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A grain is a small, hard, dry seed, with or without an attached hull or fruit layer, harvested for human or animal consumption.A grain crop is a grain-producing plant. The two main types of commercial grain crops are cereals and legumes. The term specifically refers to seeds of plants of the grass family, such as wheat, corn, and rice; seeds of non-edible grass species are also often called "grains." After being harvested, dry grains are more durable than other staple foods, such as starchy fruits (plantains, breadfruit, etc.) and tubers (sweet potatoes, cassava, and more). This durability has made grains well suited to industrial agriculture, since they can be mechanically harvested, transported by rail or ship, stored for long periods in silos, and milled for flour or pressed for oil. Thus, major global commodity markets exist for maize, rice, soybeans, wheat and other grains but not for tubers, vegetables, or other crops.
organic food grains
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Organic farming is the proven method of agriculture practiced through centuries. This system relies on ecosystem and frees the land of its dependency on the external synthetic inputs to retain its productivity. It is a system that begins to consider potential environmental and social impacts by eliminating the use of synthetic inputs, such as synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, genetically modified seeds and breeds, preservatives, additives and irradiation. Advantages of organic farming are widespread covering every aspect of agriculture. To name a few its major advantages include the following: Chemical free soil, Improved bio diversity, Retention of soil fertility.
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Wheat Grain
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Food Grains
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Food Grains
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