Transmission Belts
Uniformity in Thickness & Width Higher Longitudinal & transverse strengths. Higher Level of adhesion. Controlled elongation. Lighter in weight thus consuming less power. Improved resistance to flex fatigue test. Available in variety of colors
Length : 250 mtr Roll length
Color : Beige, grey, camel,yellow,black and other colours as per customer requirement
...moreSPEED V-Belts
A SPEED is the new generation V-Belts developed to meet the rigorous demand of industries. Free Set Belt built with a smooth international finish. Specially designed to provide more belt life under same drive conditions. Engineered to ensure more gain. Construction The cover is manufactured from a cotton fabric impregnated with special compound of rubber. This cover resist external influence and secure uniform friction against pulley groves. Cushion rubber maintains good adhesion of tension member and holds it in correct position. The tension member is made of specially treated polyester cords, which have high tensile strength, low elongation and excellent resistance to bending fatigue. For belt's long life specially compounded compressed rubber is used to resist extreme heat and compression.
...moreNarrow V Belts
A matched set of Rajjan Rubbers Wedge. V-belts for multiple drive retains superior uniformity undertension. A Alaska matched set remains perfectly matchedeven after long period of storage.
...moreHexagonal V-Belts
Designed specially for reverse-bend serpentine drive. New cross section for maintaining proper belt position in pulley groove even in case of extreme reverse-bend drive. Owing to larger flexibility gien by as well as to NEW CROSS Section, the service life has become longer than that of traditional double V-Belts. Construction Rubber impregnated cross woven cotton-polyester fabric. Low Stretch high modulous adhesive actvated polyester cable cord. Cushion rubber Compression rubber
...moreConveyor Belts
This Grade is specially Compounded Rubber Cover recommended for good resistance to cutting and gouging and conform to abrasion, loss value. This is recommended for conveying heavy , sharp highly abrasive material like metallic ores, granites ,limestone, coal blasts furnace, slag and clinker, etc. Belts are made with this grades are as per International Standards IS 1891(Part-I). This is recommended for compounds rubbers covers grade handling moderately abrasive materials Conform to the maximum abrasion loss value specified for Grade like sized coal, ash, chalk, bauxite, etc. Conforms to international Standards IS 1891(Part-I).
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