Vpi Silicon Tape
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ruby mica vpi silicone tape is used in insulation of coils, bars of motor and alternator. Ruby mica vpi silicone tape also possesses higher dielectric values. Ruby mica vpi silicone tape is suitable for vacuum process impregnation (vpi) and through that a temperature index of at least 200oc can be obtained. Ruby mica vpi silicone tape consists of calcined muscovite mica paper infused with aramid fibroids reinforced with glass fabric bonded together using silicone resin. availability : length : 25 to 200 m width : 10 to 1000 mm packing : tapes are packed in airtight mechanically strong, weather proof boxes so that these are protected from dirt, dust and moisture. The packing also ensures safe transit and storage. shelf life : 12 months at < 25oc in dry condition 24 months at 5oc
Mica Silicone VPI Tape
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ruby mica® glass / mica silicone vpi tape is a lamination of calcined rnuscovite mica paper with glass cloth. High thermal-grade silicone resin is used as a bonding agent making it a class h insulation product. Mica paper is infused with ararnid° fibroids to strengthen and enhance its resin-absorption capabilities making it suitable for vacuum pressure impregnation (vp!). Post-curing temperature-index is 200°c. a choice of uncalcined highly porous muscovite mica paper with class f epoxy resin as a binding agent is also available. This glass / mica epoxy vpi tape contains zinc napthenate as an accelerator.
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