HEPA Filters
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Hygine Airtech brings truly world class HEPA filters that are reliable and economical devices for removing concentrations of sub-micronic particles of both biological and chemical origin Making of HEPA Filters: Filters consist of fibre glass filter core.The fibre glass medium is continuously pleated back and forth over corrugated separators that add strength to the core and provide air passages between the pleats.The core is then sealed in full depth metallic casing with special adhesives like polyurethane sealant. Filter media: Non-woven micro glass-fibre Separator: Aluminium Sealant: Eproxy Filter frame: Aluminium,Stainless Steel Max Temp: 120oC Max Humidity: 100%RH Test Method: Hot Dop Test, Cold Dop Test, Scan Test, Dimensional checks Efficiency: 99.97% at 0.3 micron size Initial pressure drop: Less than 25mm WG at rated flow