Human Resource Management in New Colony, Gurugram

(3 service providers available)
  • Conflict Management Training

    Conflict Management Training

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    Here is a sad truth: Conflict is inevitable. People disagree. People argue. Sometimes, there is conflict. Conflict management is a way of resolving conflict early, by means of skilled communication and negotiation. We need to know how to nip the problem in the bud; and how to defuse the situation before it gets out of hand. Do you handle conflicts well? Or not? Do you sometimes come on too strong? Or are you, on occasion, not strong enough? Some people are too passive. The best way to resolve conflicts is to develop a rational approach to all people and all problems. Use reason, as opposed to either a high-emotional approach or avoidance. RISE Training on Conflict Management helps your teams to develop their skills as rational conflict managers.

  • Performance Management & Employee Relationship Management

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    Performance Management & Employee Relationship Management

  • Looking for Human Resource Management Service Providers

  • Retained Search

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    Retained Search, Contingency Search

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