Automatic Voltage Controller
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Our company has cemented its presence among the reliable Manufacturers and Suppliers of Automatic Voltage Controller. The Voltage Controllers we make available are manufactured using the latest technology. In order to minimize the losses and increase the efficiency, we make use of heavy section of electrolytic grade rectangular copper strip instead of copper wire in our regulator. One can obtain these at nominal rates. Details : Linear, Plus / Minus Type Vertical Rolling Contact Voltage Regulator : In our voltage regulator we are using heavy section of electrolytic grade rectangular copper strip instead of copper wire to minimize the losses & increase the efficiency of equipment. We are also using self-lubricating carbon roller assemblies instead of ordinary carbon brushes which offer more reliability and trouble free performance of the equipment. Double Wound Buck / Boost Type Series Transformer : In our Buck / Boost transformer we are using CRGO lamination to minimize iron losses. Coils of Buck / Boost transformer are wound with heavy section of multi strips electrolytic copper to minimize copper losses for getting better efficiency of the equipment. Electronic Control Circuit and Meter Panel : Automatic Servo Voltage Controller consists of very simple electronic control voltage circuit for monitoring and controlling voltage, repair & maintenance of which is very easy. The regulator and Buck / Boost transformer are oil cooled, housed in same or separate sheet steel tanks. Radiators are provided for effective cooling. The coils of voltage regulator & Buck / Boost Transformers are vacuum impregnated and oven dried as per IS.