Herbal Massage Oil
We offer Massage Oil. our herbal massage oil is one of its kinds due to its beneficial actions on the body. our herbal massage oil helps in relieving stress & strain of any kind. it has a wonderful impact when applied on muscles after a stressful day. made of pure natural oils, it has a therapeutic healing functional role to play and has no side effects on the skin. the oil awakens the mind & energizes the body & helps relax stiff, tight muscles. the oil can also be applied on skin in case of cuts, burns, wounds & joint pains. health benefits : relieves stresscalms the mind and bodyenergizes the bodyhelps in relaxing stiff or tight musclesapplied on burns, cuts etchas healing powersproperties : makes the body strongprovides a good night sleepsoothingrelaxingused in : panchkarmaayurvedicherbalhealth fitness centersspahealth resortspersonal use