D. C. L. DENCARE INDIA LTD. Udyog Vihar Phase Iv, Gurugram, Haryana

GST Number : 06AABCD4436D1Z4
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  • Perio chip

    Perio chip

    950 - 1,300 Per Barrel

    100 Barrel (MOQ)

    Osspore Perio CHIP Osspore Perio -ribbon is used to disinfect and bring resolution of deep periodontal pockets. Presented in easy to adapt soft gelatine base chip which is easily to insert into pocket. Impregnated with slow release Chlorohexdine Gluconate, Triclosan and Tricalcium Phosphate . The chip is 7 day biogradeable . It delivers medication direct to affect periodontal tissue.. Contains: Gelatin, Chlorohexdine Gluconate, Triclosan and Tricalcium Phosphate is used to early bring resolution of Debrided periodontal tissue. Presented in easy to adapt soft adhesive gelatine sheet to easily apply into cervical margins. Impregnated with slow release Chlorohexdine Gluconate and Triclosan. Also the Incorporation of TCP allows for reduced sensitivity and fast epithelial growth. . The sheet is 7 day biogradeable and easy to apply. It delivers antibacterial medication direct to affect periodontal tissue. 4mm wide 10mm length FEATURES Indicated for pocket depth ≥ 5mm Available in 3 different shapes Wide spectrum of antimicrobial activityRelease: Slow release over 7 to 10 days tissue source from bovinebiogradeableadherence to tissue. Adhesive & durable Excellent biocompatibility. Safe and effective. 5 mm x 5 mm 2% FEATURES Adhesive ribbon to protect debrided gingiva Wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity .Slow release over 7 to 10 days Beta TCP to encourage gingivae attachement Excellent biocompatibility. Safe and effective. Available with Gingi Protect Light cure film to protect ribbon

    Brand Name : Xcem

    Country of Origin : India

    Type : DENTAL

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  • Osspore XENO - Bovine Bone Graft

    Osspore XENO - Bovine Bone Graft

    3,960 - 5,000 Per Bag

    BOVINE Xeno BONE Harvested from certified suppliers. Very carefully deprotienized, defatted and rendered non antigenic by special process. Highly refined process. Terminally sterilized by Gamma Irradiation. Assure fast quality bone regeneration.. The calcium and phosphate ions released, stimulates the formation of bone s. This special  biphasic composition provides optimum performances in regeneration of bone. The interconnected macropores and micropores provides porosity of over 70%, similar to cancellous bone. The total surface is filled by migrating body own cells. Tthe material is resorbed and replaced bone fresh bone. The interconnected macropores and micropores provides porosity of over 70%, similar to cancellous bone. The total surface is filled by migrating body own cells. Tthe material is resorbed and replaced bone fresh bone. AVAILABLE AS GRANULES 250U TO 1000U AND 2000U (TO ORDER) ALSO AVILABLE IN SYRINGES

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  • Endox (Rotary files)

    Endox (Rotary files)

    1,350 - 1,600 Per Piece

    100 Piece (MOQ)

    Nickle Titanium rotary file is used to prepare and shape root canals to apex. Its innovative curtting edges blades  and cross section shape enables flexible passage along root canals. The design of flute and edges allows file to grate  and control cut of root canal. Excellent heat induced flexibility ensures easy passge along even most difficult root canals Features: Sharp and styled cutting edge Abrasive property allow smooth shape. Axial and torsional high flexibility Efficient cutting along length to tip Benefits Safe and easy technique Donot screw effect Quality metal Economical in use. Sold a pack of 6 Assorted sizes

    Country of Origin : India

    Brand Name : Xcem

    Condition : New

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  • Collagen Membrane

    Collagen Membrane

    1,170 - 1,300 Per pcs

    100 pcs (MOQ)

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  • Rubeena
  • Plot No. 43 Udyog Vihar Gurgaon Haryana 122015, Udyog Vihar Phase Iv, Gurugram