Laser Treatments Of Anal Fistula
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Anal Fistula is a condition which demands extensive care and specialized technique. While treating anal fistula, Surgeon has to face the difficulty in approaching abnormal tunnel and to destroy fistula tract without injuring the anal sphincter. a significant injury may cause life-long incontinence. Better to deal the Anal Fistula with the help of laser surgery . Under laser treatment, laser energy is delivered with the help of radial fiber into the anal fistula tract and it then thermally ablates the tract and closes off the abnormal pathway. The laser energy induces destruction of the fistula epithelium and simultaneous obliteration of the remaining fistula tract by a shrinkage effect. The epithelialized tissue is being destroyed in a controlled way and the fistula tract collapse to a very high degree. This also supports and accelerates the healing process.