash. Use this insert once every week for a radiant and radiant skin tone.Saffron for a radiant skin : Add 2-3 lengths of saffron to one tsp. of h2o overnight. By morning the color of the h2o will convert yellow. Add to this one tsp. of dairy, 2-3 drops of grape oil or olive oil and a touch of sugar. Dip a piece of bread in this mixture and spread all over your experience. Leave this cover up on experience to dry for 15 moments. This cover up freshens up dull skin immediately and allows erase under eye circles under the eyes. It also is an efficient way of exfoliation the skin layer, helping in blood vessels flow and leaving behind a smooth and radiant skin.Adding few lengths of saffron in your daily glass of dairy also allows to give you a radiant skin tone.Mothers-to-be regularly drink dairy into which 2-3 lengths of saffron have been soaked in the belief that the fetus in the mom's uterus will get a fair and radiant skin tone

  • Best Deals from Saffron Oil

  • Saffron Oil

    Saffron Oil

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    • Country of Origin: India Greece Iran
    • size: 10 ML, 100 ML, 250 ML, 500 ML, 1 KG, 5 KG, 10 KG, 25 KG, 180 KG
    • Botanical name: Crocus sativus
    • Plant Part: Flowers
    • Extraction Method: Steam Distillation
    • Solubility: Soluble in Alcohols,Essential Oils and insoluble in water
    • Specific Gravity: 0.91000 – 0.91500 @ 25 °C
    • Optical Rotation: -3 to -5
    • Refractive Index: 1.47600 – 1.48000 @ 20 °C
    • Consistency:  Thin
    • Strength of Aroma: Medium – Strong
    • Mixes well with: Vanilla, dried lime, amber, and lavender essential oils
    • Common Uses: The stigmas, and sometimes the petals, are also used to make medicine. People use saffron most commonly for depression, anxiety, Alzheimer disease, menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea), and premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
    • Aromatic Scent: Woody, spicy, hay like odor, and is extremely appealing and fragrant.
    • Kid Safe: Yes
    Expo Organics
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  • Kesar Brahmi Hair Oil

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    Kesar Brahmi Hair Oil

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