Techemo- RS50 Bioremediation Microbes
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TECHEMO-RS50 FOR Pond Bio Remediation/ Lake Cleaning Microbes Blend of Nitrobcter, Azobacter and Lactobacillus The beneficial bacteria in TECHEMO Pond clarifier produce potent enzymes that break up complex compounds into smaller particles that can be used by the cell for the purpose of growth and reproduction. The Microbes will multiply and grow as long as there are pollutants in the lake/pond. As the pollution level decreases, so does the growth rate of the bacterial population and eventually they expire or remain in a dormant state in low numbers. Benefits: Efficiently reduces COD & BOD levels. Degrades Organic Sludge adequately. Stabilizes oxygen levels in pond for fishes to breathe easily. Restores the pond ecosystem & improves water clarity. Curbs foul Odour. RS50 Eco-friendly organic product; harmless to human, animal, birds or aquatic life forms. Reduces COD and BOD to great extent rapidly. Reduces colour of the effluent Reduces turbidity Accelerate the flocculation process and aides settling of the suspended molecules Control odor. We are one of the reputed manufacturers of a wide range of Bio Culture Bacteria Solution. Organics in the waste water result in high BOD, COD, TDS and MLSS. They also release odorous substances like H2S, Methane, Ammonia, Acetates, Fatty acids, etc causing odor problems in the vicinity. The COD and the BOD in the waste water can be reduced either using aerobic degradation or anaerobic degradation process. Quicker removal of such substances helps lowering of the BOD, COD and other parameters to the limits stipulated by the Pollution Control Board.TECHEMO offers a highly specialised aerobic microbial cultures. TECHEMO- RS50 to aide in the process of aerobic degradation of organic compounds to reduce COD and BOD, TECHEMO RS50 consisting of multiple cultures of microbes, ideal for organic degradation. TECHEMO -RS50 is a consortium of high efficiency aerobic bacterial and fungal cultures. TECHEMO -RS50 is free of the harmful pathogens. TECHEMO - RS50 microbial consortiums is provided in Liquid form to the customers, using high quality specifically selected powder based attachment medium. Application Notes Application of TECHEMO - R550 does not need any expensive installation or modifications of the process equipment. For any type of waste water application, dose 1kg of TECHEMO - RS50 for 1000 litres of waste water at the Pond. The initial incubation period is 48 hrs, After 48 hrs, a regular continuous input feed can be given to treat continuous inflow of ETP or STP water.