Certificate Courses in Alpha Commercial Belt, Greater Noida

(2 service providers available)
  • english language training

    english language training

    10,000 - 15,000 Per Bag

    English Caffe is a well-established institute in Greater Noida that offers Spoken English and Communication Skills courses for professionals and individuals. The institute has a team of expert trainers who provide online and offline comprehensive training in English speaking, communication, and soft skills.  

  • C++ Language Training

    C++ Language Training

    4,999 Per per

    Basic C++C++ HOMEC++ IntroC++ Get Started C++ SyntaxC++ OutputPrint TextNew LinesC++ CommentsC++ VariablesDeclare VariablesDeclare Mulple VariablesIdenfiersConstantsC++ User InputC++ Data TypesBasic Data TypesNumbersBooleansCharactersStringsC++ OperatorsArithmecAssignmentComparisonLogicalC++ StringsStringsConcatenaonNumbers and StringsString LengthAccess StringsUser Input StringsOming Namespace C++ MathC++ BooleansBoolean ValuesBoolean ExpressionsC++ Condionsifelseelse ifShort hand if..elseC++ SwitchC++ While LoopWhile LoopDo/While Loop C++ For LoopC++ Break/ConnueC++ ArraysArraysArrays and LoopsOmit Array SizeC++ ReferencesCreate ReferencesMemory AddressC++ PointersCreate PointersDereferencingModify PointersC++ FunconsC++ FunconsC++ Funcon ParametersParameters/ArgumentsDefault ParameterMulple Parameters Return ValuesPass By ReferenceC++ Funcon OverloadingC++ ClassesC++ OOPC++ Classes/ObjectsC++ Class MethodsC++ ConstructorsC++ Access SpecifiersC++ EncapsulaonC++ InheritanceInheritanceMullevel InheritanceMulple InheritanceAccess SpecifiersC++ PolymorphismC++ FilesC++ Excepons

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